Sunday, February 7, 2010

Unfulfilled Biblical prophecy, True or False with your answer why?

How long was the Egyptian captivity? This verse says 400 years, but Ex.12:40 and Gal.3:17 say 430 years. 15:13


I want to show some critics how easy it is to read the bible and misunderstand.Unfulfilled Biblical prophecy, True or False with your answer why?
What verse? The only ones I see support the 430. But, you could say many things. First, like others 400 is a round number just like 2 by 2 for the Ark, and the details can be provided if needed. Second, Moses could have been born at the 400 mark and grew to manhood. So the deliverance started with the birth and culminated with the Exodus.Unfulfilled Biblical prophecy, True or False with your answer why?
This is an excerpt from the book Insight on the Scriptures:

Exodus 12:40, 41 states that “the dwelling of the sons of Israel, who had dwelt in Egypt, was four hundred and thirty years. And it came about at the end of the four hundred and thirty years, it even came about on this very day that all the armies of Jehovah went out of the land of Egypt.” Whereas most translations render verse 40 in such a way as to make the 430 years apply entirely to the dwelling in Egypt, the original Hebrew allows for the above translation. Also, at Galatians 3:16, 17, Paul associates that 430-year period with the time between the validating of the Abrahamic covenant and the making of the Law covenant. Evidently when Abraham acted on God’s promise, crossing the Euphrates in 1943 B.C.E. on his way to Canaan and actually moving into “the country” to which God directed him, the Abrahamic covenant was validated. (Ge 12:1; 15:18-21) Exactly 430 years after this event, his descendants were delivered from Egypt, in 1513 B.C.E., and in that same year the Law covenant was made with them. Evidence that from early times the period mentioned at Exodus 12:40, 41 was understood to begin counting from the time when the ancestors of the nation made the move to go to Canaan is indicated by the Greek Septuagint rendering: “But the dwelling of the sons of Israel which they dwelt in the land of Egypt and in the land of Canaan [was] four hundred and thirty years long.”

Adam 130%26lt;Seth 105%26lt;Enos 90%26lt;Cainan 70%26lt; Mahalaleel 65%26lt;Jared 162%26lt;Enoch 65%26lt; Methusaleh 187%26lt;Lamech 182 Noah 600%26gt; Gen.7:6 [ flood year 1656 ].

Shem 02%26lt;Arphaxad 35%26lt;Salah 30%26lt;Eber 34%26lt; Peleg 30%26lt;Rue 32%26lt;Serug 30%26lt; Nahor 29%26lt;Terah 130%26lt;Abraham 75, son #20, Matt.1:1-17 [ 427 ].

25 Isaac 60%26lt;Jacob 147%26lt;Joseph 53, Job 65%26lt;Moses 80%26lt; Exo.12:41 [ 430 + 40 years after covenant ].

Joshua 1%26lt;Jair Jdgs,11:26,300, 1212 BCE Judges [18, 6, 7,10, 8, Samsom 20, Samuel 20 ] 89 Samuel 20 %26amp; King Saul [ 1103 BCE. Acts 13:20,21, 450 years Samuel 20 dies, Saul 6 dies , David 40 dies, 1037 BCE. Solomon 4th year ], begans temple, 1Ki.6:1 [ 480 years after Moses dies ].

Solomon 36 years [ David son #34, dead 40 years ]. Judah kings end 391st year, at Babylon with Daniel and son #48, year 3460 [ 606 BCE, 14 generation before Christ, now at 2009 CE ], that was 2615 years ago, now year 6075 [ of year 6130 given ].

No king until Jesus at 2nd coming. Rev.20:1-3,4-6,12,13, Christ 1000 year reign, all are made alive, 1Cor.15:22-28,51-53, makes all as new as before Eden. 2Pet.3:13, Rev.2:7, 21:1-8.

1656 + 427 + 430 + 40 + 480 + 36 = 391 = year 3460 [ 606 BCE, at 2009 CE ] is 2615 years ago [ of 2670 years ], future time to Christ with his first resurrected [ Luke 20:34-36 ], as priest of God and Christ to reign1000 years with Satan in the pit and all made alive back to Abel who died year 130, to NO Satan or any like him, Rev.20:7-10,12, 13, Saints on earth joined by those coming down from God, Rev.21:1-5, all is made new, Rev.21:8; earth is cleansed, God is with his heavenly and earthly family,
Much of the Hebrew Bible is in allegory and metaphor, especially time frames. Forty days is a long time, forty years is a very long time, and 400 years is a very, very long time!

The ancient Essenes held that the Egyptian captivity was 210 years.

And sexual immorality is still not okay. Understand?
the scripture was fulfilled. 400 is a nice round number that's pretty close to 430. Only modern minds insist on perfect mathematical accuracy.
Science %26gt; Bible
Is it over?

The sun god has me under his spell.

Misunderstand the hand?

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