I would consider anyone who spews out ';prophecies'; to a be a mental case.Would you consider dr. bill deagle a false prophet?im sure you all have herd of him.with his prophecies.?
Never heard of him, but I am sure he is just a convoluted lying megalomaniac. Prophet is a red herring.Would you consider dr. bill deagle a false prophet?im sure you all have herd of him.with his prophecies.?
Never heard of him
Monday, February 8, 2010
Since Joseph Smith made many prophecies which didn't come about would that make him a false prophet?
For instance, in 1835 Smith claimed that the Lord would again come in just 56 years. We would gather from this ';prophecy'; that Jesus Christ would again come to earth on or before 1891; no doubt Joseph Smith was incorrect (History of the church 2:182). In 1832 Joseph Smith claimed he had a revelation concerning the building of a temple in Independence, Missouri. According to section 84, verses 4 and 5, of the Doctrine and Covenants, he stated this ';temple shall be reared in this generation. For verily this generation shall not pass away until an house shall be built unto the Lord, and a cloud shall rest upon it...'; to this day the spot consecrated by Smith fails to be the sight of a great temple, but instead is covered with a well-kept lawn. In fact, the Mormon church does not even own the land.Since Joseph Smith made many prophecies which didn't come about would that make him a false prophet?
Actually, LDS people evade the false prophet label by cleverly devising ways in which the prophecies could come true in the future. This evasion has lead me to just say that Joseph Smith is a clever deviser of tales (as are many of his followers). See 2 Peter 1.16, where such clever devising is historically noted. Also, LDS people use this opportunity to accuse Jesus of prophesying falsely when He referred to 'this generation' in Matthew 24 (referring to the generation that would see the beginning of the signs He was speaking about).Since Joseph Smith made many prophecies which didn't come about would that make him a false prophet?
If you need any more proof that Joseph Smith made up his ';book of revelations';, notice the style he writes in ';...For verily this generation shall not pass away';...sound familiar? Blasphemy AND plagerism! Doesn't the Bible say something about a worse punishment for those who lead others astray from the word of God?
No. There are many prophets who told prophecies that didn't come to pass. People can change the course of prophecy when they choose to either not follow that prophecy, or other people interfere with that prophecy. It's called agency.
Here's some sites for you. They explain the whole false prophecy thing.
Speaking of prophets...
Here is a man proclaiming to be the last prophet, surprisingly, all of his predictions have come true...
Issiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel all made prophecies that have not been fulfilled-----Yet.
Yes your right. Also the Jehovah witnesses also have this history of false predictions. God doesnt prophesy lies.
According to the Bible if one of your prophecies is false you are a false prophet and must be put to death. (Old Testament stuff)
If your assertion is correct then so is your conclusion. Personally I don't know. But I'm not LDS.
Everything Smith said and did make him false.
Pastor Art
many false prophets shall come and go, Smith has his own writings and teaching that are not of the Bible, that says it all
Why am I not surprised?
Coming to a stop on the Susquehanna river,,and trying to be like Moses,,
Joseph Smith was a con-man, enough said.
false prophet indeed, he was an a hole too.
he was on LSD
to answer your question......';yes';.
Prophesy is conditional. It is conditional on the people to whom it is given. The people were told things that based on their current condition or if they were to do certain things they would receive these blessings. It was fact that if the people were to follow the guidelines set they would have had the Temple in Independence built and the Saviour would have Come Again. However, they did not keep their end of the bargain.
It is the same way with the law of Tithing and the Word of Wisdom (not to mention all the rest of the rules God makes but these are the easiest to show). Tithing says if you keep it then you will receive blessings from heaven - even so much that you cannot receive it all. WoW states if you keep it you'll be healthy and have energy. You have to keep the laws and promises in order to get the results.
Joseph Smith was a false prophet. he made many false prophecies and has deceived many people.
He has met the Lord face to face. The consequences of his actions are apparent to him now... To bad it was too late for him. I just pray that others will really seek the truth and not suffer the same fate.
Actually, LDS people evade the false prophet label by cleverly devising ways in which the prophecies could come true in the future. This evasion has lead me to just say that Joseph Smith is a clever deviser of tales (as are many of his followers). See 2 Peter 1.16, where such clever devising is historically noted. Also, LDS people use this opportunity to accuse Jesus of prophesying falsely when He referred to 'this generation' in Matthew 24 (referring to the generation that would see the beginning of the signs He was speaking about).Since Joseph Smith made many prophecies which didn't come about would that make him a false prophet?
If you need any more proof that Joseph Smith made up his ';book of revelations';, notice the style he writes in ';...For verily this generation shall not pass away';...sound familiar? Blasphemy AND plagerism! Doesn't the Bible say something about a worse punishment for those who lead others astray from the word of God?
No. There are many prophets who told prophecies that didn't come to pass. People can change the course of prophecy when they choose to either not follow that prophecy, or other people interfere with that prophecy. It's called agency.
Here's some sites for you. They explain the whole false prophecy thing.
Speaking of prophets...
Here is a man proclaiming to be the last prophet, surprisingly, all of his predictions have come true...
Issiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel all made prophecies that have not been fulfilled-----Yet.
Yes your right. Also the Jehovah witnesses also have this history of false predictions. God doesnt prophesy lies.
According to the Bible if one of your prophecies is false you are a false prophet and must be put to death. (Old Testament stuff)
If your assertion is correct then so is your conclusion. Personally I don't know. But I'm not LDS.
Everything Smith said and did make him false.
Pastor Art
many false prophets shall come and go, Smith has his own writings and teaching that are not of the Bible, that says it all
Why am I not surprised?
Coming to a stop on the Susquehanna river,,and trying to be like Moses,,
Joseph Smith was a con-man, enough said.
false prophet indeed, he was an a hole too.
he was on LSD
to answer your question......';yes';.
Prophesy is conditional. It is conditional on the people to whom it is given. The people were told things that based on their current condition or if they were to do certain things they would receive these blessings. It was fact that if the people were to follow the guidelines set they would have had the Temple in Independence built and the Saviour would have Come Again. However, they did not keep their end of the bargain.
It is the same way with the law of Tithing and the Word of Wisdom (not to mention all the rest of the rules God makes but these are the easiest to show). Tithing says if you keep it then you will receive blessings from heaven - even so much that you cannot receive it all. WoW states if you keep it you'll be healthy and have energy. You have to keep the laws and promises in order to get the results.
Joseph Smith was a false prophet. he made many false prophecies and has deceived many people.
He has met the Lord face to face. The consequences of his actions are apparent to him now... To bad it was too late for him. I just pray that others will really seek the truth and not suffer the same fate.
Do Ellen G. Whites prophecies on the Civil War prove her to be a false prophet?
http://www.ellenwhiteexposed.com/egw46.h鈥?/a>Do Ellen G. Whites prophecies on the Civil War prove her to be a false prophet?
The Bible, which says that there will be no more prophets, because everything has already been prophesied, proves that she is false.Do Ellen G. Whites prophecies on the Civil War prove her to be a false prophet?
I thought many of her comments on the war of northern aggression were insightful, and possibly indicated that she was sent of the Almighty.
I read it and my answer is SO? I did not read where she predicted anything, but I did read where others said that she did. She did make some statements, but that does not qualify as a prediction.
Yes. But keep in mind that there is no such thing as a true prophet.
I have not read any such prophecies regarding the civil war on the official Ellen White web site...
all that she said and did can be supported by the Bible...
and that bogus web site link is part of nexus which follows UFOs and other weird stuff...not much for factual info there...
Actually all prophets are false...as are false idols......
The Bible, which says that there will be no more prophets, because everything has already been prophesied, proves that she is false.Do Ellen G. Whites prophecies on the Civil War prove her to be a false prophet?
I thought many of her comments on the war of northern aggression were insightful, and possibly indicated that she was sent of the Almighty.
I read it and my answer is SO? I did not read where she predicted anything, but I did read where others said that she did. She did make some statements, but that does not qualify as a prediction.
Yes. But keep in mind that there is no such thing as a true prophet.
I have not read any such prophecies regarding the civil war on the official Ellen White web site...
all that she said and did can be supported by the Bible...
and that bogus web site link is part of nexus which follows UFOs and other weird stuff...not much for factual info there...
Actually all prophets are false...as are false idols......
An astonishing 668 prophecies have been fulfilled by the bible and none have ever been proven false...?
Has any other religious text been that accurate? Could God really be God and the bible the word of God? Or did its author have a crystal ball?An astonishing 668 prophecies have been fulfilled by the bible and none have ever been proven false...?
It's very easy to say that ';extremely vague'; equals ';accurate';.An astonishing 668 prophecies have been fulfilled by the bible and none have ever been proven false...?
Oh, jon, you do flatter! =0)
I believe that the whole reason God included prophecy in His Word is to prove to us doubting humans who He is and that He is in control and knows every detail about everything that goes on. He also told us these things so that we can be prepared to see them happening when they come, i.e. the prophecies concerning the first coming of the Messiah. It is up to us and our free will whether to see, believe, and acknowledge or not.
benhikin, EarthAngel, and bc_munkee,
I think this question is over-stated a bit. And yes, he should have been ready with some proof to back up the claim.
There are around 600 prophecies relating to Christ alone. Around 300 were fulfilled at His first coming (in exact detail) and another 300 are yet to be fulfilled by His second coming. I listed as many as I could put together in a year and have documented them at this link...
There are many other prophecies that have been fulfilled or are in the process. Here are a few that I have documented.
Prophecy does beg one to answer a crucial question, the existence of God and the validity of His Word.
bettierage - Would like to know what you find vague about the prophecies I have documented above. There are hundreds more regarding the coming of the Messiah, the calling of Cyrus the Mead by name to allow the rebuilding of the temple in Jerusalem, and the re-establishment of the nation of Israel. The regathering of the nation of Israel in 1948 is incredibly precise in its fulfillment. Going as far as to explain its replanting of trees and being a large exporter of fruit. See a list of some of the prophecies at this link... http://www.konig.org/page3.htm
Note that an event like this has never happened before in all of history. In fact, Robert Anderson who was the inspector for Scotland Yard (who caught Jack the Ripper) took the book of Daniel as providing the date Messiah was to come. His incredible calculations pinpointed the DAY Jesus rode in to Jerusalem. For this, he was knighted by Queen Victoria and became Sir Robert Anderson. However, he read other prophesies regarding Israel becoming a nation again and thought that this was WAY too preposterous. No nation, after being conquered and scattered, EVER returned again to form a nation and a people. So it must have had some ';allegorical'; meaning to it. Well, in 1948, Sir Robert Anderson was proven wrong. Sir Robert Anderson believed the Bible, but his doubt in a wild claim such as Israel becoming a nation was too much for him. THAT is how accurate prophecy is. Before the fulfillment took place, Anderson assumed it was wrong (having lived in the Victorian era pre 1948). He twisted nothing, but assumed it was something else entirely.
Isaiah 34:16
';Search from the book of the LORD, and read: Not one of these shall fail; Not one shall lack her mate. For My mouth has commanded it, and His Spirit has gathered them.';
2 Peter 1:16-21 (condensed)
For we did not follow cunningly devised fables when we made known to you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but were eyewitnesses of His majesty...and so we have the prophetic word confirmed, which you do well to heed as a light that shines in a dark place...for prophecy never came by the will of man, but holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit.
As a Christian, I would really like to know how you respond to the prophesy in Ezekiel Chapter 29 that Nebuchadnezzar would conquer Egypt and Egypt would be laid waste for forty years. This never happened.
I am a Christian, but I have to admit that this is just one that Ezekiel apparantly got wrong. There are some who say it just has not happened yet, and I guess that is possible. Iraq could start calling itself Babylon again, and the failure of the American policy there could cause a monarchical form of Government to come to power, and one of those kings could be named Nebuchadnezzar. And I suppose that king could attack and conquer Egypt, but it is not likely.
:: Looks at bible, looks at him, looks at bible. ::
The world is flat...
The beast's number is 666...
Gee, seems this book is SOOO accurate, seeing as how all of us are dead...
- 16 yo Pagan
I expect a lot of quote mining of portions of text from the Tanakh as ';proof'; of your allegation. Should be fun.
By the way, do you think it's hypocrisy to use a portion of text in support of your views but tell someone who doesn't agree with you that if they use a portion of text that contradicts you that they somehow took it out of context? Just wondering.
No crystal ball - God really is God and the Bible is really the word of God and we will continue to see more the prophecies fulfilled just as accurately and no there have been none other come within a percentace of meeting their predictions.
That's a mighty big claim, where's your evidence?
No. Yes. No. He didn't need a crystal ball: He is The God.
And for the guy who asks which prophecies, the best way is to research it on your own. But the asker of this question is correct. Those prophecies have been fulfilled accurately and timely.
I have to ask you. What prophecies came true?
Do you have any proof, or am I just supposed to take your word for it.
What 668 prophecies are you talking about? Moses dying on a cliff just like the lord told him?
What a joke.
Some desire to disclaim the Bible's prophesies and accuracy because this would make people accountable to its writings. Archeologists have found artifacts from King Nebudchenezzar and Belshazzar, during King David and Solomon's reign, even proven the walls of Jericho where destroyed, not by fallen forward or backward, but they came straight down, AS THE BIBLE said
Until the doubters get proof of God's existence in their heart, they will continue to doubt. They do not want to be accountable to a God.Ltd
It's very easy to say that ';extremely vague'; equals ';accurate';.An astonishing 668 prophecies have been fulfilled by the bible and none have ever been proven false...?
Oh, jon, you do flatter! =0)
Report Abuse
I believe that the whole reason God included prophecy in His Word is to prove to us doubting humans who He is and that He is in control and knows every detail about everything that goes on. He also told us these things so that we can be prepared to see them happening when they come, i.e. the prophecies concerning the first coming of the Messiah. It is up to us and our free will whether to see, believe, and acknowledge or not.
benhikin, EarthAngel, and bc_munkee,
I think this question is over-stated a bit. And yes, he should have been ready with some proof to back up the claim.
There are around 600 prophecies relating to Christ alone. Around 300 were fulfilled at His first coming (in exact detail) and another 300 are yet to be fulfilled by His second coming. I listed as many as I could put together in a year and have documented them at this link...
There are many other prophecies that have been fulfilled or are in the process. Here are a few that I have documented.
Prophecy does beg one to answer a crucial question, the existence of God and the validity of His Word.
bettierage - Would like to know what you find vague about the prophecies I have documented above. There are hundreds more regarding the coming of the Messiah, the calling of Cyrus the Mead by name to allow the rebuilding of the temple in Jerusalem, and the re-establishment of the nation of Israel. The regathering of the nation of Israel in 1948 is incredibly precise in its fulfillment. Going as far as to explain its replanting of trees and being a large exporter of fruit. See a list of some of the prophecies at this link... http://www.konig.org/page3.htm
Note that an event like this has never happened before in all of history. In fact, Robert Anderson who was the inspector for Scotland Yard (who caught Jack the Ripper) took the book of Daniel as providing the date Messiah was to come. His incredible calculations pinpointed the DAY Jesus rode in to Jerusalem. For this, he was knighted by Queen Victoria and became Sir Robert Anderson. However, he read other prophesies regarding Israel becoming a nation again and thought that this was WAY too preposterous. No nation, after being conquered and scattered, EVER returned again to form a nation and a people. So it must have had some ';allegorical'; meaning to it. Well, in 1948, Sir Robert Anderson was proven wrong. Sir Robert Anderson believed the Bible, but his doubt in a wild claim such as Israel becoming a nation was too much for him. THAT is how accurate prophecy is. Before the fulfillment took place, Anderson assumed it was wrong (having lived in the Victorian era pre 1948). He twisted nothing, but assumed it was something else entirely.
Isaiah 34:16
';Search from the book of the LORD, and read: Not one of these shall fail; Not one shall lack her mate. For My mouth has commanded it, and His Spirit has gathered them.';
2 Peter 1:16-21 (condensed)
For we did not follow cunningly devised fables when we made known to you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but were eyewitnesses of His majesty...and so we have the prophetic word confirmed, which you do well to heed as a light that shines in a dark place...for prophecy never came by the will of man, but holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit.
As a Christian, I would really like to know how you respond to the prophesy in Ezekiel Chapter 29 that Nebuchadnezzar would conquer Egypt and Egypt would be laid waste for forty years. This never happened.
I am a Christian, but I have to admit that this is just one that Ezekiel apparantly got wrong. There are some who say it just has not happened yet, and I guess that is possible. Iraq could start calling itself Babylon again, and the failure of the American policy there could cause a monarchical form of Government to come to power, and one of those kings could be named Nebuchadnezzar. And I suppose that king could attack and conquer Egypt, but it is not likely.
:: Looks at bible, looks at him, looks at bible. ::
The world is flat...
The beast's number is 666...
Gee, seems this book is SOOO accurate, seeing as how all of us are dead...
- 16 yo Pagan
I expect a lot of quote mining of portions of text from the Tanakh as ';proof'; of your allegation. Should be fun.
By the way, do you think it's hypocrisy to use a portion of text in support of your views but tell someone who doesn't agree with you that if they use a portion of text that contradicts you that they somehow took it out of context? Just wondering.
No crystal ball - God really is God and the Bible is really the word of God and we will continue to see more the prophecies fulfilled just as accurately and no there have been none other come within a percentace of meeting their predictions.
That's a mighty big claim, where's your evidence?
No. Yes. No. He didn't need a crystal ball: He is The God.
And for the guy who asks which prophecies, the best way is to research it on your own. But the asker of this question is correct. Those prophecies have been fulfilled accurately and timely.
I have to ask you. What prophecies came true?
Do you have any proof, or am I just supposed to take your word for it.
What 668 prophecies are you talking about? Moses dying on a cliff just like the lord told him?
What a joke.
Some desire to disclaim the Bible's prophesies and accuracy because this would make people accountable to its writings. Archeologists have found artifacts from King Nebudchenezzar and Belshazzar, during King David and Solomon's reign, even proven the walls of Jericho where destroyed, not by fallen forward or backward, but they came straight down, AS THE BIBLE said
Until the doubters get proof of God's existence in their heart, they will continue to doubt. They do not want to be accountable to a God.
If the Bible is false, then why are its prophecies so accurate?
Here are some examples:
2:17 But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.
3:6 ... and he did eat.
5:5 And all the days that Adam lived were nine hundred and thirty years: and he died
In Genesis, God predicted that Adam would die the day he ate from the tree. It took a day + 930 years. That's pretty accurate, right?
How about this one? It's about King Solomon and is from 2 Samuel:
7:13 He shall build an house for my name, and I will establish the throne of his kingdom for ever.
7:16 And thine house and thy kingdom shall be established for ever before thee: thy throne shall be established for ever.
Since Solomon's Kingdom of Israel is still around and wasn't destroyed by the Assyrian Empire in around 720 B.C., this prophecy came true as well.
In light of all these ';fulfilled'; prophecies, how can people not believe in the Bible?If the Bible is false, then why are its prophecies so accurate?
Vishal, the bible is not a math book. If you're looking for ';factual errors'; (to quote an atheist yesterday) and you spend your time digging deep enought to find it, BINGO! you found one and then you sarcastically ask a question to say ';gotcha!';Well so what, pat yourself on the back and remember, in Animal Farm there were talking animals too and it's considered great literature, the bible with all its metaphors, analogies and parables is poetic literature, but with a clear message.If the Bible is false, then why are its prophecies so accurate?
Understood, thank you for the explanation.
Much in the book were scribed after the fact, and much in it ARE inaccurate. Now I'm not condemning the bible; just be wary of what's in there.
The best question ever asked on here. And some of the answers are so funny - it seems many people can't actually read.
nice one!
No prophecy that was presumably written and fulfilled in Genesis could be considered as prophetic simply because Genesis was written thousands of years after the events took place.
In 2 Samuel, I take the words ';for ever'; to mean ';for ever';. Where is that house, where is that throne? I don't know of any extant Kings in Israel.
The two examples you just gave don't show anything. When prophecy is written purposely vague, it isn't prophecy.
Nostradamus has been shown to be as accurate as the Bible. If you believe the Bible because of such ';fulfilled prophecy'; do you also believe Nostradamus?
i'm not christian and didnt bother to check your facts but,i think your exactly the type of person who should listen to
a guy from youtube,
stuff that he said that you should practice (he took these quotes from the bible)
you shouldnt pray on the streets go home lock yourself in a closet and pray there
the bible is just miracles because if it wasnt for the miracles nobody would listen
also watch his video title is jesus gay?
You missed it my friend. Adam was going to live forever until he ate of that evil tree. Adam would not have died at 930 years old. Adam would be alive today. God got Adam out of the Garden quick because the tree of life was in that garden also. And if evil Adam had eaten of the tree of life, then evil would exist forever, but Adam didn't. So Jesus was able to come and take away those evil sins of the world that Adam brought into the world. Salvation is a free gift of God. Accept it.
The Throne of David, Solomon's father has been established forever and when Christ returns He will sit on the Throne of David in the New Jerusalem. He was crucified with a sign over His head, ';King of the Jews.'; This prophecy is yet to be fulfilled when Jesus returns. As long as the King lives His throne is established forever. I serve a living God and King of Kings. Seek you first the Kingdom of God and everything else will be added unto you. Seek God, my friend.
you've convinced me.....
wait, what? those are false...you're having us on, aren't you?
';how can people not believe in the Bible?';
Perhaps they are Hindus or Muslims or Atheists. These people don't care for your bible.
If I write a fictional story, does that mean I can`t incude chapters from the encyclopidia.
The bible is a mix of truths lies and half truths...!!
i believe in the bible 100%ti really tell you all the things that going to occur before it hapens
Both were full filled; however not in the way that you think. The Genesis passage says that ';IN THE DAY that you eat of it you will surely die.'; You are right, Adam lived 930 years after that day. But he did die spiritually as we all do the moment we sin. Notice what is said in Romans 6:23 and James 1:13-15.
The second passage was talking about David not Solomon. He was to raise up from his (David's) descendants a King and a Kingdom. You are correct in that Solomon's kingdom did come to an end two to three times in history. Then we know that this isn't the kingdom that we are talking about. Jesus (a descendant of David) is reigning right now, 1 Corinthians 15:24-28, Hebrews 2:7-8, and Matthew 28:19. We then are part of His Kingdom which is His Church. Notice that John mentions that he is in the kingdom, Revelation 1:6,9. Also look at Colossians 1:13.
These as well as all the prophecies in the Bible are accurate.
lol, n im not even a Christian, BUT i am standing up for what i believe..
Your first question or statement is true.Adam and Eve died spiritually there eye where opened and they knew they had sinned and they where ashamed. They had a perfect relationship with God. They could talk to him just like we talk to each other. But since they choose to do wrong they died a spiritual death and where cast from a perfect place the Garden of Eden.
I wanna know what kinda fruit that was that made him surely die 930 years later.
I'll start serving it at my restaurants (with some really good 2000 calorie dippin' sauce).
I'm lovin' it.
Gosh, I'm convinced-thanks
I see you have been reading the Bible again -- dangerous stuff.
Don't you enjoy the pornographic Song of Solomon? lol
The first prophecy wasn't so much a prophecy as a warning. God said that if Adam ate the fruit, he would die. That death wasn't a physical one, obviously. It was spiritual. This is backed up in scripture all over the place, as we are told that man is spiritually dead until he is made spiritually alive again by Jesus Christ - that is why it is called being ';born again';. Although, part of that spiritual death was Adam and Eve's eventual physical deaths as well.
The second one is talking about Solomon's bloodline. Both Mary and Joseph, Jesus' parents, were descendants from Solomon's bloodline. There was no king of Israel when Jesus was born, but technically Joseph would have been on the throne if the country was still run that way. And since Jesus was Joseph's son, He was next in line for the throne. One day Jesus is going to reign physically here on earth from the throne in Israel, thus fulfilling that prophecy of Solomon's throne being established forever.
Your effort is ';good'; I suppose, but it is flawed in that you show a basic lack of understanding of the Bible and its principles. Of course it makes no sense to you - it is only discerned by the help of the Holy Spirit, and you do not have His help because you aren't saved. You are welcome to keep trying though!
if prohecy is a test for finding whether bible is true or false,then i can give you a number of unfulfilled prophesies and let you decide whether bible is true or not:
if you read Genesis, Chapter No. 4, Verse No. 12, it says… ‘God told Cain: you will never be able to settle you will be a wanderer.’ Few Verses later on Genesis, Chapter No.4, Verse No.17, says…‘Cain built up a city’ – unfulfilled prophecy. If you read Jeremiah, Chapter No.36, Verse No.30, it says that…‘Jehoiachin the father of Jehoiachin… no one will be able to sit on his throne - The throne of David, no one will be able to sit after Jehoiachin.’ If you read later on, II Kings, Chapter No 24, Verse No 6, it says that… ‘Jehoiachin after he died, later on Jehoiachin sat on the throne’ - Unfulfilled prophecy. If you read Ezekiel, Chapter No 26, it says that…‘Nebuchader, he will destroyed Tyre.’ We come to know that Alexander the great, was the person who destroyed Tyre - Unfulfilled prophecy. Isaiah, Chapter No. 7, Verse No 14, says, prophesying of…‘The coming of a person who will be born to a virgin - his name shall be Emmanuel.’ They say… the Christians - it refers to Jesus Christ peace be upon him. Born to a virgin - the Hebrew word there is ‘amla’, which means not ‘a virgin’- ‘a young lady.’ The word for ‘virgin’ in Hebrew is, ‘baitula’, which is not there. Even if you agree - we are using concordance - we agree… ‘Virgin’… ‘Virgin’ - No problem. It says… ‘He will be called Immanuel.’ No where in the Bible is Jesus Christ peace be upon him, is called as Immanuel - Unfulfilled prophecy.
One is sufficient to prove the Bible wrong - I have given a few clear unfulfilled prophesies.
... who ever said it WAS false?
If one grows up reading the ancient Hebrew prophets and then writes a new testament, of course, he will show that the predictions came true.
If the bible ever predicted the exact words,';Space Shuttle'; or ';Dinosaur';, and not stretchy translations of them like ';Behemoth or dragon'; I'd be more impressed.
You know my rules.. thumbs up.= you agree with me.. thumbs down = I'm right and I've pissed you off. DEAL WITH IT!
That's why its called the word of God. Many scriptures have been full filled. Like in Isaiah where it talks about Jesus being born, but many Jews still do not realize that came true. I believe in Isaiah where it talks about he will be bruised for our iniquities, that came true.
Nostradamus has a pretty good track record, how do you explain that?
I was alway very fascinated about the virgin birth prophesy!
Isaiah 7:14-16 (KJV) Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin* (Heb=young girl) shall conceive and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel* (*not “Jesus”!). Butter and honey shall he eat, that he may know to refuse the evil (Jesus[?] in need to learn how to refuse EVIL!), and choose the good. For before the child shall know to refuse the evil, and choose the good, the land that thou abhorrest shall be forsaken of both her kings.
After this “virgin” lady gives birth the boy is quite a little devil and needs to learn to reject EVIL and choose to do good! This is mentioned twice! Please correct me if I am wrong! The Early Church Fathers and some Gospel writers had to take everything out of context to make it work!
Christianity today is banking on a “virgin birth” pregnancy without sexual intercourse when the Early Church Fathers claim that the Blessed Virgin Mary was drenched in Holy Dew* (*Semen) from head to toe! (Apocrypha - Gospel of Saint Bartholomew chapter 2)
Chapter II (2)
3 Bartholomew therefore said unto Peter: Thou that art the chief, and my teacher, draw near and ask her. But Peter said to John: Thou art a virgin and undefiled and thou must ask her.
4 And as they all doubted and disputed, Bartholomew came near unto her with a cheerful countenance and said to her: Thou that art highly favored the tabernacle of the Most High, unblemished we, even all the apostles, ask thee to tell us how thou didst conceive the incomprehensible.
5 But Mary said unto them: Ask me not concerning this mystery. If I should begin to tell you, fire will issue forth out of my mouth and consume all the world.
6 But they continued yet the more to ask her. And she, for she could not refuse to hear the apostles, said: Let us stand up in prayer
14 And when she had ended the prayer she began to say unto them: Let us sit down upon the ground; and come thou, Peter the chief, and sit on my right hand and put thy left hand beneath mine armpit; and thou, Andrew, do so on my left hand; and thou, John, the virgin, hold together my bosom; and thou, Bartholomew, set thy knees against my back and hold my shoulders, lest when I begin to speak my bones be loosed one from another.
15 And when they had so done she began to say: When I abode in the temple of God, on a certain day there appeared unto me one in the likeness of an angel.
16 And straightway the veil of the temple was rent and there was a very great earthquake, and I fell upon the earth, for I was not able to endure the sight of him.
17 But he put his hand beneath me and raised me up, and I looked up into heaven and there came a cloud of dew and sprinkled me from the head to the feet, and he wiped me with his robe.
Probably the Blessed Virgin Mary's blue dress was stained with a heavy dose of Heavenly dew, too. ';Angel'; is plain ';messenger'; in Greek. There is no distinction in the Greek on whether the messenger that was assisting the Blessed Virgin Mary in her heaven made copulation was human or Celestial being. According to Saint Bartholomew there was a whole gang of ';messengers'; assisting the Blessed Virgin Mary to copulate with the Holy Spook. Evidently Saint Gabriel was the head angel (no pun intended).
I am only pasting what the early church fathers knew about the Holy Conception! Today Cristians are very much in denial and I am about to be banned out of Yahoo for telling it like it is in Christianity!
The prophecies are accurate because the Bible isn't false.
Not all people recognize these truths.
The truth is revealed to those who love and seek the truth.
A day is as a thousand years and a thousand years is as one day.
The day of the Lord is the millennial rule of Christ and is one thousand years,
because it contains both , word of God and word of man
some istrue
and other false prophecies are obviously,,, not the word of God.
the bible doesn't contain prophecies it tells stories. since adam died long before the bible was written it can't be considered a prophecies. you can't start an argument with a false statement and then feel righteous about your conclusions.
Good question. I believe the Bible is true...but then again I am a Christian. You are right about the prophecies, and there are more that have been coming true also. Like you won't be able to really tell the seasons apart...that's happening right now. It should be freezing right now, but in Oklahoma it's in the mid 50's and 60's NOT NORMAL. So...I guess it just depends on the person. I don't understand why people don't believe it either.
Bible is not 100% false. Real meanings of many words do get lost in translations. Also translators add their own views and interpretations translating from one language to another. When a message is translated from one language to second and from second to third it becomes something else too - not 100% but meanings of many message do change. Since original languages are dead, how translations can be verified. Arabic is living language and Quran's translators can not mess its meanings because it gets checked and corrected. Muslims always read the Arabic text. Daily prayers are valid only when said in original Arabic text.
The self-authenticating, God-breathed Word, contained in the Old and New Testaments, is sufficient for faith and practice.
2:17 But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.
3:6 ... and he did eat.
5:5 And all the days that Adam lived were nine hundred and thirty years: and he died
In Genesis, God predicted that Adam would die the day he ate from the tree. It took a day + 930 years. That's pretty accurate, right?
How about this one? It's about King Solomon and is from 2 Samuel:
7:13 He shall build an house for my name, and I will establish the throne of his kingdom for ever.
7:16 And thine house and thy kingdom shall be established for ever before thee: thy throne shall be established for ever.
Since Solomon's Kingdom of Israel is still around and wasn't destroyed by the Assyrian Empire in around 720 B.C., this prophecy came true as well.
In light of all these ';fulfilled'; prophecies, how can people not believe in the Bible?If the Bible is false, then why are its prophecies so accurate?
Vishal, the bible is not a math book. If you're looking for ';factual errors'; (to quote an atheist yesterday) and you spend your time digging deep enought to find it, BINGO! you found one and then you sarcastically ask a question to say ';gotcha!';Well so what, pat yourself on the back and remember, in Animal Farm there were talking animals too and it's considered great literature, the bible with all its metaphors, analogies and parables is poetic literature, but with a clear message.If the Bible is false, then why are its prophecies so accurate?
Understood, thank you for the explanation.
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Much in the book were scribed after the fact, and much in it ARE inaccurate. Now I'm not condemning the bible; just be wary of what's in there.
The best question ever asked on here. And some of the answers are so funny - it seems many people can't actually read.
nice one!
No prophecy that was presumably written and fulfilled in Genesis could be considered as prophetic simply because Genesis was written thousands of years after the events took place.
In 2 Samuel, I take the words ';for ever'; to mean ';for ever';. Where is that house, where is that throne? I don't know of any extant Kings in Israel.
The two examples you just gave don't show anything. When prophecy is written purposely vague, it isn't prophecy.
Nostradamus has been shown to be as accurate as the Bible. If you believe the Bible because of such ';fulfilled prophecy'; do you also believe Nostradamus?
i'm not christian and didnt bother to check your facts but,i think your exactly the type of person who should listen to
a guy from youtube,
stuff that he said that you should practice (he took these quotes from the bible)
you shouldnt pray on the streets go home lock yourself in a closet and pray there
the bible is just miracles because if it wasnt for the miracles nobody would listen
also watch his video title is jesus gay?
You missed it my friend. Adam was going to live forever until he ate of that evil tree. Adam would not have died at 930 years old. Adam would be alive today. God got Adam out of the Garden quick because the tree of life was in that garden also. And if evil Adam had eaten of the tree of life, then evil would exist forever, but Adam didn't. So Jesus was able to come and take away those evil sins of the world that Adam brought into the world. Salvation is a free gift of God. Accept it.
The Throne of David, Solomon's father has been established forever and when Christ returns He will sit on the Throne of David in the New Jerusalem. He was crucified with a sign over His head, ';King of the Jews.'; This prophecy is yet to be fulfilled when Jesus returns. As long as the King lives His throne is established forever. I serve a living God and King of Kings. Seek you first the Kingdom of God and everything else will be added unto you. Seek God, my friend.
you've convinced me.....
wait, what? those are false...you're having us on, aren't you?
';how can people not believe in the Bible?';
Perhaps they are Hindus or Muslims or Atheists. These people don't care for your bible.
If I write a fictional story, does that mean I can`t incude chapters from the encyclopidia.
The bible is a mix of truths lies and half truths...!!
i believe in the bible 100%ti really tell you all the things that going to occur before it hapens
Both were full filled; however not in the way that you think. The Genesis passage says that ';IN THE DAY that you eat of it you will surely die.'; You are right, Adam lived 930 years after that day. But he did die spiritually as we all do the moment we sin. Notice what is said in Romans 6:23 and James 1:13-15.
The second passage was talking about David not Solomon. He was to raise up from his (David's) descendants a King and a Kingdom. You are correct in that Solomon's kingdom did come to an end two to three times in history. Then we know that this isn't the kingdom that we are talking about. Jesus (a descendant of David) is reigning right now, 1 Corinthians 15:24-28, Hebrews 2:7-8, and Matthew 28:19. We then are part of His Kingdom which is His Church. Notice that John mentions that he is in the kingdom, Revelation 1:6,9. Also look at Colossians 1:13.
These as well as all the prophecies in the Bible are accurate.
lol, n im not even a Christian, BUT i am standing up for what i believe..
Your first question or statement is true.Adam and Eve died spiritually there eye where opened and they knew they had sinned and they where ashamed. They had a perfect relationship with God. They could talk to him just like we talk to each other. But since they choose to do wrong they died a spiritual death and where cast from a perfect place the Garden of Eden.
I wanna know what kinda fruit that was that made him surely die 930 years later.
I'll start serving it at my restaurants (with some really good 2000 calorie dippin' sauce).
I'm lovin' it.
Gosh, I'm convinced-thanks
I see you have been reading the Bible again -- dangerous stuff.
Don't you enjoy the pornographic Song of Solomon? lol
The first prophecy wasn't so much a prophecy as a warning. God said that if Adam ate the fruit, he would die. That death wasn't a physical one, obviously. It was spiritual. This is backed up in scripture all over the place, as we are told that man is spiritually dead until he is made spiritually alive again by Jesus Christ - that is why it is called being ';born again';. Although, part of that spiritual death was Adam and Eve's eventual physical deaths as well.
The second one is talking about Solomon's bloodline. Both Mary and Joseph, Jesus' parents, were descendants from Solomon's bloodline. There was no king of Israel when Jesus was born, but technically Joseph would have been on the throne if the country was still run that way. And since Jesus was Joseph's son, He was next in line for the throne. One day Jesus is going to reign physically here on earth from the throne in Israel, thus fulfilling that prophecy of Solomon's throne being established forever.
Your effort is ';good'; I suppose, but it is flawed in that you show a basic lack of understanding of the Bible and its principles. Of course it makes no sense to you - it is only discerned by the help of the Holy Spirit, and you do not have His help because you aren't saved. You are welcome to keep trying though!
if prohecy is a test for finding whether bible is true or false,then i can give you a number of unfulfilled prophesies and let you decide whether bible is true or not:
if you read Genesis, Chapter No. 4, Verse No. 12, it says… ‘God told Cain: you will never be able to settle you will be a wanderer.’ Few Verses later on Genesis, Chapter No.4, Verse No.17, says…‘Cain built up a city’ – unfulfilled prophecy. If you read Jeremiah, Chapter No.36, Verse No.30, it says that…‘Jehoiachin the father of Jehoiachin… no one will be able to sit on his throne - The throne of David, no one will be able to sit after Jehoiachin.’ If you read later on, II Kings, Chapter No 24, Verse No 6, it says that… ‘Jehoiachin after he died, later on Jehoiachin sat on the throne’ - Unfulfilled prophecy. If you read Ezekiel, Chapter No 26, it says that…‘Nebuchader, he will destroyed Tyre.’ We come to know that Alexander the great, was the person who destroyed Tyre - Unfulfilled prophecy. Isaiah, Chapter No. 7, Verse No 14, says, prophesying of…‘The coming of a person who will be born to a virgin - his name shall be Emmanuel.’ They say… the Christians - it refers to Jesus Christ peace be upon him. Born to a virgin - the Hebrew word there is ‘amla’, which means not ‘a virgin’- ‘a young lady.’ The word for ‘virgin’ in Hebrew is, ‘baitula’, which is not there. Even if you agree - we are using concordance - we agree… ‘Virgin’… ‘Virgin’ - No problem. It says… ‘He will be called Immanuel.’ No where in the Bible is Jesus Christ peace be upon him, is called as Immanuel - Unfulfilled prophecy.
One is sufficient to prove the Bible wrong - I have given a few clear unfulfilled prophesies.
... who ever said it WAS false?
If one grows up reading the ancient Hebrew prophets and then writes a new testament, of course, he will show that the predictions came true.
If the bible ever predicted the exact words,';Space Shuttle'; or ';Dinosaur';, and not stretchy translations of them like ';Behemoth or dragon'; I'd be more impressed.
You know my rules.. thumbs up.= you agree with me.. thumbs down = I'm right and I've pissed you off. DEAL WITH IT!
That's why its called the word of God. Many scriptures have been full filled. Like in Isaiah where it talks about Jesus being born, but many Jews still do not realize that came true. I believe in Isaiah where it talks about he will be bruised for our iniquities, that came true.
Nostradamus has a pretty good track record, how do you explain that?
I was alway very fascinated about the virgin birth prophesy!
Isaiah 7:14-16 (KJV) Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin* (Heb=young girl) shall conceive and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel* (*not “Jesus”!). Butter and honey shall he eat, that he may know to refuse the evil (Jesus[?] in need to learn how to refuse EVIL!), and choose the good. For before the child shall know to refuse the evil, and choose the good, the land that thou abhorrest shall be forsaken of both her kings.
After this “virgin” lady gives birth the boy is quite a little devil and needs to learn to reject EVIL and choose to do good! This is mentioned twice! Please correct me if I am wrong! The Early Church Fathers and some Gospel writers had to take everything out of context to make it work!
Christianity today is banking on a “virgin birth” pregnancy without sexual intercourse when the Early Church Fathers claim that the Blessed Virgin Mary was drenched in Holy Dew* (*Semen) from head to toe! (Apocrypha - Gospel of Saint Bartholomew chapter 2)
Chapter II (2)
3 Bartholomew therefore said unto Peter: Thou that art the chief, and my teacher, draw near and ask her. But Peter said to John: Thou art a virgin and undefiled and thou must ask her.
4 And as they all doubted and disputed, Bartholomew came near unto her with a cheerful countenance and said to her: Thou that art highly favored the tabernacle of the Most High, unblemished we, even all the apostles, ask thee to tell us how thou didst conceive the incomprehensible.
5 But Mary said unto them: Ask me not concerning this mystery. If I should begin to tell you, fire will issue forth out of my mouth and consume all the world.
6 But they continued yet the more to ask her. And she, for she could not refuse to hear the apostles, said: Let us stand up in prayer
14 And when she had ended the prayer she began to say unto them: Let us sit down upon the ground; and come thou, Peter the chief, and sit on my right hand and put thy left hand beneath mine armpit; and thou, Andrew, do so on my left hand; and thou, John, the virgin, hold together my bosom; and thou, Bartholomew, set thy knees against my back and hold my shoulders, lest when I begin to speak my bones be loosed one from another.
15 And when they had so done she began to say: When I abode in the temple of God, on a certain day there appeared unto me one in the likeness of an angel.
16 And straightway the veil of the temple was rent and there was a very great earthquake, and I fell upon the earth, for I was not able to endure the sight of him.
17 But he put his hand beneath me and raised me up, and I looked up into heaven and there came a cloud of dew and sprinkled me from the head to the feet, and he wiped me with his robe.
Probably the Blessed Virgin Mary's blue dress was stained with a heavy dose of Heavenly dew, too. ';Angel'; is plain ';messenger'; in Greek. There is no distinction in the Greek on whether the messenger that was assisting the Blessed Virgin Mary in her heaven made copulation was human or Celestial being. According to Saint Bartholomew there was a whole gang of ';messengers'; assisting the Blessed Virgin Mary to copulate with the Holy Spook. Evidently Saint Gabriel was the head angel (no pun intended).
I am only pasting what the early church fathers knew about the Holy Conception! Today Cristians are very much in denial and I am about to be banned out of Yahoo for telling it like it is in Christianity!
The prophecies are accurate because the Bible isn't false.
Not all people recognize these truths.
The truth is revealed to those who love and seek the truth.
A day is as a thousand years and a thousand years is as one day.
The day of the Lord is the millennial rule of Christ and is one thousand years,
because it contains both , word of God and word of man
some istrue
and other false prophecies are obviously,,, not the word of God.
the bible doesn't contain prophecies it tells stories. since adam died long before the bible was written it can't be considered a prophecies. you can't start an argument with a false statement and then feel righteous about your conclusions.
Good question. I believe the Bible is true...but then again I am a Christian. You are right about the prophecies, and there are more that have been coming true also. Like you won't be able to really tell the seasons apart...that's happening right now. It should be freezing right now, but in Oklahoma it's in the mid 50's and 60's NOT NORMAL. So...I guess it just depends on the person. I don't understand why people don't believe it either.
Bible is not 100% false. Real meanings of many words do get lost in translations. Also translators add their own views and interpretations translating from one language to another. When a message is translated from one language to second and from second to third it becomes something else too - not 100% but meanings of many message do change. Since original languages are dead, how translations can be verified. Arabic is living language and Quran's translators can not mess its meanings because it gets checked and corrected. Muslims always read the Arabic text. Daily prayers are valid only when said in original Arabic text.
The self-authenticating, God-breathed Word, contained in the Old and New Testaments, is sufficient for faith and practice.
What is it with pentecostal Church's and false prophets? are the prophecies even real?
For one and I may be wrong, it is the only church that does it.
But I see allot of false prophet's from some of the ones that speak in church. Like to day I got angry and kinda spoke my mind as she was speaking as if she was God. She studders sometimes or loses thought, and she pauses to think what she is going to say next. GOD IS PERFECT. If he uses her body and speaks threw her, it is him, not her and GOD IS WISE. He does not need to think to talk to us and think what he is going to say next. Thinking is for the dumb. This prophet made me so angry I spoke out loud and was mad at her. Telling people false prophicy. And showing why.
and 2 but it is something I still need to seek unto God about. So do not follow. She is a woman, woman are not allowed to speek in church, and man are slaves of God, woman are slaves of men. Genesis 3:16 last part. God rules over man. I was not angry because she was a woman though. Just of all the mistakes in the propehy, as if God needed a englsh lesson.What is it with pentecostal Church's and false prophets? are the prophecies even real?
true prophesy is rare..........not everyone who gets in the mood is real.....in fact, most are speaking from their own imaginations
if it is real;
it is 100% accurate
it is not just a bunch of general ';stuff';...like oh children, seek my face....repent....blah ..blah...blah.....God has mighty plans for you....God loves you.....
God will give some unknown details to prove it is Him...a specific ';word'; that no one there could possibly know ..and then this will show to be true.
it flows
it should ';blow you away'; - when God spoke in the bible....people fell to their knees in fear and awe.What is it with pentecostal Church's and false prophets? are the prophecies even real?
i try not to judge ...just stick with the source ..
';Thinking is for the dumb.';wow...just wow
In order for one to be a paster, preacher, or teacher of the word of God, they have to be chosen by God and anointed by the Holy Spirit in order to teach the Word of God. The Bible as you know teaches in the Last Days that many will come in His name and it will not be him, and many will be false Prophets preaching false doctrine. We are to be on the look out for this, and it is happening in all the Churches not just the Pentecostal. We are to stay away from False Teaching and to point out error. I wouldn't be able to attend a Church that is not preaching the Word of God.
Obviously you are not burdened with original thought.
I noticed that about some of the people in my old church. Sometimes one would speak in tongues and someone else would begin to interpret and once the pastor's wife didn't hear the first person interpreting and she started speaking over her on the microphone her own interpretation that was different from the first one. I witnessed a pastor do that once in another church, too. I think that people are people, we're human and subject to error. I think they all thought they had the interpretation from God. Obviously only one of them did but who knows which one did! lol
First, you are a child of the Lord in heaven and no WOMAN is BENEATH a MAN with respect in the eyes of ';God.'; This concept is of RELIGION and not of the holy in heaven. What is written in scripture was that of a life 2000 years ago and NOT the role of women EVER. What Paul writes in his Epistles CONTRADICTED even then all Jesus taught.
As for ';prophesy,'; NO prophesy is JUST if it pertains to the killing or destruction of ANYONE. Jesus even taught this when he said we should love our ENEMIES. Why would the Lord in heaven wish to DESTROY mankind? It is ILLOGICAL to his NATURE and his BEHAVIORS for one and is a misconception of mankind in it's religions to think that they can go around prophesing how God is going to KILL the unjust and reward the just. Those who are UNBELIEVERS punish THEMSELVES and need no help from the Lord in heaven for punishing them, for they do a good enogh job of that themselves. As for false prophets, there are many who would take on the shoes and say they are JESUS or GOD but NONE can fill their shoes for none is without SIN. Jesus was our Father on earth, and except for the powers over this reality Jesus gave his Apostles, no other person IS Jesus on earth but HIM, nor is any one of us worthy enough to have the father in us. Men and women in religions all make false proclaimations and it comes from the nature of SATAN to fill them with pure VANITY. Jesus said we must all be as CHILDREN. So how are ';children?'; Children are naive and humble for they know little of life and knowledge. It is better to be as a CHILD than a vain egotist proclaiming things upon the holy in heaven our delusions and vain nature have lead us to believe is true, when it is NOT.
But I see allot of false prophet's from some of the ones that speak in church. Like to day I got angry and kinda spoke my mind as she was speaking as if she was God. She studders sometimes or loses thought, and she pauses to think what she is going to say next. GOD IS PERFECT. If he uses her body and speaks threw her, it is him, not her and GOD IS WISE. He does not need to think to talk to us and think what he is going to say next. Thinking is for the dumb. This prophet made me so angry I spoke out loud and was mad at her. Telling people false prophicy. And showing why.
and 2 but it is something I still need to seek unto God about. So do not follow. She is a woman, woman are not allowed to speek in church, and man are slaves of God, woman are slaves of men. Genesis 3:16 last part. God rules over man. I was not angry because she was a woman though. Just of all the mistakes in the propehy, as if God needed a englsh lesson.What is it with pentecostal Church's and false prophets? are the prophecies even real?
true prophesy is rare..........not everyone who gets in the mood is real.....in fact, most are speaking from their own imaginations
if it is real;
it is 100% accurate
it is not just a bunch of general ';stuff';...like oh children, seek my face....repent....blah ..blah...blah.....God has mighty plans for you....God loves you.....
God will give some unknown details to prove it is Him...a specific ';word'; that no one there could possibly know ..and then this will show to be true.
it flows
it should ';blow you away'; - when God spoke in the bible....people fell to their knees in fear and awe.What is it with pentecostal Church's and false prophets? are the prophecies even real?
i try not to judge ...just stick with the source ..
';Thinking is for the dumb.';wow...just wow
In order for one to be a paster, preacher, or teacher of the word of God, they have to be chosen by God and anointed by the Holy Spirit in order to teach the Word of God. The Bible as you know teaches in the Last Days that many will come in His name and it will not be him, and many will be false Prophets preaching false doctrine. We are to be on the look out for this, and it is happening in all the Churches not just the Pentecostal. We are to stay away from False Teaching and to point out error. I wouldn't be able to attend a Church that is not preaching the Word of God.
Obviously you are not burdened with original thought.
I noticed that about some of the people in my old church. Sometimes one would speak in tongues and someone else would begin to interpret and once the pastor's wife didn't hear the first person interpreting and she started speaking over her on the microphone her own interpretation that was different from the first one. I witnessed a pastor do that once in another church, too. I think that people are people, we're human and subject to error. I think they all thought they had the interpretation from God. Obviously only one of them did but who knows which one did! lol
First, you are a child of the Lord in heaven and no WOMAN is BENEATH a MAN with respect in the eyes of ';God.'; This concept is of RELIGION and not of the holy in heaven. What is written in scripture was that of a life 2000 years ago and NOT the role of women EVER. What Paul writes in his Epistles CONTRADICTED even then all Jesus taught.
As for ';prophesy,'; NO prophesy is JUST if it pertains to the killing or destruction of ANYONE. Jesus even taught this when he said we should love our ENEMIES. Why would the Lord in heaven wish to DESTROY mankind? It is ILLOGICAL to his NATURE and his BEHAVIORS for one and is a misconception of mankind in it's religions to think that they can go around prophesing how God is going to KILL the unjust and reward the just. Those who are UNBELIEVERS punish THEMSELVES and need no help from the Lord in heaven for punishing them, for they do a good enogh job of that themselves. As for false prophets, there are many who would take on the shoes and say they are JESUS or GOD but NONE can fill their shoes for none is without SIN. Jesus was our Father on earth, and except for the powers over this reality Jesus gave his Apostles, no other person IS Jesus on earth but HIM, nor is any one of us worthy enough to have the father in us. Men and women in religions all make false proclaimations and it comes from the nature of SATAN to fill them with pure VANITY. Jesus said we must all be as CHILDREN. So how are ';children?'; Children are naive and humble for they know little of life and knowledge. It is better to be as a CHILD than a vain egotist proclaiming things upon the holy in heaven our delusions and vain nature have lead us to believe is true, when it is NOT.
Is there a database that shows the false rate or success rate or mormon prophecies?
http://www.jefflindsay.com/LDSFAQ/FQ_pro鈥?/a>Is there a database that shows the false rate or success rate or mormon prophecies?
If you ask a Mormon like myself it's 100% accurate.
If you ask an anti-mormon it's 0% accurate.
If you research the religion and ask God if it's true or not then you can come to your own decision.
Prophecies are not meant to convince people. Once the framework of faith is there, they are clear to see.Is there a database that shows the false rate or success rate or mormon prophecies?
Soupbone, Walter Martin was a fraud.
Kingdom of the cults, by Walter Martin.
If you ask a Mormon like myself it's 100% accurate.
If you ask an anti-mormon it's 0% accurate.
If you research the religion and ask God if it's true or not then you can come to your own decision.
Prophecies are not meant to convince people. Once the framework of faith is there, they are clear to see.Is there a database that shows the false rate or success rate or mormon prophecies?
Soupbone, Walter Martin was a fraud.
Kingdom of the cults, by Walter Martin.
Could you call Joseph Smith a false prophet since his prophecies were mostly wrong?
Mormons already have that covered...
When Joseph Smith gets something right he was speaking as a prophet of God but when Smith is wrong they say he was merely expressing a personal opinion and not acting in the capacity of a prophet.
(That's also how they explain away Brigham Young's statement about men in Quaker uniforms living on the moon)
Old Testament Prophets on the other hand always said when Their Message Was from God so that there would be no doubt, confusion or back flipping, for example:
Isaiah 1:2 - The Lord has spoken.
Jeremiah 10:1,2 - Hear the word which the Lord speaks. Thus says the Lord...
Ezekiel 1:3 - The word of the Lord came expressly.
Hosea 1:1,2 - The word of the Lord that came ... the Lord began to speak by Hosea, the Lord said...
Jonah 1:1 - The word of the Lord came to Jonah.
Micah 1:1 - The word of the Lord that came to Micah.
Zech. 1:1 - The word of the Lord came to Zechariah.
[See also Joel 1:2; Amos 1:3,6, etc; Obad. 1:1; Zeph. 1:1; Hab. 2:2; Deuteronomy 30:9,10; Numbers 12:6-8; 23:5,12,16,19
But just claiming to speak for God is not good enough because anyone could say that even if it wasn't true, so according to the Bible a true prophet who speaks for God:
1. Makes detailed, specific, verifiable, predictions that come 100% true, 100% of the time.
2. Even If they pass Test #1 and/or do other signs and wonders, if they then tell you to follow other Gods they are false prophets and fail the test.
A true prophet is therefore 100% accurate AND leads people to the God of the Bible, not away from him.
It is difficult to see how New Age Psychics and Mediums, the self-styled prophets of some of the more recent religions, and even some present day ';Christian'; prophets, would qualify as a genuine prophet if held to the Biblical standards of prophecy.
But Mormons have that covered too because they say the Bible has not been correctly translated so those traditional tests of a true prophet don't apply to them.
Even if they are right about that (despite them having no evidence that the Bible was wrongly translated) common sense would dictate that (a) specifying WHEN you are speaking for God (b) being specific and detailed so your predictions can be verified and (c) being 100% accurate even time you make a prediction is STILL the best and only way to differentiate between a true prophet and a false prophet.
The fact that the Bible does say the same thing is further validation of the logic of that good old fashioned common sense!
Kayla K: it's true Joseph Smith was a man and all men makes mistakes and sin, so when they speak as a man offering a personal opinion they may be wrong, but at the times they speak for God (under the guidance of the Holy Spirit) what they say is always 100% accurate.
guyster: Jesus didn't say ';You people I am speaking to now';, he said ';this generation';. ';This Generation'; could refer to the generation that is alive at the time the end times events commence.
It could equally apply to the Nation of Israel meaning that Israel will, against all the odds, survive .
The Greek word translated as Generation could also be translated as ';race'; meaning the human race will not pass away until after all these events have unfolded.
It can also be translated as ';age'; meaning the church age which was being ushered in by Christ will not pass away until everything is fulfilled, so there are at least FOUR ways Jesus' prophecy could still come true and all those ways are 100% compatible with each other so they could all come true simultaneously.Could you call Joseph Smith a false prophet since his prophecies were mostly wrong?
By there fruits, ye shall know them.
Could you call Joseph Smith a false prophet since his prophecies were mostly wrong?
YES and by the way prophecies made by a true prophet are ALWAYS right, because the prophecies are given by God and God is always right. The prophets in the Bible weren't perfect and did make mistakes. They weren't sinless. The same will be of today's prophets and the prophets to come. It's their prophecies we need to be aware of and know which are true or not. The only way to find out if prophecies are of God is to read the Bible and see if the Bible supports those prophecies. This is another step to check whether a person is a true prophet. See if the Bible supports their beliefs and prophecies.
I'm sorry if I'm repeating myself, but these are things we need to know today, because false prophets will become more prolific before the Lord comes. We need to know how to recognize them.
Yes. It only takes one false prophecy to make a false prophet. And that is according to God's Word, not man's. And Yeshua(Jesus) was not a prophet. He didn't prophecy. He is the Messiah. He FULFILLED prophecy.
God bless!
Is John the Beloved a false prophet because not all of his prophecies have been fulfilled already? Isiah? Jeremiah? Ezekiel? Hosea? Joel? Amos? Obadiah? Jonah? Micah? Nahum? Habakkuk? Zephaniah? Haggai? Zechariah ? Did I miss any? Lots!!
Evidently you can because you interpret whatever he said in your own mind to fit your idea of:
1. What prophecy is.
2. What Smith meant.
Edit: How about some actual links or hard references to the so-called prophecies or statements?
Sure, just like you can claim to be an atheist when in reality you are a fundamentalist.
You can call others (or yourself) by whatever labels you choose. It doesn't make it so.
There were false prophesies in the bible too.
Jesus said he'd return within the lifetime of those he spoke to.
It could be that ALL religions are false religions.
To be considered a prophet you CAN NOT have mistaken / wrong prophesies period! If you do then you ARE a false prophet!
Any prophet of God would be 100% correct... If the prophet erred even once he is not a prophet of God's for God knows everything from the beginning...
I would not use the words ';Prophet'; and ';Joseph Smith'; together period.
just because he may be wrong doesnt make him a false prophet. as long as he preaches that Jesus is the savour and the only way to heaven is though Him alone.
Yes, watched the movie September Dawn the other night, Great Movie by the way!! Anyway Him and Brigham Young are total wack jobs
No. I have yet to see one of his prophecies proven wrong.
Of course he was .A real prophet,the Bible says is 100% accurate at all times.
Sure you should
Those are just the tip of the ice burg!
Jesus is God's spokesman today, not man. There are no modern day prophets after Christ! (Heb 1:1-2)
If I base my answer to your example I definitely say YES. Did he really say all that?
God says he is a false prophet.I agree with God.
Joseph Smith was a man and all man makes mistakes and sins.
I checked your source and compared it to the original source that has not been changed and altered by wicked people in an attempt to belittle and discredit.
Your source is weak at best.
For those that are interested, the original link is here;
You will find that the original is much more believable than that put out by enemies of the Church.
Joseph Smith made No false prophecy.
In your finite mind you think that Christ did not appear to the Brethren at the Temple, just as the Jews are still waiting for the return of Elijah.
Do not think for one second that because you and thousands of others missed it, that it did not happen.
When He says the moon will be turned to blood, don't stand around waiting for it to bleed on you.
It would be best for all to study their scripture so that they can know what they are talking about.
Just for example...Do you know how many times Moses was wrong????
didn't think so
Test of True %26amp; False Prophets
What is some test by which to detect false prophets?
Isaiah 8:20 To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, [it is] because [there is] no light in them.
Deuteronomy 18:22 When a prophet speaketh in the name of the LORD, if the thing follow not, nor come to pass, that [is] the thing which the LORD hath not spoken, [but] the prophet hath spoken it presumptuously: thou shalt not be afraid of him.
What other test should be applied in determining the validity of the claims of a prophet?
Deuteronomy 13:1-4 If there arise among you a prophet, or a dreamer of dreams, and giveth thee a sign or a wonder,
And the sign or the wonder come to pass, whereof he spake unto thee, saying, Let us go after other gods, which thou hast not known, and let us serve them; Thou shalt not hearken unto the words of that prophet, or that dreamer of dreams: for the LORD your God proveth you, to know whether ye love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul. Ye shall walk after the LORD your God, and fear him, and keep his commandments, and obey his voice, and ye shall serve him, and cleave unto him.
What rule did Christ give for distinguishing them?
Matthew 7:20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.
I don't know where you are getting some of these prophesies, but you are way off. Next time, do your homework before you start mormon bashing!
I can call Jesus a false prophet too. Read yer freakin Bible.
When Joseph Smith gets something right he was speaking as a prophet of God but when Smith is wrong they say he was merely expressing a personal opinion and not acting in the capacity of a prophet.
(That's also how they explain away Brigham Young's statement about men in Quaker uniforms living on the moon)
Old Testament Prophets on the other hand always said when Their Message Was from God so that there would be no doubt, confusion or back flipping, for example:
Isaiah 1:2 - The Lord has spoken.
Jeremiah 10:1,2 - Hear the word which the Lord speaks. Thus says the Lord...
Ezekiel 1:3 - The word of the Lord came expressly.
Hosea 1:1,2 - The word of the Lord that came ... the Lord began to speak by Hosea, the Lord said...
Jonah 1:1 - The word of the Lord came to Jonah.
Micah 1:1 - The word of the Lord that came to Micah.
Zech. 1:1 - The word of the Lord came to Zechariah.
[See also Joel 1:2; Amos 1:3,6, etc; Obad. 1:1; Zeph. 1:1; Hab. 2:2; Deuteronomy 30:9,10; Numbers 12:6-8; 23:5,12,16,19
But just claiming to speak for God is not good enough because anyone could say that even if it wasn't true, so according to the Bible a true prophet who speaks for God:
1. Makes detailed, specific, verifiable, predictions that come 100% true, 100% of the time.
2. Even If they pass Test #1 and/or do other signs and wonders, if they then tell you to follow other Gods they are false prophets and fail the test.
A true prophet is therefore 100% accurate AND leads people to the God of the Bible, not away from him.
It is difficult to see how New Age Psychics and Mediums, the self-styled prophets of some of the more recent religions, and even some present day ';Christian'; prophets, would qualify as a genuine prophet if held to the Biblical standards of prophecy.
But Mormons have that covered too because they say the Bible has not been correctly translated so those traditional tests of a true prophet don't apply to them.
Even if they are right about that (despite them having no evidence that the Bible was wrongly translated) common sense would dictate that (a) specifying WHEN you are speaking for God (b) being specific and detailed so your predictions can be verified and (c) being 100% accurate even time you make a prediction is STILL the best and only way to differentiate between a true prophet and a false prophet.
The fact that the Bible does say the same thing is further validation of the logic of that good old fashioned common sense!
Kayla K: it's true Joseph Smith was a man and all men makes mistakes and sin, so when they speak as a man offering a personal opinion they may be wrong, but at the times they speak for God (under the guidance of the Holy Spirit) what they say is always 100% accurate.
guyster: Jesus didn't say ';You people I am speaking to now';, he said ';this generation';. ';This Generation'; could refer to the generation that is alive at the time the end times events commence.
It could equally apply to the Nation of Israel meaning that Israel will, against all the odds, survive .
The Greek word translated as Generation could also be translated as ';race'; meaning the human race will not pass away until after all these events have unfolded.
It can also be translated as ';age'; meaning the church age which was being ushered in by Christ will not pass away until everything is fulfilled, so there are at least FOUR ways Jesus' prophecy could still come true and all those ways are 100% compatible with each other so they could all come true simultaneously.Could you call Joseph Smith a false prophet since his prophecies were mostly wrong?
By there fruits, ye shall know them.
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Could you call Joseph Smith a false prophet since his prophecies were mostly wrong?
YES and by the way prophecies made by a true prophet are ALWAYS right, because the prophecies are given by God and God is always right. The prophets in the Bible weren't perfect and did make mistakes. They weren't sinless. The same will be of today's prophets and the prophets to come. It's their prophecies we need to be aware of and know which are true or not. The only way to find out if prophecies are of God is to read the Bible and see if the Bible supports those prophecies. This is another step to check whether a person is a true prophet. See if the Bible supports their beliefs and prophecies.
I'm sorry if I'm repeating myself, but these are things we need to know today, because false prophets will become more prolific before the Lord comes. We need to know how to recognize them.
Yes. It only takes one false prophecy to make a false prophet. And that is according to God's Word, not man's. And Yeshua(Jesus) was not a prophet. He didn't prophecy. He is the Messiah. He FULFILLED prophecy.
God bless!
Is John the Beloved a false prophet because not all of his prophecies have been fulfilled already? Isiah? Jeremiah? Ezekiel? Hosea? Joel? Amos? Obadiah? Jonah? Micah? Nahum? Habakkuk? Zephaniah? Haggai? Zechariah ? Did I miss any? Lots!!
Evidently you can because you interpret whatever he said in your own mind to fit your idea of:
1. What prophecy is.
2. What Smith meant.
Edit: How about some actual links or hard references to the so-called prophecies or statements?
Sure, just like you can claim to be an atheist when in reality you are a fundamentalist.
You can call others (or yourself) by whatever labels you choose. It doesn't make it so.
There were false prophesies in the bible too.
Jesus said he'd return within the lifetime of those he spoke to.
It could be that ALL religions are false religions.
To be considered a prophet you CAN NOT have mistaken / wrong prophesies period! If you do then you ARE a false prophet!
Any prophet of God would be 100% correct... If the prophet erred even once he is not a prophet of God's for God knows everything from the beginning...
I would not use the words ';Prophet'; and ';Joseph Smith'; together period.
just because he may be wrong doesnt make him a false prophet. as long as he preaches that Jesus is the savour and the only way to heaven is though Him alone.
Yes, watched the movie September Dawn the other night, Great Movie by the way!! Anyway Him and Brigham Young are total wack jobs
No. I have yet to see one of his prophecies proven wrong.
Of course he was .A real prophet,the Bible says is 100% accurate at all times.
Sure you should
Those are just the tip of the ice burg!
Jesus is God's spokesman today, not man. There are no modern day prophets after Christ! (Heb 1:1-2)
If I base my answer to your example I definitely say YES. Did he really say all that?
God says he is a false prophet.I agree with God.
Joseph Smith was a man and all man makes mistakes and sins.
I checked your source and compared it to the original source that has not been changed and altered by wicked people in an attempt to belittle and discredit.
Your source is weak at best.
For those that are interested, the original link is here;
You will find that the original is much more believable than that put out by enemies of the Church.
Joseph Smith made No false prophecy.
In your finite mind you think that Christ did not appear to the Brethren at the Temple, just as the Jews are still waiting for the return of Elijah.
Do not think for one second that because you and thousands of others missed it, that it did not happen.
When He says the moon will be turned to blood, don't stand around waiting for it to bleed on you.
It would be best for all to study their scripture so that they can know what they are talking about.
Just for example...Do you know how many times Moses was wrong????
didn't think so
Test of True %26amp; False Prophets
What is some test by which to detect false prophets?
Isaiah 8:20 To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, [it is] because [there is] no light in them.
Deuteronomy 18:22 When a prophet speaketh in the name of the LORD, if the thing follow not, nor come to pass, that [is] the thing which the LORD hath not spoken, [but] the prophet hath spoken it presumptuously: thou shalt not be afraid of him.
What other test should be applied in determining the validity of the claims of a prophet?
Deuteronomy 13:1-4 If there arise among you a prophet, or a dreamer of dreams, and giveth thee a sign or a wonder,
And the sign or the wonder come to pass, whereof he spake unto thee, saying, Let us go after other gods, which thou hast not known, and let us serve them; Thou shalt not hearken unto the words of that prophet, or that dreamer of dreams: for the LORD your God proveth you, to know whether ye love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul. Ye shall walk after the LORD your God, and fear him, and keep his commandments, and obey his voice, and ye shall serve him, and cleave unto him.
What rule did Christ give for distinguishing them?
Matthew 7:20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.
I don't know where you are getting some of these prophesies, but you are way off. Next time, do your homework before you start mormon bashing!
I can call Jesus a false prophet too. Read yer freakin Bible.
If the prophecies in the bible is false?
tell me this, the bible speaks of crazy weather condition, the world getting worse, with mens hearts growing cold, and ppl falling away from the truth. this is going on now. how could the ';men'; that wrote the bible tell us that our generation was gonna be so bad? this world in the 70's wasnt even has bad as it is now. how could they possibly know?If the prophecies in the bible is false?
because that's been happening alllll through mankind.
crazy weather conditions - the up%26amp;downs of natural climate. try the little ice age on for size, killed thousands upon thousands of people in the middle ages. much more than these hurricanes. plus modern warm climates are alot manmade.
hearts growing cold... yea, rules and conquerors have always came to give the conquered flowers? the largest origional christian empire (rome) was about as cold hearted as it gets
on another roman topic, rome lied too! and rulers will and always have lied to keep people in check
spanish inquisition
destruction of all native american cultures
genghis khan
the list goes on and on and on
so basically what i'm saying... pick just about any period inhuman history... and you get every one of those propheciesIf the prophecies in the bible is false?
lol, problem is you idiots have been saying ';this is going on now'; for centuries. It's ALWAYS End Times with you guys.
The end of the world has been falsely predicted dozens and dozens of times--that boy's cried wolf far too many times, sorry.
You show me the dragon with seven heads (or was it 13?) from Revelation, and then I'll start paying attention, okay? :)
The key is the prophecies in the Bible are not false. Throughtout the Old Testament there are many prophecies that predicted Jesus was the Messiah and gave signs that would show the people that He was the One. If all of the other prophecies in the Bible have come true throughtout the earth's existance that would mean that there is no reason for the other prophecies not to come true. God knows all. God knew you before you were born. God can show you the life you live 20 yrs from now if He wanted to. God is so big and powerful to know things that far ahead and be able to give that information to John and have it written as a warning to man of the future that lay ahead. It is a Revelation, it is to reveal. The Bible says that He is the Alpha and the Omega, so if He is the end, He most know how it is going to end.
It is a well documented fact that hostile weather phenomenon have increased at alarming rates since the 1960's.
Hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes, tsunamis,-etc have dramatically increased in numbers as well as intensity. The Bible also mentions that ';Knowledge'; will increase and this seems to parallel the weather phenomenon, the use of computers has allowed mankind to calculate trillions of pieces of data in one second time. Microchips are widely accepted forms of identity for animals, soldiers, elderly and children. No other time in history, has technology been so readily available to keep track of every human being on the planet. Also coinciding with our increase of knowledge and our peculiar weather conditions, is the moral decay that also started in the 1960's. All these things started happening at approximately the same time and all of them continue to increase at alarming rates. God knows all things and He warned us ahead of time,';When you see these things happening, I am right at the door'; He tells us not to worry, but keep our heads up because ';Our redemption draweth near';
Gods children will be spared from the wrath that will be unleashed upon this world, in the blink of an eye we will be taken to be with Him. Praise The Holy Lamb Of God!!!!
All those prophesies are false. Everything in the Bible is 2,000 years old and since then, every generation thought it spoke just to them. Those things are very generic and could fit any time in history.
The world isn't any worse now than it was in the past. In fact, in many ways it is better.
Better health, political freedom, labor-saving technology, financial security, new forms of entertainment, worldwide communication including the Internet, and increased scientific knowledge have all made the world better than it has been in the past.
According to the gospels, Jesus predicted that the end of the world would happen within the lifetimes of those living at that time. If he got it wrong, how can anyone else pretend to know when the end times will come?
Hey look, I can make prophecies too: I predict that one day humans will find a cure for cancer and other diseases.
How could I possibly know such things?, I must be devine!
My point is that anyone can make gueses at the inevitable, it doesn't make them devine or all knowing.
20 Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation.
21 For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.
- 2Pet 1:20-21
Given that the first advent Messianic prophecies came true literally, no matter how absurd they sounded, it is safe to assume the end times prophecies will also come true with frightening alacrity.
See, this is the part of the Bible that is eerily true. It makes me second-guess myself about my thoughts of the Bible being just a work of literature. Then again, they could've just made it up. I mean, isn't that what fiction is? Taking things that are true and manipulating them to create brand new scenery. It's defiitely possible, highly probable, actually. So nevermind. Yes, the Bible is a work of literature and they just made it up with their worst nightmares in mind.
The Bible is the Word of God and God knows everything. We have got our warning on how things would happen. Just like in the Old Testament it tells of Jesus Christ and how He would die. We are given the chance to change, God gave us that.
Punter, I see you're still trying to fit muhammad into the Bible.
Song of Songs is about love, not your false prophet.
And the Holy Spirit is NOT muhammad! Never, not once in the Bible does it mention muhammad. What is said and Jesus Christ said it, is ';beware of false prophets';
The irony of biblical prophecy.... the one's obssessed with biblical prophecy, namely christians are the last ones to get the message.... The devil will deceive the whole earth and the veil will be lifted.... so while the truth is sinking into the rest of us, the christians who are the one's deceived are still fighting for their ';god'; shutting out all attempts to reason with them...... keeping themselves blind to the end.... if you ever wondered why even atheists argue with christians it's because they are like the proverbial unicorn in the song, You know the one by the Irish rovers... there were green aligators and long neck geese... some humpy back camels and some chimpanzees, etc.....
the writers of the bible were talking about the roman empire in revelations and much of the N.T. it was written in a future setting so that NERO could not use it as a reason to execute anyone caught reading it. the Beast is clearly Nero, as his name converted to Hebrew and then assigned numbers within Hebrew Numerology equals 666.
the Hopi Native Americans predicted all of the same things.
how do we know that they were not right. and their religion then just as viable as the religions of Aberham?
Believe, that is all
it always seems like the world is going to hell in a handbasket
its a frame of mind
Zealots have been predicting the end of the world ever since the Wholly Babble was written. They've also screamed that the world is going downhill rapidly, even though life expectancy is higher than ever, life for most people in industrialized countries is about a zillion times more comfortable than in the Bronze Age, and we've eradicated many diseases like smallpox. Matter of perspective, I guess...
I wasn't gonna answer this cos the grammar is woeful but ...
We've had all sortsa weather in the past few decades and I'll bet the records show it's no worse now than in the 1800s or 1900s.
You mentioned the Tsunami in an update as though it's weather - you're wrong.
Waves can be caused in only two ways - the most common is wind and the other is tectonic plate movements.
Prophesies are easy to make, especially if they're a little vague - people that come after the prophesy will attempt to make every one of them fit.
You really need to get out more and read more stuff - you'll find the prophesy makers are no more than modern day 'psychics' who say all sortsa things and occasionally get something right - the trick is to have them spelled out clearly and concisely and then seeing if they were true.
The ones in Revelations have been predicting the end of the world for 2000 years or more and every generation through the ages has thought they were gonna be the last.
I've been round since the 40s watching this world change - it's no worse now than it was then - it's just that information moves faster now than ever before.
Jesus said he'd come back whilst his disciples lived - he lied; he didn't come back.
it also says in the last day's men will be lovers of themselves. and iniquity will abound, and men's knowledge will increase...hum
Because tehere is a God. God has a good plan for us. This good plan is our salvation. God is tellig us trough His prophets what will happen at the and of the times. It is wise to listen to them...
Obviously, they (the authors of the Bible) knew because it was revealed to them by G-d.
Its all false
A prophets gift is measured by his faith
and prophecy would not be if God's word was not true.
Prophecy is ussually made in symbolic statements
that allow different circumstances to play out while holding true to the statement.
Gods inspired word thats how. Its a testament for us to stay strong in those troubled times and not falter from the truth. The accuracy of the Bible is staggering and still it seems that there are those who have eyes yet do not see. Another prophesy foretold...? I am putting my trust in God.
I have a good book for you to read if you would like. It will go right along with your Bible and show you why things are happenning the way they are and whats going to happen in the very near future for all of mankind. Your right things are worse than they were 20,30,40,50 years ago and they are going to get even worse. But there is a happy ending, I won't tell you, you have to read the book. There are no obligations or hitches and the book is new.
Sincerely yours,
Fred and Katie Hunter
Although things are so bad, the weather, murder, rape,etc.
these are the last of the last days and God is pouring out an awesome anointing to bring in the lost and the weary in before Jesus returns. Look at the churches...there are those being exposed, WHY?, God is cleaning house so He will have a clean Body to work through.%26lt;%26gt;%26lt;
Matthew 24 (chapter)
Weather conditions arent bad now, people just choose to live in places that are harsh.
try understanding BASIC science before making ridiculous claims.
Vague prophesy that has been true since the beginning of humankind. Any moron could have predicted that at any point in history and fools like you would buy it. Snap out of it.
Tell it like it is! Just look at the numbers of earthquakes and other geological evidences. All are spoken of in the Bible! Everything mentioned by this asker is fact!
You see, the writers did not understand the dreams and visions. But, they were asked to write them down. All that they saw and all that they heard. That is why the scriptures are ';divinely inspired';.
As in John's case, in the Book of Revelation, Jesus spoke to him and he wrote as instructed to do.
Remember that the New Testament was finished about the 1st Century so that is some 1900 years ago. But, lets look back.
Christ fortold the Roman invasion that destroyed Jerusalem (Ok so he was quoting a prophesy by Daniel from several hundred years earlier) When you see the disgusting thing in the Holy Place run for the Hills (paraphrased) which happened 70 C.E. (which was 37 years after his execution).
Daniel fortold of the Destruction of Babylon as Did Isaiah both one before the other Isaiah then Daniel anyway they spoke of the manner, and extent of its destruction
Jeremiah spoke of the destruction of Jerusalem in 607 B.C.E.
Archeologically they have found the cities that they believe were Sodom, and Gamorrah, and gee fire seems to have demolished both cities, and an inexplicable earthquake that pushed the walls in on the cities.
Archeologically they even believe they found the City Moses was helping Ramses to Build before he came back to lead the Israelites out of captivity.
Much of the ';History'; of the Bible has been proven by other records of the time. Like the records of Christ's (sorry Jesus of Nazareth) execution on a cruz simplicus (a torture stake, a post, or tree not a cross as is popularized by many Christian Chruches). Anyway getting to the point of your question if God, an all knowing, and all loving God was behind the prophisies of past events that have proven out as history hundreds if not thousands of years later. THen how is it not possible to prove God's foresight in knowing this day and knowing how Satan would corrupt the hearts of men in this day. Funny part is I am looking forward to one particular scriptures fulfilment Matt 7: 22,23 when many who profess to be Christian will find out how they turned away God's true workers doing his work in its day Going Door to Door spreading the Good News of God's Coming Kingdom.
God constantly refined his people, so they were different from the people of their day, and so it is still true, since God has a name and that name was obscured in many Bibles by Satan since God's name had power, but Satan the Devil is actually just a Title. If you look in the front of the version of the Bible you read (version means translation of a translation, and sometimes there are some inherent inaccuracies) there will be a note in the front or preface about the Tetragrammaton which because of varied pronunciations can be translated YHWH/JHVH Yahweh or Jehovah I perfer the second pronunciation, but the point is the name means ';He Causes To Become'; it is not just a title like Lord, or Most High.
Contact www.watchtower.org and ask for the free book ';What Does the Bible Really Teach?';
Because God told them.
This is the only way it can truly be explained. The power of the Holy Ghost lead these men to write these things.
Lately Earthquakes world wide have increased every year. That is what the Bible said.
On January 21 in my home state a few years ago we received 200 tornado warnings in one night. They said at the time this was a new all time record totally smashing the old one.
How could they know about ';every eye shall see them';? That could not even be comprehended at that time. Now we can see world wide in an instant.
Or eyes being consumed in their sockets tongues in the mouth while they stood on their feet. Sounds like Nuclear.
The list could go on and on of the things God has revealed to his servants the prophets.
They were psychic.
Is Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) prophesized in the Bible not ghost?
Deuteronomy 18:18
I will raise them up a Prophet from among their brethren, like unto thee, and will put my words in his mouth; and he shall speak unto them all that I shall command him.
Isaiah 29:12 And the book is delivered to him that is not learned, saying, Read this, I pray thee: and he saith, I am not learned.
Song of Solomon 5:16 His mouth is most sweet: yea, he is Muhammad (Read Hebrew KJV). This is my beloved, and this is my friend, O daughters of Jerusalem.
For reference read Hebrew and Arabic KJV
John 16:7 Nevertheless I tell you the truth; It is expedient for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send him unto you.
John 16:12-14
16:12 I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now.
16:13 Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will show you things to come.
16:14 He shall glorify me: for he shall receive of mine, and shall show it unto you.
because that's been happening alllll through mankind.
crazy weather conditions - the up%26amp;downs of natural climate. try the little ice age on for size, killed thousands upon thousands of people in the middle ages. much more than these hurricanes. plus modern warm climates are alot manmade.
hearts growing cold... yea, rules and conquerors have always came to give the conquered flowers? the largest origional christian empire (rome) was about as cold hearted as it gets
on another roman topic, rome lied too! and rulers will and always have lied to keep people in check
spanish inquisition
destruction of all native american cultures
genghis khan
the list goes on and on and on
so basically what i'm saying... pick just about any period inhuman history... and you get every one of those propheciesIf the prophecies in the bible is false?
lol, problem is you idiots have been saying ';this is going on now'; for centuries. It's ALWAYS End Times with you guys.
The end of the world has been falsely predicted dozens and dozens of times--that boy's cried wolf far too many times, sorry.
You show me the dragon with seven heads (or was it 13?) from Revelation, and then I'll start paying attention, okay? :)
The key is the prophecies in the Bible are not false. Throughtout the Old Testament there are many prophecies that predicted Jesus was the Messiah and gave signs that would show the people that He was the One. If all of the other prophecies in the Bible have come true throughtout the earth's existance that would mean that there is no reason for the other prophecies not to come true. God knows all. God knew you before you were born. God can show you the life you live 20 yrs from now if He wanted to. God is so big and powerful to know things that far ahead and be able to give that information to John and have it written as a warning to man of the future that lay ahead. It is a Revelation, it is to reveal. The Bible says that He is the Alpha and the Omega, so if He is the end, He most know how it is going to end.
It is a well documented fact that hostile weather phenomenon have increased at alarming rates since the 1960's.
Hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes, tsunamis,-etc have dramatically increased in numbers as well as intensity. The Bible also mentions that ';Knowledge'; will increase and this seems to parallel the weather phenomenon, the use of computers has allowed mankind to calculate trillions of pieces of data in one second time. Microchips are widely accepted forms of identity for animals, soldiers, elderly and children. No other time in history, has technology been so readily available to keep track of every human being on the planet. Also coinciding with our increase of knowledge and our peculiar weather conditions, is the moral decay that also started in the 1960's. All these things started happening at approximately the same time and all of them continue to increase at alarming rates. God knows all things and He warned us ahead of time,';When you see these things happening, I am right at the door'; He tells us not to worry, but keep our heads up because ';Our redemption draweth near';
Gods children will be spared from the wrath that will be unleashed upon this world, in the blink of an eye we will be taken to be with Him. Praise The Holy Lamb Of God!!!!
All those prophesies are false. Everything in the Bible is 2,000 years old and since then, every generation thought it spoke just to them. Those things are very generic and could fit any time in history.
The world isn't any worse now than it was in the past. In fact, in many ways it is better.
Better health, political freedom, labor-saving technology, financial security, new forms of entertainment, worldwide communication including the Internet, and increased scientific knowledge have all made the world better than it has been in the past.
According to the gospels, Jesus predicted that the end of the world would happen within the lifetimes of those living at that time. If he got it wrong, how can anyone else pretend to know when the end times will come?
Hey look, I can make prophecies too: I predict that one day humans will find a cure for cancer and other diseases.
How could I possibly know such things?, I must be devine!
My point is that anyone can make gueses at the inevitable, it doesn't make them devine or all knowing.
20 Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation.
21 For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.
- 2Pet 1:20-21
Given that the first advent Messianic prophecies came true literally, no matter how absurd they sounded, it is safe to assume the end times prophecies will also come true with frightening alacrity.
See, this is the part of the Bible that is eerily true. It makes me second-guess myself about my thoughts of the Bible being just a work of literature. Then again, they could've just made it up. I mean, isn't that what fiction is? Taking things that are true and manipulating them to create brand new scenery. It's defiitely possible, highly probable, actually. So nevermind. Yes, the Bible is a work of literature and they just made it up with their worst nightmares in mind.
The Bible is the Word of God and God knows everything. We have got our warning on how things would happen. Just like in the Old Testament it tells of Jesus Christ and how He would die. We are given the chance to change, God gave us that.
Punter, I see you're still trying to fit muhammad into the Bible.
Song of Songs is about love, not your false prophet.
And the Holy Spirit is NOT muhammad! Never, not once in the Bible does it mention muhammad. What is said and Jesus Christ said it, is ';beware of false prophets';
The irony of biblical prophecy.... the one's obssessed with biblical prophecy, namely christians are the last ones to get the message.... The devil will deceive the whole earth and the veil will be lifted.... so while the truth is sinking into the rest of us, the christians who are the one's deceived are still fighting for their ';god'; shutting out all attempts to reason with them...... keeping themselves blind to the end.... if you ever wondered why even atheists argue with christians it's because they are like the proverbial unicorn in the song, You know the one by the Irish rovers... there were green aligators and long neck geese... some humpy back camels and some chimpanzees, etc.....
the writers of the bible were talking about the roman empire in revelations and much of the N.T. it was written in a future setting so that NERO could not use it as a reason to execute anyone caught reading it. the Beast is clearly Nero, as his name converted to Hebrew and then assigned numbers within Hebrew Numerology equals 666.
the Hopi Native Americans predicted all of the same things.
how do we know that they were not right. and their religion then just as viable as the religions of Aberham?
Believe, that is all
it always seems like the world is going to hell in a handbasket
its a frame of mind
Zealots have been predicting the end of the world ever since the Wholly Babble was written. They've also screamed that the world is going downhill rapidly, even though life expectancy is higher than ever, life for most people in industrialized countries is about a zillion times more comfortable than in the Bronze Age, and we've eradicated many diseases like smallpox. Matter of perspective, I guess...
I wasn't gonna answer this cos the grammar is woeful but ...
We've had all sortsa weather in the past few decades and I'll bet the records show it's no worse now than in the 1800s or 1900s.
You mentioned the Tsunami in an update as though it's weather - you're wrong.
Waves can be caused in only two ways - the most common is wind and the other is tectonic plate movements.
Prophesies are easy to make, especially if they're a little vague - people that come after the prophesy will attempt to make every one of them fit.
You really need to get out more and read more stuff - you'll find the prophesy makers are no more than modern day 'psychics' who say all sortsa things and occasionally get something right - the trick is to have them spelled out clearly and concisely and then seeing if they were true.
The ones in Revelations have been predicting the end of the world for 2000 years or more and every generation through the ages has thought they were gonna be the last.
I've been round since the 40s watching this world change - it's no worse now than it was then - it's just that information moves faster now than ever before.
Jesus said he'd come back whilst his disciples lived - he lied; he didn't come back.
it also says in the last day's men will be lovers of themselves. and iniquity will abound, and men's knowledge will increase...hum
Because tehere is a God. God has a good plan for us. This good plan is our salvation. God is tellig us trough His prophets what will happen at the and of the times. It is wise to listen to them...
Obviously, they (the authors of the Bible) knew because it was revealed to them by G-d.
Its all false
A prophets gift is measured by his faith
and prophecy would not be if God's word was not true.
Prophecy is ussually made in symbolic statements
that allow different circumstances to play out while holding true to the statement.
Gods inspired word thats how. Its a testament for us to stay strong in those troubled times and not falter from the truth. The accuracy of the Bible is staggering and still it seems that there are those who have eyes yet do not see. Another prophesy foretold...? I am putting my trust in God.
I have a good book for you to read if you would like. It will go right along with your Bible and show you why things are happenning the way they are and whats going to happen in the very near future for all of mankind. Your right things are worse than they were 20,30,40,50 years ago and they are going to get even worse. But there is a happy ending, I won't tell you, you have to read the book. There are no obligations or hitches and the book is new.
Sincerely yours,
Fred and Katie Hunter
Although things are so bad, the weather, murder, rape,etc.
these are the last of the last days and God is pouring out an awesome anointing to bring in the lost and the weary in before Jesus returns. Look at the churches...there are those being exposed, WHY?, God is cleaning house so He will have a clean Body to work through.%26lt;%26gt;%26lt;
Matthew 24 (chapter)
Weather conditions arent bad now, people just choose to live in places that are harsh.
try understanding BASIC science before making ridiculous claims.
Vague prophesy that has been true since the beginning of humankind. Any moron could have predicted that at any point in history and fools like you would buy it. Snap out of it.
Tell it like it is! Just look at the numbers of earthquakes and other geological evidences. All are spoken of in the Bible! Everything mentioned by this asker is fact!
You see, the writers did not understand the dreams and visions. But, they were asked to write them down. All that they saw and all that they heard. That is why the scriptures are ';divinely inspired';.
As in John's case, in the Book of Revelation, Jesus spoke to him and he wrote as instructed to do.
Remember that the New Testament was finished about the 1st Century so that is some 1900 years ago. But, lets look back.
Christ fortold the Roman invasion that destroyed Jerusalem (Ok so he was quoting a prophesy by Daniel from several hundred years earlier) When you see the disgusting thing in the Holy Place run for the Hills (paraphrased) which happened 70 C.E. (which was 37 years after his execution).
Daniel fortold of the Destruction of Babylon as Did Isaiah both one before the other Isaiah then Daniel anyway they spoke of the manner, and extent of its destruction
Jeremiah spoke of the destruction of Jerusalem in 607 B.C.E.
Archeologically they have found the cities that they believe were Sodom, and Gamorrah, and gee fire seems to have demolished both cities, and an inexplicable earthquake that pushed the walls in on the cities.
Archeologically they even believe they found the City Moses was helping Ramses to Build before he came back to lead the Israelites out of captivity.
Much of the ';History'; of the Bible has been proven by other records of the time. Like the records of Christ's (sorry Jesus of Nazareth) execution on a cruz simplicus (a torture stake, a post, or tree not a cross as is popularized by many Christian Chruches). Anyway getting to the point of your question if God, an all knowing, and all loving God was behind the prophisies of past events that have proven out as history hundreds if not thousands of years later. THen how is it not possible to prove God's foresight in knowing this day and knowing how Satan would corrupt the hearts of men in this day. Funny part is I am looking forward to one particular scriptures fulfilment Matt 7: 22,23 when many who profess to be Christian will find out how they turned away God's true workers doing his work in its day Going Door to Door spreading the Good News of God's Coming Kingdom.
God constantly refined his people, so they were different from the people of their day, and so it is still true, since God has a name and that name was obscured in many Bibles by Satan since God's name had power, but Satan the Devil is actually just a Title. If you look in the front of the version of the Bible you read (version means translation of a translation, and sometimes there are some inherent inaccuracies) there will be a note in the front or preface about the Tetragrammaton which because of varied pronunciations can be translated YHWH/JHVH Yahweh or Jehovah I perfer the second pronunciation, but the point is the name means ';He Causes To Become'; it is not just a title like Lord, or Most High.
Contact www.watchtower.org and ask for the free book ';What Does the Bible Really Teach?';
Because God told them.
This is the only way it can truly be explained. The power of the Holy Ghost lead these men to write these things.
Lately Earthquakes world wide have increased every year. That is what the Bible said.
On January 21 in my home state a few years ago we received 200 tornado warnings in one night. They said at the time this was a new all time record totally smashing the old one.
How could they know about ';every eye shall see them';? That could not even be comprehended at that time. Now we can see world wide in an instant.
Or eyes being consumed in their sockets tongues in the mouth while they stood on their feet. Sounds like Nuclear.
The list could go on and on of the things God has revealed to his servants the prophets.
They were psychic.
Is Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) prophesized in the Bible not ghost?
Deuteronomy 18:18
I will raise them up a Prophet from among their brethren, like unto thee, and will put my words in his mouth; and he shall speak unto them all that I shall command him.
Isaiah 29:12 And the book is delivered to him that is not learned, saying, Read this, I pray thee: and he saith, I am not learned.
Song of Solomon 5:16 His mouth is most sweet: yea, he is Muhammad (Read Hebrew KJV). This is my beloved, and this is my friend, O daughters of Jerusalem.
For reference read Hebrew and Arabic KJV
John 16:7 Nevertheless I tell you the truth; It is expedient for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send him unto you.
John 16:12-14
16:12 I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now.
16:13 Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will show you things to come.
16:14 He shall glorify me: for he shall receive of mine, and shall show it unto you.
For Mormons: How do you resolve the fact that so many of Joseph Smith's prophecies are false?
Joseph Smith prophesied, in 1835, that god would return in 56 years, meaning that he should have come in 1891 (History of the church, Vol. 2, p. 182). We can all agree that this did not take place.
Joseph Smith prophesied, in1843, that the U.S. government would ';be utterly overthrown and wasted'; if they did not ';redress the wrongs'; that it had committed against the mormons (History of the church, Vol. 5, p. 394). This never happened.
There are many more ';prophecies'; that he made that never happened. Interested people can check out http://irr.org/mit/Doubt-LDS-Membership-鈥?/a>
There is also the DNA evidence that shows that the Native Americans are descended from Mongolians/ Northern Asians, not from Israelites as Joseph Smith said.
There is abundant evidence that Joseph Smith was a fraud and a liar. How can you keep your faith (and why would you want to?) in light of all of this overwhelming evidence?For Mormons: How do you resolve the fact that so many of Joseph Smith's prophecies are false?
They don't care for the most part.
Their leaders have told them from day one not to trust facts, just go with their feelings and they tell them over and over to proclaim that ';Their Church is True.'; This starts from the youth on up...
It a religious cult tacit if you ask me.
As a former member (temple and all) I was not told any controversial information. Not one bit. **Crucial information (history and real beliefs) that would have cause me to never join this church.
Mormon history is hidden or sugarcoated to suit the members,and or potential converts, that's for sure.
Joseph Smith was a master manipulator ,and liar if you ask me. He made these prophesies probably knowing that most would ';supposedly'; happen after his death. *Hence the ';after his death.'; He wouldn't have to answer for them.
Plus all the LDS apologetic's can say for his other prophesies is that ';they just haven't come to pass yet.'; (how convenient!)
Strike one against Joseph Smith constitutes a strikeout on his claim of being a prophet. According to the ';bible'; the the LDS church claims to follow.For Mormons: How do you resolve the fact that so many of Joseph Smith's prophecies are false?
I resolve this in two ways
1 there are highly educated Mormons who debate with Anti-Mormons for fun on subjects like this and a quick google search is all that is required to find a decent response from a credible source.
2 Joseph Smith has taught me about Christ, and it was Christ who said wicked men cannot bring forth good fruit.
Since NONE of them are, then I don't worry about it.
And DNA doesn't prove or disprove a thing. There is no DNA evidence available to make any accurate assessments, from what I understand.
Anti-Mormon web sites promote hate.
As for the 2nd coming in 1890? Which was in volume 6, volume 2 of Church History (D%26amp;C 130 more likely.)
As for redressings, the state of Missouri overturned the extermination order of Governor Boggs in 1976.
Are all amerindians Lamanites?
There were people before, during and long after the BOM peoples came and gone.
The vast majority of amerindians aren't related to the BOM or lamanites.
The Lamanites are assimilated with the other populations or died out.
Samples of Joseph Smiths prophecies that have come true:
Joseph Smith did make some conditional prophecies. However, when a condition isn't met, the prophecy won't come true. There are similar examples of this in the Bible. The ones that you're claiming ';didn't come true'; were simply conditional prophecies. Research them a bit more and it's very clear.
He did prophecy his own death.
He did prophecy that his church of 6 members would ';fill the earth'; and go to ';every nation';.
He did prophecy that the saints would establish the Utah desert
He did prophecy of the civil war.
He prophesied that the individual running against Abraham Lincoln (can't remember his name) would lose the presidential election (even though he was the favorite at the time).
Actually DNA evidence is inconclusive. We just know too little about the DNA of the Jaredites, the DNA of other inhabitants, the DNA of the Mulekites, and the DNA of the Nephites and Lamanites. Haplogroup X is a Semitic DNA marker that shows up in about 3% of Native Americans and ancient Hebrew writings that pre-date the spanish have been found in the Americas.
I find it interesting that people like yourself completely ignore the hundreds of things that offer supporting evidences to the Book of Mormon and Joseph Smith's claims. Each time you're proven wrong, you pretend that it never happened and change the subject. Why is that?
Sounds to me that you are re-interpreting prophecies to prove that they are false in your own mind.
According to the full quote: http://books.google.com/books?id=0C7iJwj鈥?/a>
It states that they should ';prune the vineyard for the last time OR the coming of the Lord';
I can't find anywhere in the verse that it states that the Lord will come, just states that the winding up of the scenes would take place in fifty six years. To me that is very vague, it either means that the Missionary work would end in that time, or Joseph Smith's work might wind up at that time, or that where the Saints were at may end up winding up.
As for your claim that the US Government would be ';utterly overthrown and wasted'; in 1843, you clearly are not a study of US History or of the Civil War. The Civil War changed the way the government was. No longer would States be as Sovereign as they are now. The states in the past had more rights than they do now and were allowed to leave the US. Every State constitution that was written after the Civil War now makes the states subservient to the Federal Government. Gee, sounds like the way things were got overthrown and wasted.
First incident you mention, you are not properly interpreting the prophecy, God made it clear to Joseph that if he were to live to the age of 85 years he would see the face of the ';the Son of Man.'; Joseph made no claim that Christ would come then, only that he knew that God wouldn't come before then...
Here is the context:
'; I was once praying very earnestly to know the time of the coming of the Son of Man, when I heard a voice repeat the following: Joseph, my son, if thou livest until thou art eighty-five years old, thou shalt see the face of the Son of Man; therefore let this suffice, and trouble me no more on this matter... I was left thus, without being able to decide whether this coming referred to the beginning of the millennium or to some previous appearing, or whether I should die and thus see his face...
I believe the coming of the Son of Man will not be any sooner than that time.(D%26amp;C 130) ';
Second Incident
First the quote
';I prophecy in the name of the Lord God of Israel, unless the United States redress the wrongs committed upon the Saints in the state of Missouri and punish the crimes committed by her officers that in a few years the government will be utterly overthrown and wasted, and there will not be so much as a potsherd left for their wickedness in permitting the murder of men, women and children, and the wholesale plunder and extermination of thousands of her citizens to go unpunished, thereby perpetrating a foul and corroding blot upon the fair fame of this great republic, the very thought of which would have caused the high-minded and patriotic framers of the Constitution of the United States to hide their faces with shame. Judge [Stephen A. Douglas], you will aspire to the Presidency of the United States; and if you ever turn your hand against me or the Latter-day Saints, you will feel the weight of the hand of the Almighty upon you; and you will live to see and know that I have testified the truth to you; for the conversation of this day will stick to you through life.';
Now outside of the fact that there was no time limit place upon this prophecy, consider this...
';The prophecy as worded is obviously a conditional one. The United States did redress the Latter-day Saints to some extent for wrongs committed against them and thus the harshness of the fate of Missouri (or the United States) was reduced. The United States inviting the Saints to volunteer five hundred men to help in the 1846 war with Mexico might be considered partial redress because it provided desperately needed funds for the Latter-day Saints to finance the pioneer trek to Utah. President Polk at this time also promised Latter-day Saints safety as they travelled through Indian lands to the west. When the personal papers of James K. Polk, the U.S. president who asked Latter-day Saints to form a Mormon Battalion, were recently opened, it was found that he considered his action to help the Latter-day Saints. The granting of territorial status to the Mormons might also be considered a partial redress for wrongs'; See fairlds.org
For all the incidents in your website...which I won't bother to dive into, please balance all opinions against the church with another point of view. May I humbly suggest again...www.fairlds.org
Fourth. I've explained this DNA thing before but may the earnest seeker of truth search for similar questions regarding this topic...and for now let it suffice to say that the expectation that this small set of Jews who escaped Jerusalem's destruction by the hand of God in 600 BC, were the principal ancestors of all Native Americans is now clearly seen as modern invention of reckless assumption drawn from and careless interpretation of details in the Book of Mormon and then printed in a supplementary modern title page. Please note that before this issue came to light it was already being realized that there was internal evidence in the Book of Mormon to prove that the ancient writer of the book made no such assertion, and in fact the Book alludes to the exact opposite. (email me for details).
However based upon modern revelation we know that the blood of this small group of Jews is well mixed into the general population...but judging from the amount of intermarriage that had to occur according to the Book of Mormon itself, it is no surprise at all that the mitochondrial DNA of Jews isn't found...which must be passed from mother to child in an unbroken chain with no other groups of women involved let alone large amounts of intermarriage war and other events that would easily erase such evidence. Also that much mixing would also obscure a great deal of the human DNA as well. Yet despite the blood being thin it doesn't preclude the fact that they are in part decendants of
Abraham, Issac, and Jacob, through Lehi and his family and that many many generations practiced the religion of the Jews and Christianity...thus making them, for all intents and purposes in God's eyes, the decen
here's how I resolve it: Having sat down in christian bookstores after I converted to the LDS church and read the attempts to discredit the church in the books that are sold there, I found that 100% of the time, the claims are either false, distorted, out of context, incomplete, are based off someones interpretation but not can be interpreted another way, or they are just plain lies.
It took several months of checking before I was able to verify this was the case 100% of the time.
So now when I see questions like yours, I already know what it all is and know something's being left out, distorted, omitted, or is just a lie outright and I ignore it. It would require another several hundred questions to your question just to verify that the question its self was not wrong before I could give an answer to it.
I have studied for myself and have recieved my answer from God Himself about this church and I leave it at that.
You might well ask of Mormons: How do you resolve the fact that so many of Joseph Smith's prophecies HAVE BEEN FULFILLED?
It would be an easy matter to dispute your cut/paste excerpts and misinterpretations of facts, but I shall not waste your time nor mine, as I do not believe that you are a sincere seeker of truth. The truth, as I have found for myself by much study and prayer, is that Joseph Smith is a true prophet of God. He is all he claimed to be and his only desire was to do good to all men.
Joseph Smith, a prophet of God, was an instrument in the hands of God. Through his instrumentality the true church of Jesus Christ was restored to the earth in it's fullness, just as Jesus Christ and prophets of old had prophesied that all things would be restored prior to the Lord's Second Coming.
The truth is that ANYONE earnestly seeking the truth can come to a knowledge of these things IF they will but apply the necessary principles of knowing the truth. Such principles do not include searching anti-Mormon sites and cutting/pasting information on Yahoo.
according to whom? and what interpretations, and is the allegation taken in context?
ive been through many of the prophecies that have been allegedly said to bhave been declared by the prophet. and almost verbatim every prophecy is re interpretated or wrongfully referenced and out of context.
what anti mormons often say are often based on what another christians said. and sometimes don't even exist.
to read these cites i would ahve to find them and that would take time to understand what is actually said.
but by and large most accusations have been empy cisterns
p.s. after reading the answers i liked what july moon and bro G said at least in part.
as for what cookies said i too had the experience of hearing people promised to see the 2nd coming of the saviour happen intheir life time.
but i also posted somewhere that if such prophecies existed, they MIGHT be indeed Imaginations of men who do not understand the gifts of prophecy and rather they are following the hopes of their hearts.
i would suspect if anyone acctualy began saying jesus would return in their generation even among josephs own lifetime.
i have read the incorrect assumptions of the first prophecy and i forget the conclusion of that particular prophecy and interpretation thereof or the perceived interpretation thereof.
to echo julymoon, i have always been serious about my studies and no matter what, again, i have always found antimormon literature to be found ';wanting';.
your interpretations of both the prophecies and their results are incorrect. that happens when you just take your thinking from others rather than doing it yourself.
if you were, on the other hand, to review the statements made by JS - it becomes quite clear that he did not prophesy that Christ's second coming would be in fifty-six years. but instead (based on revelation he had received - D%26amp;C130:14-17) it becomes his OPINION that the second coming should be sometime within the next fifty-six years. several times JS explained the ambiguous nature of the revelation he had been given on the subject.
on the government - government does not always mean the entire US set-up.....@times it can mean only one political party - in this case, the whigs, or one political administration, such as stephen douglas, who ran for pres. (and who had every hope for success in this bid) on this background, was completely ruined - received only 12 electoral votes and carried only one state - Missouri. the Whig party was destroyed and in the course of the 50-60's disappeared completely. and who beat him out of the presidency? why Abe Lincoln - who's presidency saw the US government completely wiped out in 11 states thru succession and reformation of their own congress. and implemented order number 11 - which did redress some of the issues against officers of Missouri, the US governement provided protection thru Indian lands, and provided financial support for the move west......a partial redress and a partial destruction. interestingly enough - the tide turned in favor of the north shortly after implementation of order 11.
and if you have read the BoM, and charted the possibilities coursewise - you would have found that it suggests an asian route far before science did....not to mention the wipe-out of entire peoples in the BoM.....
as far as the character of JS - I have not seen ';abundant evidence that he was a fraud [or] a liar';, so your ';overwhelming evidence'; is more an overwhelming opinion than anything else.
really, do some research and you will be able to answer your question yourself.
Not only that, how do they resolve the fact that so many of Joseph Smith's originals ';writings'; were chock full of grammatical and spelling errors and very racist comments?
I reject the idea that the BOM is an ancient work, because of its insurmountable mountains of anachronisms which identify it as a modern effort, placing it squarely in the culture of the 1820s, and plagiarism from other widely available works.
If you need to believe it's true, you'll excuse away any evidence to the contrary. Go to the FAIR or FARMS sites for examples.
their answer: ';Evidence, Smevidence';
Growing up Mormon a long time ago, I was taught my generation would be the last and would see the second coming.
Every generation of Mormons was told that, over and over, since 1835. That's why they are called 'Latter Day' saints.
I think they are de-emphasizing it now. It only took 170 years to figure out it isn't going to happen.
Why would a church that thinks the world is ending build a 3 billion dollar downtown shopping mall in Salt Lake City? It'll take decades to make back their investment. Oh wait, why would ANY church build shopping malls, high end hotels in Hawaii and numerous other commercial projects? How do they explain not spending on the needy instead? Their members in 3rd world countries are still dying from disease and starvation.Ltd
Joseph Smith prophesied, in1843, that the U.S. government would ';be utterly overthrown and wasted'; if they did not ';redress the wrongs'; that it had committed against the mormons (History of the church, Vol. 5, p. 394). This never happened.
There are many more ';prophecies'; that he made that never happened. Interested people can check out http://irr.org/mit/Doubt-LDS-Membership-鈥?/a>
There is also the DNA evidence that shows that the Native Americans are descended from Mongolians/ Northern Asians, not from Israelites as Joseph Smith said.
There is abundant evidence that Joseph Smith was a fraud and a liar. How can you keep your faith (and why would you want to?) in light of all of this overwhelming evidence?For Mormons: How do you resolve the fact that so many of Joseph Smith's prophecies are false?
They don't care for the most part.
Their leaders have told them from day one not to trust facts, just go with their feelings and they tell them over and over to proclaim that ';Their Church is True.'; This starts from the youth on up...
It a religious cult tacit if you ask me.
As a former member (temple and all) I was not told any controversial information. Not one bit. **Crucial information (history and real beliefs) that would have cause me to never join this church.
Mormon history is hidden or sugarcoated to suit the members,and or potential converts, that's for sure.
Joseph Smith was a master manipulator ,and liar if you ask me. He made these prophesies probably knowing that most would ';supposedly'; happen after his death. *Hence the ';after his death.'; He wouldn't have to answer for them.
Plus all the LDS apologetic's can say for his other prophesies is that ';they just haven't come to pass yet.'; (how convenient!)
Strike one against Joseph Smith constitutes a strikeout on his claim of being a prophet. According to the ';bible'; the the LDS church claims to follow.For Mormons: How do you resolve the fact that so many of Joseph Smith's prophecies are false?
I resolve this in two ways
1 there are highly educated Mormons who debate with Anti-Mormons for fun on subjects like this and a quick google search is all that is required to find a decent response from a credible source.
2 Joseph Smith has taught me about Christ, and it was Christ who said wicked men cannot bring forth good fruit.
Since NONE of them are, then I don't worry about it.
And DNA doesn't prove or disprove a thing. There is no DNA evidence available to make any accurate assessments, from what I understand.
Anti-Mormon web sites promote hate.
As for the 2nd coming in 1890? Which was in volume 6, volume 2 of Church History (D%26amp;C 130 more likely.)
As for redressings, the state of Missouri overturned the extermination order of Governor Boggs in 1976.
Are all amerindians Lamanites?
There were people before, during and long after the BOM peoples came and gone.
The vast majority of amerindians aren't related to the BOM or lamanites.
The Lamanites are assimilated with the other populations or died out.
Samples of Joseph Smiths prophecies that have come true:
Joseph Smith did make some conditional prophecies. However, when a condition isn't met, the prophecy won't come true. There are similar examples of this in the Bible. The ones that you're claiming ';didn't come true'; were simply conditional prophecies. Research them a bit more and it's very clear.
He did prophecy his own death.
He did prophecy that his church of 6 members would ';fill the earth'; and go to ';every nation';.
He did prophecy that the saints would establish the Utah desert
He did prophecy of the civil war.
He prophesied that the individual running against Abraham Lincoln (can't remember his name) would lose the presidential election (even though he was the favorite at the time).
Actually DNA evidence is inconclusive. We just know too little about the DNA of the Jaredites, the DNA of other inhabitants, the DNA of the Mulekites, and the DNA of the Nephites and Lamanites. Haplogroup X is a Semitic DNA marker that shows up in about 3% of Native Americans and ancient Hebrew writings that pre-date the spanish have been found in the Americas.
I find it interesting that people like yourself completely ignore the hundreds of things that offer supporting evidences to the Book of Mormon and Joseph Smith's claims. Each time you're proven wrong, you pretend that it never happened and change the subject. Why is that?
Sounds to me that you are re-interpreting prophecies to prove that they are false in your own mind.
According to the full quote: http://books.google.com/books?id=0C7iJwj鈥?/a>
It states that they should ';prune the vineyard for the last time OR the coming of the Lord';
I can't find anywhere in the verse that it states that the Lord will come, just states that the winding up of the scenes would take place in fifty six years. To me that is very vague, it either means that the Missionary work would end in that time, or Joseph Smith's work might wind up at that time, or that where the Saints were at may end up winding up.
As for your claim that the US Government would be ';utterly overthrown and wasted'; in 1843, you clearly are not a study of US History or of the Civil War. The Civil War changed the way the government was. No longer would States be as Sovereign as they are now. The states in the past had more rights than they do now and were allowed to leave the US. Every State constitution that was written after the Civil War now makes the states subservient to the Federal Government. Gee, sounds like the way things were got overthrown and wasted.
First incident you mention, you are not properly interpreting the prophecy, God made it clear to Joseph that if he were to live to the age of 85 years he would see the face of the ';the Son of Man.'; Joseph made no claim that Christ would come then, only that he knew that God wouldn't come before then...
Here is the context:
'; I was once praying very earnestly to know the time of the coming of the Son of Man, when I heard a voice repeat the following: Joseph, my son, if thou livest until thou art eighty-five years old, thou shalt see the face of the Son of Man; therefore let this suffice, and trouble me no more on this matter... I was left thus, without being able to decide whether this coming referred to the beginning of the millennium or to some previous appearing, or whether I should die and thus see his face...
I believe the coming of the Son of Man will not be any sooner than that time.(D%26amp;C 130) ';
Second Incident
First the quote
';I prophecy in the name of the Lord God of Israel, unless the United States redress the wrongs committed upon the Saints in the state of Missouri and punish the crimes committed by her officers that in a few years the government will be utterly overthrown and wasted, and there will not be so much as a potsherd left for their wickedness in permitting the murder of men, women and children, and the wholesale plunder and extermination of thousands of her citizens to go unpunished, thereby perpetrating a foul and corroding blot upon the fair fame of this great republic, the very thought of which would have caused the high-minded and patriotic framers of the Constitution of the United States to hide their faces with shame. Judge [Stephen A. Douglas], you will aspire to the Presidency of the United States; and if you ever turn your hand against me or the Latter-day Saints, you will feel the weight of the hand of the Almighty upon you; and you will live to see and know that I have testified the truth to you; for the conversation of this day will stick to you through life.';
Now outside of the fact that there was no time limit place upon this prophecy, consider this...
';The prophecy as worded is obviously a conditional one. The United States did redress the Latter-day Saints to some extent for wrongs committed against them and thus the harshness of the fate of Missouri (or the United States) was reduced. The United States inviting the Saints to volunteer five hundred men to help in the 1846 war with Mexico might be considered partial redress because it provided desperately needed funds for the Latter-day Saints to finance the pioneer trek to Utah. President Polk at this time also promised Latter-day Saints safety as they travelled through Indian lands to the west. When the personal papers of James K. Polk, the U.S. president who asked Latter-day Saints to form a Mormon Battalion, were recently opened, it was found that he considered his action to help the Latter-day Saints. The granting of territorial status to the Mormons might also be considered a partial redress for wrongs'; See fairlds.org
For all the incidents in your website...which I won't bother to dive into, please balance all opinions against the church with another point of view. May I humbly suggest again...www.fairlds.org
Fourth. I've explained this DNA thing before but may the earnest seeker of truth search for similar questions regarding this topic...and for now let it suffice to say that the expectation that this small set of Jews who escaped Jerusalem's destruction by the hand of God in 600 BC, were the principal ancestors of all Native Americans is now clearly seen as modern invention of reckless assumption drawn from and careless interpretation of details in the Book of Mormon and then printed in a supplementary modern title page. Please note that before this issue came to light it was already being realized that there was internal evidence in the Book of Mormon to prove that the ancient writer of the book made no such assertion, and in fact the Book alludes to the exact opposite. (email me for details).
However based upon modern revelation we know that the blood of this small group of Jews is well mixed into the general population...but judging from the amount of intermarriage that had to occur according to the Book of Mormon itself, it is no surprise at all that the mitochondrial DNA of Jews isn't found...which must be passed from mother to child in an unbroken chain with no other groups of women involved let alone large amounts of intermarriage war and other events that would easily erase such evidence. Also that much mixing would also obscure a great deal of the human DNA as well. Yet despite the blood being thin it doesn't preclude the fact that they are in part decendants of
Abraham, Issac, and Jacob, through Lehi and his family and that many many generations practiced the religion of the Jews and Christianity...thus making them, for all intents and purposes in God's eyes, the decen
here's how I resolve it: Having sat down in christian bookstores after I converted to the LDS church and read the attempts to discredit the church in the books that are sold there, I found that 100% of the time, the claims are either false, distorted, out of context, incomplete, are based off someones interpretation but not can be interpreted another way, or they are just plain lies.
It took several months of checking before I was able to verify this was the case 100% of the time.
So now when I see questions like yours, I already know what it all is and know something's being left out, distorted, omitted, or is just a lie outright and I ignore it. It would require another several hundred questions to your question just to verify that the question its self was not wrong before I could give an answer to it.
I have studied for myself and have recieved my answer from God Himself about this church and I leave it at that.
You might well ask of Mormons: How do you resolve the fact that so many of Joseph Smith's prophecies HAVE BEEN FULFILLED?
It would be an easy matter to dispute your cut/paste excerpts and misinterpretations of facts, but I shall not waste your time nor mine, as I do not believe that you are a sincere seeker of truth. The truth, as I have found for myself by much study and prayer, is that Joseph Smith is a true prophet of God. He is all he claimed to be and his only desire was to do good to all men.
Joseph Smith, a prophet of God, was an instrument in the hands of God. Through his instrumentality the true church of Jesus Christ was restored to the earth in it's fullness, just as Jesus Christ and prophets of old had prophesied that all things would be restored prior to the Lord's Second Coming.
The truth is that ANYONE earnestly seeking the truth can come to a knowledge of these things IF they will but apply the necessary principles of knowing the truth. Such principles do not include searching anti-Mormon sites and cutting/pasting information on Yahoo.
according to whom? and what interpretations, and is the allegation taken in context?
ive been through many of the prophecies that have been allegedly said to bhave been declared by the prophet. and almost verbatim every prophecy is re interpretated or wrongfully referenced and out of context.
what anti mormons often say are often based on what another christians said. and sometimes don't even exist.
to read these cites i would ahve to find them and that would take time to understand what is actually said.
but by and large most accusations have been empy cisterns
p.s. after reading the answers i liked what july moon and bro G said at least in part.
as for what cookies said i too had the experience of hearing people promised to see the 2nd coming of the saviour happen intheir life time.
but i also posted somewhere that if such prophecies existed, they MIGHT be indeed Imaginations of men who do not understand the gifts of prophecy and rather they are following the hopes of their hearts.
i would suspect if anyone acctualy began saying jesus would return in their generation even among josephs own lifetime.
i have read the incorrect assumptions of the first prophecy and i forget the conclusion of that particular prophecy and interpretation thereof or the perceived interpretation thereof.
to echo julymoon, i have always been serious about my studies and no matter what, again, i have always found antimormon literature to be found ';wanting';.
your interpretations of both the prophecies and their results are incorrect. that happens when you just take your thinking from others rather than doing it yourself.
if you were, on the other hand, to review the statements made by JS - it becomes quite clear that he did not prophesy that Christ's second coming would be in fifty-six years. but instead (based on revelation he had received - D%26amp;C130:14-17) it becomes his OPINION that the second coming should be sometime within the next fifty-six years. several times JS explained the ambiguous nature of the revelation he had been given on the subject.
on the government - government does not always mean the entire US set-up.....@times it can mean only one political party - in this case, the whigs, or one political administration, such as stephen douglas, who ran for pres. (and who had every hope for success in this bid) on this background, was completely ruined - received only 12 electoral votes and carried only one state - Missouri. the Whig party was destroyed and in the course of the 50-60's disappeared completely. and who beat him out of the presidency? why Abe Lincoln - who's presidency saw the US government completely wiped out in 11 states thru succession and reformation of their own congress. and implemented order number 11 - which did redress some of the issues against officers of Missouri, the US governement provided protection thru Indian lands, and provided financial support for the move west......a partial redress and a partial destruction. interestingly enough - the tide turned in favor of the north shortly after implementation of order 11.
and if you have read the BoM, and charted the possibilities coursewise - you would have found that it suggests an asian route far before science did....not to mention the wipe-out of entire peoples in the BoM.....
as far as the character of JS - I have not seen ';abundant evidence that he was a fraud [or] a liar';, so your ';overwhelming evidence'; is more an overwhelming opinion than anything else.
really, do some research and you will be able to answer your question yourself.
Not only that, how do they resolve the fact that so many of Joseph Smith's originals ';writings'; were chock full of grammatical and spelling errors and very racist comments?
I reject the idea that the BOM is an ancient work, because of its insurmountable mountains of anachronisms which identify it as a modern effort, placing it squarely in the culture of the 1820s, and plagiarism from other widely available works.
If you need to believe it's true, you'll excuse away any evidence to the contrary. Go to the FAIR or FARMS sites for examples.
their answer: ';Evidence, Smevidence';
Growing up Mormon a long time ago, I was taught my generation would be the last and would see the second coming.
Every generation of Mormons was told that, over and over, since 1835. That's why they are called 'Latter Day' saints.
I think they are de-emphasizing it now. It only took 170 years to figure out it isn't going to happen.
Why would a church that thinks the world is ending build a 3 billion dollar downtown shopping mall in Salt Lake City? It'll take decades to make back their investment. Oh wait, why would ANY church build shopping malls, high end hotels in Hawaii and numerous other commercial projects? How do they explain not spending on the needy instead? Their members in 3rd world countries are still dying from disease and starvation.
How could William Branham be a true prophet of God when his prophecies were false ?
1. He saw a woman leader in the United States. (Hillary Clinton lost.)
2. America would be nuked (before #3)
3. The Millennium would begin by 1977.How could William Branham be a true prophet of God when his prophecies were false ?
He was clearly a false prophet about those things, and probably many other things too. Everyone's doctrines should be checked. Only the BIBLE is 100% true all the time.How could William Branham be a true prophet of God when his prophecies were false ?
You are correct- God says the mark of a prophet was He spoke ';thus said the Lord';... and that everything he said came true.
The prophets didn't have special powers... they were the ones God spoke to and they merely relayed the message to the people.
Too many of today's so-called prophets are just people putting on like they have ';ESP'; or something.
It's nonsense and we should call them out on it.
Little do you know that this woman types out the false church %26amp; who is this woman it is none other then the catholic church system which is also called a whore %26amp; her offsprings which is know as harlots is none other then these denominational churches, BTW Hillary Clinton is in the white house., %26amp; little do you know that he never saw America nuked out, George Washington had a vision about America, %26amp; no where in his teachings did he ever say that the millennium would begin in 1977, Bro. Branham said that God gave him a vision %26amp; in this vision he was not allowed to see past 1977, So. Bro. Branham said COULD THIS BE THE END, He NEVER said it was the end, show me where he said it WAS the end. Hey friend, I know Bro. Branham teachings more then you think I do, I live about a 20 minute drive from his church %26amp; his grave %26amp; in my 39 yrs as a Christian I have studied his teachings 100% also did my Pastor. Now show me where he said THUS SAITH THE LORD That the millenium would start in 1977, you can't find it, all he said was COULD this be the end. Little do you know, before the millenium, there will be 2 Prophets to Israel %26amp; then the last half of Daniels week is when the great tribulation starts. Now that we have this cleared up, Show me where any of his prophecies did not come true, He saw so many men falling to their death in a vision when the 2nd street bridge was to be built, he saw how many that would fall to their deaths, %26amp; that exact number happened. %26amp; what about him Baptizing several people in the Ohio river here in Jeffersonville, Ind. in 1933 %26amp; a pillar of fire came down %26amp; a voice said as John the Baptise were sent to forerun my first coming that You will carry a MESSAGE around the world that will forerun my second coming %26amp; his message is still going on today in a 5-fold ministry., BTW, that was also publiced in the Saturday Evening Magazine back in 1933 %26amp; many hundreds of people saw it %26amp; some heard it causing many to faint %26amp; pass out., I could keep going on, You see, I know what he said %26amp; how he said it, %26amp; none of the above you mentioned did he say it, Yes I know exactly what he said about the woman he saw in a vision down on 10th street at youngstown shopping mall, As he saw a woman portray herself in a vision wearing hardly no clothes on, %26amp; he said God is this what I have labor for, Then God also showed him in the same vision here comes a woman dressed perfectly %26amp; the woman had long hair, %26amp; God spoke to him %26amp; said The latter is what you produce, the other is the worldly churches or denominational churches. Now You need to really seek what he taught before you answer, Because I have been in his teachings for 37 yrs, NO I don't worship the man, neither do I worship my pastor that had preached in the Branham Tabernacle %26amp; also Bro. Branham also preached in our church. My wife has even been to some of his meetings when she was young. Now I ask you to really show me any prophecies that did not come to pass, Sure there is some that will still come to pass, Little do you know that Bro. Branham prophecy that the Ohio river flood in Jeffersonville, Ind would come in 1937 %26amp; he told the town officials exactly how high it would get, %26amp; to this date there is a light pole that bares the mark exactly how high %26amp; deep the 1937 flood would be, So you need to study his ministry more before you jump on an answer or question. Hey I have hundreds of his tapes %26amp; books at my house %26amp; also a healing service video where it shows people being healed. Now if you want to see my church web-site go to www.fachurch.org -------------------Once again, He did not prophecy about any Nuclear attack, In fact America will be the place that the woman in Rev, will flee to in order to get away from the anti-christ, He said he saw an explosion, He also said that LA will fall into the ocean, Why do you think the sciencetists are worry about a major earthquake hitting LA %26amp; also yellowstone Park Did you know that a volcano can cause America to be in ashes, There will NOT be any nuclear bomb drop on America, Let's just say it will happen Then where will Israel flee to If the USA is destroyed. Stop %26amp; think about it, The bible says Israel will flee tothe wilderness, %26amp; what country was created out of the wilderness, The USA. So don't try to make his prophecies say something when it don't, I am very aware of what he said %26amp; meant, DO you, No I am afraid not. %26amp; also remember I said that some prophecies is yet to be fulfilled. You said that he saw America in ashes, But you have yet to prove that he said by a nuclear attack,, don't think you can pull one over my eyes. I know his prophecies, %26amp; turn into ashes will not be done by a nuclear attack, But by volcano's, %26amp; earthquakes. You are way too late to change my mind, My pastor talked to Bro. Branham many times in person to person talks. You need to study more about his ministry, %26amp; not PRESUME it means what YOU say it means. As I have said, I have hundreds of his tapes %26amp; books. %26amp; he don't prophecy about America being detroy by a nuclear attack, George Washington also had a vision about America being in ashes, but not by a nuclear bomb. Sorry you lose again.----Also read Bro. Branham statement about 1977, he said I Predict, But I do not prophcey. So I would get to know the man ministry before taking on someone that Knows his ministry.
Charles Taze Russell predicted the end of the world many times over and we are still here. So are his Jehovah's Witnesses. They are very nice people.
Joseph Smith said a lot of kooky stuff too. There are still Latter Day Saints. They lead a Christ-like example more often than Mainstream X-tian fundamentalists like Baptists.
These ';prophets'; are usually just delusional or outright con-men. But sometimes their followers turn out to be good people.
All of them are false.
WHO??? never heard of him...does he work for the Enquirer??
2. America would be nuked (before #3)
3. The Millennium would begin by 1977.How could William Branham be a true prophet of God when his prophecies were false ?
He was clearly a false prophet about those things, and probably many other things too. Everyone's doctrines should be checked. Only the BIBLE is 100% true all the time.How could William Branham be a true prophet of God when his prophecies were false ?
You are correct- God says the mark of a prophet was He spoke ';thus said the Lord';... and that everything he said came true.
The prophets didn't have special powers... they were the ones God spoke to and they merely relayed the message to the people.
Too many of today's so-called prophets are just people putting on like they have ';ESP'; or something.
It's nonsense and we should call them out on it.
Little do you know that this woman types out the false church %26amp; who is this woman it is none other then the catholic church system which is also called a whore %26amp; her offsprings which is know as harlots is none other then these denominational churches, BTW Hillary Clinton is in the white house., %26amp; little do you know that he never saw America nuked out, George Washington had a vision about America, %26amp; no where in his teachings did he ever say that the millennium would begin in 1977, Bro. Branham said that God gave him a vision %26amp; in this vision he was not allowed to see past 1977, So. Bro. Branham said COULD THIS BE THE END, He NEVER said it was the end, show me where he said it WAS the end. Hey friend, I know Bro. Branham teachings more then you think I do, I live about a 20 minute drive from his church %26amp; his grave %26amp; in my 39 yrs as a Christian I have studied his teachings 100% also did my Pastor. Now show me where he said THUS SAITH THE LORD That the millenium would start in 1977, you can't find it, all he said was COULD this be the end. Little do you know, before the millenium, there will be 2 Prophets to Israel %26amp; then the last half of Daniels week is when the great tribulation starts. Now that we have this cleared up, Show me where any of his prophecies did not come true, He saw so many men falling to their death in a vision when the 2nd street bridge was to be built, he saw how many that would fall to their deaths, %26amp; that exact number happened. %26amp; what about him Baptizing several people in the Ohio river here in Jeffersonville, Ind. in 1933 %26amp; a pillar of fire came down %26amp; a voice said as John the Baptise were sent to forerun my first coming that You will carry a MESSAGE around the world that will forerun my second coming %26amp; his message is still going on today in a 5-fold ministry., BTW, that was also publiced in the Saturday Evening Magazine back in 1933 %26amp; many hundreds of people saw it %26amp; some heard it causing many to faint %26amp; pass out., I could keep going on, You see, I know what he said %26amp; how he said it, %26amp; none of the above you mentioned did he say it, Yes I know exactly what he said about the woman he saw in a vision down on 10th street at youngstown shopping mall, As he saw a woman portray herself in a vision wearing hardly no clothes on, %26amp; he said God is this what I have labor for, Then God also showed him in the same vision here comes a woman dressed perfectly %26amp; the woman had long hair, %26amp; God spoke to him %26amp; said The latter is what you produce, the other is the worldly churches or denominational churches. Now You need to really seek what he taught before you answer, Because I have been in his teachings for 37 yrs, NO I don't worship the man, neither do I worship my pastor that had preached in the Branham Tabernacle %26amp; also Bro. Branham also preached in our church. My wife has even been to some of his meetings when she was young. Now I ask you to really show me any prophecies that did not come to pass, Sure there is some that will still come to pass, Little do you know that Bro. Branham prophecy that the Ohio river flood in Jeffersonville, Ind would come in 1937 %26amp; he told the town officials exactly how high it would get, %26amp; to this date there is a light pole that bares the mark exactly how high %26amp; deep the 1937 flood would be, So you need to study his ministry more before you jump on an answer or question. Hey I have hundreds of his tapes %26amp; books at my house %26amp; also a healing service video where it shows people being healed. Now if you want to see my church web-site go to www.fachurch.org -------------------Once again, He did not prophecy about any Nuclear attack, In fact America will be the place that the woman in Rev, will flee to in order to get away from the anti-christ, He said he saw an explosion, He also said that LA will fall into the ocean, Why do you think the sciencetists are worry about a major earthquake hitting LA %26amp; also yellowstone Park Did you know that a volcano can cause America to be in ashes, There will NOT be any nuclear bomb drop on America, Let's just say it will happen Then where will Israel flee to If the USA is destroyed. Stop %26amp; think about it, The bible says Israel will flee tothe wilderness, %26amp; what country was created out of the wilderness, The USA. So don't try to make his prophecies say something when it don't, I am very aware of what he said %26amp; meant, DO you, No I am afraid not. %26amp; also remember I said that some prophecies is yet to be fulfilled. You said that he saw America in ashes, But you have yet to prove that he said by a nuclear attack,, don't think you can pull one over my eyes. I know his prophecies, %26amp; turn into ashes will not be done by a nuclear attack, But by volcano's, %26amp; earthquakes. You are way too late to change my mind, My pastor talked to Bro. Branham many times in person to person talks. You need to study more about his ministry, %26amp; not PRESUME it means what YOU say it means. As I have said, I have hundreds of his tapes %26amp; books. %26amp; he don't prophecy about America being detroy by a nuclear attack, George Washington also had a vision about America being in ashes, but not by a nuclear bomb. Sorry you lose again.----Also read Bro. Branham statement about 1977, he said I Predict, But I do not prophcey. So I would get to know the man ministry before taking on someone that Knows his ministry.
Charles Taze Russell predicted the end of the world many times over and we are still here. So are his Jehovah's Witnesses. They are very nice people.
Joseph Smith said a lot of kooky stuff too. There are still Latter Day Saints. They lead a Christ-like example more often than Mainstream X-tian fundamentalists like Baptists.
These ';prophets'; are usually just delusional or outright con-men. But sometimes their followers turn out to be good people.
All of them are false.
WHO??? never heard of him...does he work for the Enquirer??
';2012 prophecies'; True or False? Opinions?
The Mayans say it's the return of Quezacotl.
The Hopi Indians say it could be the beginning of the fifth cycle.
The bible says there's a battle between good and evil.';2012 prophecies'; True or False? Opinions?
It amazes how mass media can have such a profound effect on the general public. NOWHERE in the mayan long count (calendar) doe it state 2012 marks the end of the world. All it actually says is that the Long count (or world clock if you like) will be reset.
Despite the publicity generated by the 2012 date, Susan Milbrath, curator of Latin American Art and Archaeology at the Florida Museum of Natural History, stated that ';We [the archaeological community] have no record or knowledge that [the Maya] would think the world would come to an end'; in 2012. ';For the ancient Maya, it was a huge celebration to make it to the end of a whole cycle,'; says Sandra Noble, executive director of the Foundation for the Advancement of Mesoamerican Studies in Crystal River, Florida. To render December 21, 2012, as a doomsday event or moment of cosmic shifting, she says, is ';a complete fabrication and a chance for a lot of people to cash in.';';2012 prophecies'; True or False? Opinions?
And I say it's a load of bull.
There's no way that some human could come along in the sliver of time that humans have existed and decide that the Earth ends on such and such date. There's no way for them to tell the future, no human has mental powers that another human doesn't have.
There's been many other occasions where people believed the world would end, and it didn't... obviously.
Then again, this is just my opinion, I do not know and no one else knows for sure either. But, it is cool to think about.
2012 Aliens New World or?
1st of all the myans made a spiritual prophecy and were not promoting a movie. 2012 is when demons will be let loose and not the worlds end on that date. 1st millions of people will vanish off the earth. Then demons trick people with a false messiah
and religion. The real Jesus is not coming then. Some people may have abilities and perform acts thru Satans powers. There will be 3.5 years of peace at first. In the final 3.5 years all will be slain as foretold who reject God/Christ and go for the false religion and new world leader.
Demons are fallen angels, angels who rebelled against God. Demons are evil, deceptive, and destructive. According to 2 Corinthians 11:14-15, demons masquerade as “angels of light” and as “servants of righteousness.” Appearing as a “ghost” and impersonating a deceased human being definitely is a disguise that demons use as well as other things like aliens and some types of lightships/ufos.
Abductions are suspect--In cases of alien abductions the person or persons abducted are not Christians nor followers of Christ or religious for that matter. In many cases these persons can atest they called on the name of the Lord...and the abduction stopped immediately. Aliens are Satans demons and are here for no other purpose but to raise the possibility that there is no God and to debunk anything that has to do with the Lord. For instance, there is already a theory that when the rapture happens...everyone left here on earth will blame it on the aliens. The missing persons and the alien presence, when seen and televised, will also have the widespread false teachings of creation by them and their ancestors as well as other lies. This is all a plan by Satan to deceive the masses.
Contact me for more help.
false,you have been listening way to much late night talk radio and all the doom and gloom people that are on those shows telling you that the world will end on december 12th 2012 ,the early mayan
people that made the stone calender just ran out of room when it was made.this is just like the y2k scam that the doom and gloom people that said that on midnight dec31st 1999 jan 1st 2000 the power grid will fail and we will have massive black outs that will last for weeks our computers will crash and did all this happen ?.no so why should you believe it,s the end of the world ,when it happens it happens and there,s nothing you can do about it.
According to the Bible the mark of the beast thing has to happen
before the end of the world. Where you can't buy or sale without the mark.
Has not happened yet. If the mark of beast thing happens in 2012,
the rapture could happen between now and then at any time.
2012 sure isn't the end of the world.
The mayan Calender resets itself every 2012 years that's how it works,its a cycle.
The Bible does not say 2012 will be the end of the world,it doesn't even match the event's of Bible Prophecy.
I don't think the bible says anything about a battle between good and evil in 2012. The bible never states directly when the world will end.
I think it is all a bunch of crap, created by those who wish to scare others. *Yawn*
FALSE. just because they mayans said the world is going to end in 2012 doesnt mean its going to happen. they made this prediction a VERY long time ago and then they all disappeared...? i dont believe in this kind of stuff
It's not going to end. The Mayans probably just ran out of space on the rock they were carving their calendar on. The world will not end in 2012, it is complete superstition.
The Neo-Mayans say it's false.
The Bible has no written date.
No clue about the Injuns but I'm not buying a bomb shelter based on them.
No! Stop asking that stupid question ppl!!! MAYANS HAVE NO IDEA WHEN GOD'S WRATH WILL COME!!! In the bible he said no one shall know his wrath. So seriously ppl, don't believe that sh**
Something is going to end. Probably not the world.
The Hopi Indians say it could be the beginning of the fifth cycle.
The bible says there's a battle between good and evil.';2012 prophecies'; True or False? Opinions?
It amazes how mass media can have such a profound effect on the general public. NOWHERE in the mayan long count (calendar) doe it state 2012 marks the end of the world. All it actually says is that the Long count (or world clock if you like) will be reset.
Despite the publicity generated by the 2012 date, Susan Milbrath, curator of Latin American Art and Archaeology at the Florida Museum of Natural History, stated that ';We [the archaeological community] have no record or knowledge that [the Maya] would think the world would come to an end'; in 2012. ';For the ancient Maya, it was a huge celebration to make it to the end of a whole cycle,'; says Sandra Noble, executive director of the Foundation for the Advancement of Mesoamerican Studies in Crystal River, Florida. To render December 21, 2012, as a doomsday event or moment of cosmic shifting, she says, is ';a complete fabrication and a chance for a lot of people to cash in.';';2012 prophecies'; True or False? Opinions?
And I say it's a load of bull.
There's no way that some human could come along in the sliver of time that humans have existed and decide that the Earth ends on such and such date. There's no way for them to tell the future, no human has mental powers that another human doesn't have.
There's been many other occasions where people believed the world would end, and it didn't... obviously.
Then again, this is just my opinion, I do not know and no one else knows for sure either. But, it is cool to think about.
2012 Aliens New World or?
1st of all the myans made a spiritual prophecy and were not promoting a movie. 2012 is when demons will be let loose and not the worlds end on that date. 1st millions of people will vanish off the earth. Then demons trick people with a false messiah
and religion. The real Jesus is not coming then. Some people may have abilities and perform acts thru Satans powers. There will be 3.5 years of peace at first. In the final 3.5 years all will be slain as foretold who reject God/Christ and go for the false religion and new world leader.
Demons are fallen angels, angels who rebelled against God. Demons are evil, deceptive, and destructive. According to 2 Corinthians 11:14-15, demons masquerade as “angels of light” and as “servants of righteousness.” Appearing as a “ghost” and impersonating a deceased human being definitely is a disguise that demons use as well as other things like aliens and some types of lightships/ufos.
Abductions are suspect--In cases of alien abductions the person or persons abducted are not Christians nor followers of Christ or religious for that matter. In many cases these persons can atest they called on the name of the Lord...and the abduction stopped immediately. Aliens are Satans demons and are here for no other purpose but to raise the possibility that there is no God and to debunk anything that has to do with the Lord. For instance, there is already a theory that when the rapture happens...everyone left here on earth will blame it on the aliens. The missing persons and the alien presence, when seen and televised, will also have the widespread false teachings of creation by them and their ancestors as well as other lies. This is all a plan by Satan to deceive the masses.
Contact me for more help.
false,you have been listening way to much late night talk radio and all the doom and gloom people that are on those shows telling you that the world will end on december 12th 2012 ,the early mayan
people that made the stone calender just ran out of room when it was made.this is just like the y2k scam that the doom and gloom people that said that on midnight dec31st 1999 jan 1st 2000 the power grid will fail and we will have massive black outs that will last for weeks our computers will crash and did all this happen ?.no so why should you believe it,s the end of the world ,when it happens it happens and there,s nothing you can do about it.
According to the Bible the mark of the beast thing has to happen
before the end of the world. Where you can't buy or sale without the mark.
Has not happened yet. If the mark of beast thing happens in 2012,
the rapture could happen between now and then at any time.
2012 sure isn't the end of the world.
The mayan Calender resets itself every 2012 years that's how it works,its a cycle.
The Bible does not say 2012 will be the end of the world,it doesn't even match the event's of Bible Prophecy.
I don't think the bible says anything about a battle between good and evil in 2012. The bible never states directly when the world will end.
I think it is all a bunch of crap, created by those who wish to scare others. *Yawn*
FALSE. just because they mayans said the world is going to end in 2012 doesnt mean its going to happen. they made this prediction a VERY long time ago and then they all disappeared...? i dont believe in this kind of stuff
It's not going to end. The Mayans probably just ran out of space on the rock they were carving their calendar on. The world will not end in 2012, it is complete superstition.
The Neo-Mayans say it's false.
The Bible has no written date.
No clue about the Injuns but I'm not buying a bomb shelter based on them.
No! Stop asking that stupid question ppl!!! MAYANS HAVE NO IDEA WHEN GOD'S WRATH WILL COME!!! In the bible he said no one shall know his wrath. So seriously ppl, don't believe that sh**
Something is going to end. Probably not the world.
No false teachings or prophecies -Why not?
Why Jehovah's Witnesses simply eliminate the word '; false '; in connection with anything that Society has ever taught no matter how false it was?No false teachings or prophecies -Why not?
The Governing Body realizes that Jesus would never have appointed an unfaithful or indiscreet false teacher or false prophet over any of his “earthly interests.” And therefore in order to uphold the lie that “the Society is God’s organization” (which they believe to be the truth), they have had to do something with Russell’s and Rutherford’s teachings and prophecies that were false. But how can they convince anyone (including themselves) that those men didn’t have any false teachings or prophecies when they had so many of them?
The 750 pages of the ”Proclaimers” book has simply removed the word “false” in connection with anything the Society has ever taught no matter how false it was. In place of the word “false” such teachings have been referred to as “past truths”—thereby not only avoiding the word false” but using the word “truth” in its place. The word false” is reserved for all other religions which just happen to be full of “false teachers,” “false teachings,” “false prophets” and “false prophecies” and therefore are “false religions.” The end result is that the Watchtower Society alone ends up being “the only true religion.”
Jehovah’s Witnesses have been so conditioned by the organization’s reasoning on this matter that they look forward to “new truths.” Rather than being negative evidence indicating that a previous teaching must have been false, which would suggest that the Society may not be God’s organization, “new truths” are viewed as positive evidence
which proves that ‘God is continuing to refine his organization.’ This is another indication of how deeply captive everyone is to the concept that “the Society is God’s organization” and therefore why it is so difficult for them to escape from it.
There is so much more that could be said in regard this false teachings and or Prophecies, but there is not enough room here. The Governing Body had also removed the word “prophecy” in connection
with their prophecies once it is realized that they are not true. They were only Watchtower prophecies – prophecies that originated with men rather than Jehovah God. That would explain why none of them came true. If they had come from Jehovah they would have come true.The Proclaimers book states more than once that Russell never took credit for any of the dates/events he came up with. When, for example, it is realized that he said that all his dates were “[Jehovah’s] dates,” and Rutherford said that he date of 1925 was “based upon the promises set forth in [Jehovah’s] Word”—and and yet what these men so often said did not occur or come true—it looks like the Bible is trying to tell them that those men were false prophets. But the Governing Body will not allow the Bible to tell them that. Why not? Because such a conclusion does not fit what they have chosen to believe; what they need to believe.
No false teachings or prophecies -Why not?
';A student that is learning does not have full knowledge.';
This was the original disguise, the ';Bible Students'; error was allowed by reason of not having full knowledge.
The Watchtower has declared itself to be the channel from and mouthpiece of God.
The Watchtower has declared itself to be run by anointed (Christs).
The Watchtower has declared itself to be the spirit filled organization by which people are saved.
The Watchtower:
Run by 'christs' (anointed)
which are the mouthpiece of God (speak for God),
the channel of salvation (how a person is saved).
Utter malarkey.
If the WTBTS were to be that honest with their people, they know a lot of them would leave.
I see the JW's on here continue to spread the lies of the WTBTS, such a shame that they have to stoop to such low demonic tactics to defend a false religion.
I like to use the term ';cognitive dissonance'; to describe their behavior in this regard.
Pride comes right before a downfall.
But Christianity....Christians preach that Jesus is his own father ...he is God almighty and son of God almighty at the same time
and if you dont accept that they used to say that Jesus will torture you in hell...while ...Satan that is free here in earth still haven't received punishment.....now some of them are rejecting the idea of eternal torture by Jesus Christ.....
You believe Jesus is torturing the children who died in the flood....cause they were evil...unless Jesus killed innocents children during the flood...and that is gross...If they are in heaven ten your Jesus killed innocents children in the flood.
I notice that you are suffocated with JWs...obsesionated....you never Criticize Muslims that are 150 times bigger that JWs...or LDS that are twice than JWs ...not even SDA ....that also are twice than JWs.....Why???
be careful with obessions
The Governing Body realizes that Jesus would never have appointed an unfaithful or indiscreet false teacher or false prophet over any of his “earthly interests.” And therefore in order to uphold the lie that “the Society is God’s organization” (which they believe to be the truth), they have had to do something with Russell’s and Rutherford’s teachings and prophecies that were false. But how can they convince anyone (including themselves) that those men didn’t have any false teachings or prophecies when they had so many of them?
The 750 pages of the ”Proclaimers” book has simply removed the word “false” in connection with anything the Society has ever taught no matter how false it was. In place of the word “false” such teachings have been referred to as “past truths”—thereby not only avoiding the word false” but using the word “truth” in its place. The word false” is reserved for all other religions which just happen to be full of “false teachers,” “false teachings,” “false prophets” and “false prophecies” and therefore are “false religions.” The end result is that the Watchtower Society alone ends up being “the only true religion.”
Jehovah’s Witnesses have been so conditioned by the organization’s reasoning on this matter that they look forward to “new truths.” Rather than being negative evidence indicating that a previous teaching must have been false, which would suggest that the Society may not be God’s organization, “new truths” are viewed as positive evidence
which proves that ‘God is continuing to refine his organization.’ This is another indication of how deeply captive everyone is to the concept that “the Society is God’s organization” and therefore why it is so difficult for them to escape from it.
There is so much more that could be said in regard this false teachings and or Prophecies, but there is not enough room here. The Governing Body had also removed the word “prophecy” in connection
with their prophecies once it is realized that they are not true. They were only Watchtower prophecies – prophecies that originated with men rather than Jehovah God. That would explain why none of them came true. If they had come from Jehovah they would have come true.The Proclaimers book states more than once that Russell never took credit for any of the dates/events he came up with. When, for example, it is realized that he said that all his dates were “[Jehovah’s] dates,” and Rutherford said that he date of 1925 was “based upon the promises set forth in [Jehovah’s] Word”—and and yet what these men so often said did not occur or come true—it looks like the Bible is trying to tell them that those men were false prophets. But the Governing Body will not allow the Bible to tell them that. Why not? Because such a conclusion does not fit what they have chosen to believe; what they need to believe.
No false teachings or prophecies -Why not?
';A student that is learning does not have full knowledge.';
This was the original disguise, the ';Bible Students'; error was allowed by reason of not having full knowledge.
The Watchtower has declared itself to be the channel from and mouthpiece of God.
The Watchtower has declared itself to be run by anointed (Christs).
The Watchtower has declared itself to be the spirit filled organization by which people are saved.
The Watchtower:
Run by 'christs' (anointed)
which are the mouthpiece of God (speak for God),
the channel of salvation (how a person is saved).
Utter malarkey.
If the WTBTS were to be that honest with their people, they know a lot of them would leave.
I see the JW's on here continue to spread the lies of the WTBTS, such a shame that they have to stoop to such low demonic tactics to defend a false religion.
I like to use the term ';cognitive dissonance'; to describe their behavior in this regard.
Pride comes right before a downfall.
But Christianity....Christians preach that Jesus is his own father ...he is God almighty and son of God almighty at the same time
and if you dont accept that they used to say that Jesus will torture you in hell...while ...Satan that is free here in earth still haven't received punishment.....now some of them are rejecting the idea of eternal torture by Jesus Christ.....
You believe Jesus is torturing the children who died in the flood....cause they were evil...unless Jesus killed innocents children during the flood...and that is gross...If they are in heaven ten your Jesus killed innocents children in the flood.
I notice that you are suffocated with JWs...obsesionated....you never Criticize Muslims that are 150 times bigger that JWs...or LDS that are twice than JWs ...not even SDA ....that also are twice than JWs.....Why???
be careful with obessions
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