Thursday, February 4, 2010

How can JWs avoid the words '; false'; and ';prophecies'; and then say that they are not false prophets?

The Governing Body realizes that Jesus would never have appointed an unfaithful or indiscreet false teacher or false prophet over any of his “earthly interests.” And therefore in order to uphold the lie that “the Society is God’s organization” (which they believe to be the truth),

they have had to do something with Russell’s and Rutherford’s teachings and prophecies that were false. But how can they convince anyone (including themselves) that those men didn’t have any false teachings or prophecies when they had so many of them? Here is how

they accomplish this seemingly impossible feat… Removing the Word “False” The 750 pages of the ”Proclaimers” book has simply

removed the word “false” in connection with anything the Society has ever taught no matter how false it was. In place of the word “false” such teachings have been referred to as “past truths”—thereby not only avoiding the word “false” but using the word “truth” in its place. The word “false” is reserved for all other religions which just happen

to be full of “false teachers,” “false teachings,” “false prophets” and “false prophecies” and therefore are “false religions.” The end result is that the Watchtower Society alone ends up being “the only true religion.” Jehovah’s Witnesses have been so conditioned by the

organization’s reasoning on this matter that they look forward to “new truths.” Rather than being negative evidence indicating that a previous teaching must have been false, which would suggest that the Society may not be God’s organization, “new truths” are viewed as positive evidence which proves that ‘God is continuing to refine his organization.’ This is another indication of how deeply captive everyone

is to the concept that “the Society is God’s organization” and therefore why it is so difficult for them to escape from it.

They also remove the word “prophecy” in connection with their prophecies once it is realized that they are not true. All during the period of time Russell’s and Rutherford’s dates/events were being proclaimed they were said to be “in fulfillment of Bible prophecy.” This has been true of every prophecy that has ever come from the Watchtower Society. That’s why Jehovah’s Witnesses have believed

them. But once their prophecies are discarded, the word “prophecy” is also discarded.How can JWs avoid the words '; false'; and ';prophecies'; and then say that they are not false prophets?

If you look at the NWT Bible, you'll find that it often uses unique words where we are more familiar with other words in our language. For instance, luminary is an accurate description for light, but its unfamiliar use confuses the rest of us.

If what you say is true, that JWs avoid using false and prophecy/ies, then they likely use other words that convey the same meaning.How can JWs avoid the words '; false'; and ';prophecies'; and then say that they are not false prophets?
We are waiting on new light.
They can't!

You are what you are.

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