It's very easy to say that ';extremely vague'; equals ';accurate';.An astonishing 668 prophecies have been fulfilled by the bible and none have ever been proven false...?
Oh, jon, you do flatter! =0)
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I believe that the whole reason God included prophecy in His Word is to prove to us doubting humans who He is and that He is in control and knows every detail about everything that goes on. He also told us these things so that we can be prepared to see them happening when they come, i.e. the prophecies concerning the first coming of the Messiah. It is up to us and our free will whether to see, believe, and acknowledge or not.
benhikin, EarthAngel, and bc_munkee,
I think this question is over-stated a bit. And yes, he should have been ready with some proof to back up the claim.
There are around 600 prophecies relating to Christ alone. Around 300 were fulfilled at His first coming (in exact detail) and another 300 are yet to be fulfilled by His second coming. I listed as many as I could put together in a year and have documented them at this link...
There are many other prophecies that have been fulfilled or are in the process. Here are a few that I have documented.
Prophecy does beg one to answer a crucial question, the existence of God and the validity of His Word.鈥?/a>
bettierage - Would like to know what you find vague about the prophecies I have documented above. There are hundreds more regarding the coming of the Messiah, the calling of Cyrus the Mead by name to allow the rebuilding of the temple in Jerusalem, and the re-establishment of the nation of Israel. The regathering of the nation of Israel in 1948 is incredibly precise in its fulfillment. Going as far as to explain its replanting of trees and being a large exporter of fruit. See a list of some of the prophecies at this link...
Note that an event like this has never happened before in all of history. In fact, Robert Anderson who was the inspector for Scotland Yard (who caught Jack the Ripper) took the book of Daniel as providing the date Messiah was to come. His incredible calculations pinpointed the DAY Jesus rode in to Jerusalem. For this, he was knighted by Queen Victoria and became Sir Robert Anderson. However, he read other prophesies regarding Israel becoming a nation again and thought that this was WAY too preposterous. No nation, after being conquered and scattered, EVER returned again to form a nation and a people. So it must have had some ';allegorical'; meaning to it. Well, in 1948, Sir Robert Anderson was proven wrong. Sir Robert Anderson believed the Bible, but his doubt in a wild claim such as Israel becoming a nation was too much for him. THAT is how accurate prophecy is. Before the fulfillment took place, Anderson assumed it was wrong (having lived in the Victorian era pre 1948). He twisted nothing, but assumed it was something else entirely.
Isaiah 34:16
';Search from the book of the LORD, and read: Not one of these shall fail; Not one shall lack her mate. For My mouth has commanded it, and His Spirit has gathered them.';
2 Peter 1:16-21 (condensed)
For we did not follow cunningly devised fables when we made known to you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but were eyewitnesses of His majesty...and so we have the prophetic word confirmed, which you do well to heed as a light that shines in a dark place...for prophecy never came by the will of man, but holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit.
As a Christian, I would really like to know how you respond to the prophesy in Ezekiel Chapter 29 that Nebuchadnezzar would conquer Egypt and Egypt would be laid waste for forty years. This never happened.
I am a Christian, but I have to admit that this is just one that Ezekiel apparantly got wrong. There are some who say it just has not happened yet, and I guess that is possible. Iraq could start calling itself Babylon again, and the failure of the American policy there could cause a monarchical form of Government to come to power, and one of those kings could be named Nebuchadnezzar. And I suppose that king could attack and conquer Egypt, but it is not likely.
:: Looks at bible, looks at him, looks at bible. ::
The world is flat...
The beast's number is 666...
Gee, seems this book is SOOO accurate, seeing as how all of us are dead...
- 16 yo Pagan
I expect a lot of quote mining of portions of text from the Tanakh as ';proof'; of your allegation. Should be fun.
By the way, do you think it's hypocrisy to use a portion of text in support of your views but tell someone who doesn't agree with you that if they use a portion of text that contradicts you that they somehow took it out of context? Just wondering.
No crystal ball - God really is God and the Bible is really the word of God and we will continue to see more the prophecies fulfilled just as accurately and no there have been none other come within a percentace of meeting their predictions.
That's a mighty big claim, where's your evidence?
No. Yes. No. He didn't need a crystal ball: He is The God.
And for the guy who asks which prophecies, the best way is to research it on your own. But the asker of this question is correct. Those prophecies have been fulfilled accurately and timely.
I have to ask you. What prophecies came true?
Do you have any proof, or am I just supposed to take your word for it.
What 668 prophecies are you talking about? Moses dying on a cliff just like the lord told him?
What a joke.
Some desire to disclaim the Bible's prophesies and accuracy because this would make people accountable to its writings. Archeologists have found artifacts from King Nebudchenezzar and Belshazzar, during King David and Solomon's reign, even proven the walls of Jericho where destroyed, not by fallen forward or backward, but they came straight down, AS THE BIBLE said
Until the doubters get proof of God's existence in their heart, they will continue to doubt. They do not want to be accountable to a God.
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