2:17 But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.
3:6 ... and he did eat.
5:5 And all the days that Adam lived were nine hundred and thirty years: and he died
In Genesis, God predicted that Adam would die the day he ate from the tree. It took a day + 930 years. That's pretty accurate, right?
How about this one? It's about King Solomon and is from 2 Samuel:
7:13 He shall build an house for my name, and I will establish the throne of his kingdom for ever.
7:16 And thine house and thy kingdom shall be established for ever before thee: thy throne shall be established for ever.
Since Solomon's Kingdom of Israel is still around and wasn't destroyed by the Assyrian Empire in around 720 B.C., this prophecy came true as well.
In light of all these ';fulfilled'; prophecies, how can people not believe in the Bible?If the Bible is false, then why are its prophecies so accurate?
Vishal, the bible is not a math book. If you're looking for ';factual errors'; (to quote an atheist yesterday) and you spend your time digging deep enought to find it, BINGO! you found one and then you sarcastically ask a question to say ';gotcha!';Well so what, pat yourself on the back and remember, in Animal Farm there were talking animals too and it's considered great literature, the bible with all its metaphors, analogies and parables is poetic literature, but with a clear message.If the Bible is false, then why are its prophecies so accurate?
Understood, thank you for the explanation.
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Much in the book were scribed after the fact, and much in it ARE inaccurate. Now I'm not condemning the bible; just be wary of what's in there.
The best question ever asked on here. And some of the answers are so funny - it seems many people can't actually read.
nice one!
No prophecy that was presumably written and fulfilled in Genesis could be considered as prophetic simply because Genesis was written thousands of years after the events took place.
In 2 Samuel, I take the words ';for ever'; to mean ';for ever';. Where is that house, where is that throne? I don't know of any extant Kings in Israel.
The two examples you just gave don't show anything. When prophecy is written purposely vague, it isn't prophecy.
Nostradamus has been shown to be as accurate as the Bible. If you believe the Bible because of such ';fulfilled prophecy'; do you also believe Nostradamus?
i'm not christian and didnt bother to check your facts but,i think your exactly the type of person who should listen to
a guy from youtube,
stuff that he said that you should practice (he took these quotes from the bible)
you shouldnt pray on the streets go home lock yourself in a closet and pray there
the bible is just miracles because if it wasnt for the miracles nobody would listen
also watch his video title is jesus gay?
You missed it my friend. Adam was going to live forever until he ate of that evil tree. Adam would not have died at 930 years old. Adam would be alive today. God got Adam out of the Garden quick because the tree of life was in that garden also. And if evil Adam had eaten of the tree of life, then evil would exist forever, but Adam didn't. So Jesus was able to come and take away those evil sins of the world that Adam brought into the world. Salvation is a free gift of God. Accept it.
The Throne of David, Solomon's father has been established forever and when Christ returns He will sit on the Throne of David in the New Jerusalem. He was crucified with a sign over His head, ';King of the Jews.'; This prophecy is yet to be fulfilled when Jesus returns. As long as the King lives His throne is established forever. I serve a living God and King of Kings. Seek you first the Kingdom of God and everything else will be added unto you. Seek God, my friend.
you've convinced me.....
wait, what? those are're having us on, aren't you?
';how can people not believe in the Bible?';
Perhaps they are Hindus or Muslims or Atheists. These people don't care for your bible.
If I write a fictional story, does that mean I can`t incude chapters from the encyclopidia.
The bible is a mix of truths lies and half truths...!!
i believe in the bible 100%ti really tell you all the things that going to occur before it hapens
Both were full filled; however not in the way that you think. The Genesis passage says that ';IN THE DAY that you eat of it you will surely die.'; You are right, Adam lived 930 years after that day. But he did die spiritually as we all do the moment we sin. Notice what is said in Romans 6:23 and James 1:13-15.
The second passage was talking about David not Solomon. He was to raise up from his (David's) descendants a King and a Kingdom. You are correct in that Solomon's kingdom did come to an end two to three times in history. Then we know that this isn't the kingdom that we are talking about. Jesus (a descendant of David) is reigning right now, 1 Corinthians 15:24-28, Hebrews 2:7-8, and Matthew 28:19. We then are part of His Kingdom which is His Church. Notice that John mentions that he is in the kingdom, Revelation 1:6,9. Also look at Colossians 1:13.
These as well as all the prophecies in the Bible are accurate.
lol, n im not even a Christian, BUT i am standing up for what i believe..
Your first question or statement is true.Adam and Eve died spiritually there eye where opened and they knew they had sinned and they where ashamed. They had a perfect relationship with God. They could talk to him just like we talk to each other. But since they choose to do wrong they died a spiritual death and where cast from a perfect place the Garden of Eden.
I wanna know what kinda fruit that was that made him surely die 930 years later.
I'll start serving it at my restaurants (with some really good 2000 calorie dippin' sauce).
I'm lovin' it.
Gosh, I'm convinced-thanks
I see you have been reading the Bible again -- dangerous stuff.
Don't you enjoy the pornographic Song of Solomon? lol
The first prophecy wasn't so much a prophecy as a warning. God said that if Adam ate the fruit, he would die. That death wasn't a physical one, obviously. It was spiritual. This is backed up in scripture all over the place, as we are told that man is spiritually dead until he is made spiritually alive again by Jesus Christ - that is why it is called being ';born again';. Although, part of that spiritual death was Adam and Eve's eventual physical deaths as well.
The second one is talking about Solomon's bloodline. Both Mary and Joseph, Jesus' parents, were descendants from Solomon's bloodline. There was no king of Israel when Jesus was born, but technically Joseph would have been on the throne if the country was still run that way. And since Jesus was Joseph's son, He was next in line for the throne. One day Jesus is going to reign physically here on earth from the throne in Israel, thus fulfilling that prophecy of Solomon's throne being established forever.
Your effort is ';good'; I suppose, but it is flawed in that you show a basic lack of understanding of the Bible and its principles. Of course it makes no sense to you - it is only discerned by the help of the Holy Spirit, and you do not have His help because you aren't saved. You are welcome to keep trying though!
if prohecy is a test for finding whether bible is true or false,then i can give you a number of unfulfilled prophesies and let you decide whether bible is true or not:
if you read Genesis, Chapter No. 4, Verse No. 12, it says… ‘God told Cain: you will never be able to settle you will be a wanderer.’ Few Verses later on Genesis, Chapter No.4, Verse No.17, says…‘Cain built up a city’ – unfulfilled prophecy. If you read Jeremiah, Chapter No.36, Verse No.30, it says that…‘Jehoiachin the father of Jehoiachin… no one will be able to sit on his throne - The throne of David, no one will be able to sit after Jehoiachin.’ If you read later on, II Kings, Chapter No 24, Verse No 6, it says that… ‘Jehoiachin after he died, later on Jehoiachin sat on the throne’ - Unfulfilled prophecy. If you read Ezekiel, Chapter No 26, it says that…‘Nebuchader, he will destroyed Tyre.’ We come to know that Alexander the great, was the person who destroyed Tyre - Unfulfilled prophecy. Isaiah, Chapter No. 7, Verse No 14, says, prophesying of…‘The coming of a person who will be born to a virgin - his name shall be Emmanuel.’ They say… the Christians - it refers to Jesus Christ peace be upon him. Born to a virgin - the Hebrew word there is ‘amla’, which means not ‘a virgin’- ‘a young lady.’ The word for ‘virgin’ in Hebrew is, ‘baitula’, which is not there. Even if you agree - we are using concordance - we agree… ‘Virgin’… ‘Virgin’ - No problem. It says… ‘He will be called Immanuel.’ No where in the Bible is Jesus Christ peace be upon him, is called as Immanuel - Unfulfilled prophecy.
One is sufficient to prove the Bible wrong - I have given a few clear unfulfilled prophesies.
... who ever said it WAS false?
If one grows up reading the ancient Hebrew prophets and then writes a new testament, of course, he will show that the predictions came true.
If the bible ever predicted the exact words,';Space Shuttle'; or ';Dinosaur';, and not stretchy translations of them like ';Behemoth or dragon'; I'd be more impressed.
You know my rules.. thumbs up.= you agree with me.. thumbs down = I'm right and I've pissed you off. DEAL WITH IT!
That's why its called the word of God. Many scriptures have been full filled. Like in Isaiah where it talks about Jesus being born, but many Jews still do not realize that came true. I believe in Isaiah where it talks about he will be bruised for our iniquities, that came true.
Nostradamus has a pretty good track record, how do you explain that?
I was alway very fascinated about the virgin birth prophesy!
Isaiah 7:14-16 (KJV) Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin* (Heb=young girl) shall conceive and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel* (*not “Jesus”!). Butter and honey shall he eat, that he may know to refuse the evil (Jesus[?] in need to learn how to refuse EVIL!), and choose the good. For before the child shall know to refuse the evil, and choose the good, the land that thou abhorrest shall be forsaken of both her kings.
After this “virgin” lady gives birth the boy is quite a little devil and needs to learn to reject EVIL and choose to do good! This is mentioned twice! Please correct me if I am wrong! The Early Church Fathers and some Gospel writers had to take everything out of context to make it work!
Christianity today is banking on a “virgin birth” pregnancy without sexual intercourse when the Early Church Fathers claim that the Blessed Virgin Mary was drenched in Holy Dew* (*Semen) from head to toe! (Apocrypha - Gospel of Saint Bartholomew chapter 2)
Chapter II (2)
3 Bartholomew therefore said unto Peter: Thou that art the chief, and my teacher, draw near and ask her. But Peter said to John: Thou art a virgin and undefiled and thou must ask her.
4 And as they all doubted and disputed, Bartholomew came near unto her with a cheerful countenance and said to her: Thou that art highly favored the tabernacle of the Most High, unblemished we, even all the apostles, ask thee to tell us how thou didst conceive the incomprehensible.
5 But Mary said unto them: Ask me not concerning this mystery. If I should begin to tell you, fire will issue forth out of my mouth and consume all the world.
6 But they continued yet the more to ask her. And she, for she could not refuse to hear the apostles, said: Let us stand up in prayer
14 And when she had ended the prayer she began to say unto them: Let us sit down upon the ground; and come thou, Peter the chief, and sit on my right hand and put thy left hand beneath mine armpit; and thou, Andrew, do so on my left hand; and thou, John, the virgin, hold together my bosom; and thou, Bartholomew, set thy knees against my back and hold my shoulders, lest when I begin to speak my bones be loosed one from another.
15 And when they had so done she began to say: When I abode in the temple of God, on a certain day there appeared unto me one in the likeness of an angel.
16 And straightway the veil of the temple was rent and there was a very great earthquake, and I fell upon the earth, for I was not able to endure the sight of him.
17 But he put his hand beneath me and raised me up, and I looked up into heaven and there came a cloud of dew and sprinkled me from the head to the feet, and he wiped me with his robe.
Probably the Blessed Virgin Mary's blue dress was stained with a heavy dose of Heavenly dew, too. ';Angel'; is plain ';messenger'; in Greek. There is no distinction in the Greek on whether the messenger that was assisting the Blessed Virgin Mary in her heaven made copulation was human or Celestial being. According to Saint Bartholomew there was a whole gang of ';messengers'; assisting the Blessed Virgin Mary to copulate with the Holy Spook. Evidently Saint Gabriel was the head angel (no pun intended).
I am only pasting what the early church fathers knew about the Holy Conception! Today Cristians are very much in denial and I am about to be banned out of Yahoo for telling it like it is in Christianity!
The prophecies are accurate because the Bible isn't false.
Not all people recognize these truths.
The truth is revealed to those who love and seek the truth.
A day is as a thousand years and a thousand years is as one day.
The day of the Lord is the millennial rule of Christ and is one thousand years,
because it contains both , word of God and word of man
some istrue
and other false prophecies are obviously,,, not the word of God.
the bible doesn't contain prophecies it tells stories. since adam died long before the bible was written it can't be considered a prophecies. you can't start an argument with a false statement and then feel righteous about your conclusions.
Good question. I believe the Bible is true...but then again I am a Christian. You are right about the prophecies, and there are more that have been coming true also. Like you won't be able to really tell the seasons apart...that's happening right now. It should be freezing right now, but in Oklahoma it's in the mid 50's and 60's NOT NORMAL. So...I guess it just depends on the person. I don't understand why people don't believe it either.
Bible is not 100% false. Real meanings of many words do get lost in translations. Also translators add their own views and interpretations translating from one language to another. When a message is translated from one language to second and from second to third it becomes something else too - not 100% but meanings of many message do change. Since original languages are dead, how translations can be verified. Arabic is living language and Quran's translators can not mess its meanings because it gets checked and corrected. Muslims always read the Arabic text. Daily prayers are valid only when said in original Arabic text.
The self-authenticating, God-breathed Word, contained in the Old and New Testaments, is sufficient for faith and practice.
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