Sunday, February 7, 2010

Well if this prophecy of Matthew 24 is false then what truly is happening out there?

Quake warning as fault line 'under stress'

Feb 26 2008

The fault line that spawned the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami has ruptured nearly 20 times this month, with three strong quakes in the last 24 hours alone.The activity shows the stress the seam is under and could be a warning of worse to come, scientists say.

ScienceDaily (Feb. 29, 2008) 鈥?Brent Christner, LSU professor of biological sciences with colleagues in Montana and France, recently found evidence that rain-making bacteria in the atmosphere. These biological particles could factor into the precipitation cycle, affecting our climate

Hamas drew Ashkelon into the circle of communities coming under heavy rocket attacks, Defense Minister Ehud Barak and the Foreign Ministry on Thursday began preparing both Israeli and world opinion for the possibility of a large-scale attack.

US Navy is sending three warships to the eastern Mediterranean Sea in a show of strength during a period of tensions with Syria and Lebanon.Well if this prophecy of Matthew 24 is false then what truly is happening out there?
The Sixth SEAL鈥檚 Earthquake and Its Culmination!

At the opening of the Sixth SEAL (Re.6:12-14 below) there will be a great earthquake which will MOVE EVERY MOUNTAIN (continent 鈥?Ps.104:6 below) and island out of their places.

Note that at the Seventh, and final, PLAGUE (Re.16:17), when that great city (Babylon) comes in remembrance before God to give her what she deserves (which will occur prior to the battle of Armageddon), the noise of Babylon鈥檚 destruction will be heard throughout the world as the cities of the nations fall (Re.16:19), and the islands and mountains (continents 鈥?Ps.104:6 below) are NO MORE (Re.16:20).

At the last PLAGUE the cities of the nations fall, and the islands and mountains are no more (Re.16:20) because the continents (mountains 鈥?Ps.104:6 below) will continue to drift (from the Sixth Seal earthquake) to finally come together as one land mass.

Re.6:12 And I beheld when he had opened the Sixth SEAL, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood;

Re.6:13 And the stars of heaven fell unto the earth, even as a fig tree casteth her untimely figs, when she is shaken of a mighty wind.

Re.6:14 And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together; and every mountain (continent 鈥?Ps.104:6 below) and island were moved out of their places.

Ps.104:6 Thou coveredst it (the earth) with the deep as with a garment: the waters stood above the mountains (Re.6:14 above).

Additional Scriptures in reference to the Sixth SEAL - 1 Thess.5:2-3, Re.1:7, Re.6:12-17, Acts.2:20-21, Lk.21:25-27, Matt.24:29-30, Mk.13:24-27, Isa.13:6-11, Jer.30:7, Joel 2:31-32, Lk.23:30, Isa.2:19.

Patricia (ndbpsa 漏) Bible Prophecy on the WebWell if this prophecy of Matthew 24 is false then what truly is happening out there?
1. It's called plate tectonics.

2. Would you give the earthquake thing a rest?
The Hamas/U.S. Navy information was in the ScienceDaily article? How interesting.

The ';prophecy'; is not necessarily untrue. My objection is that it is vague and works for any time, past, present, and future. It cannot serve as a prophecy if it can be valid for any non-specific time period. Prophecies are specific.
What prophecy? I don't see a prophecy here.

Does the prophecy say there's going to be an earthquake? Ooo... that must take some major precognition talent. There's only thousands of them every year. Does the prophecy also state that water will be wet?

And although recently discovered by science, the bacteria have been there a long, long time. How does this fit any prophecy?

And when has there not been large-scale attacks in that region of the world? I think you would have to go back beyond the advent of recorded history to find a period of more than five years without one. Maybe even shorter.

So the only really new part is the three warships. Something the US does on a regular basis whenever there's conflict in that or other regions.

Sounds like pretty much same-old same-old all around to me.
The coming of an era of change as well as destruction... We will need to change in order to survive...
Some will not be surprised at coming events

';Nothing at all special or unique to our times'; ?

We can literally wipe each other off the face of the Earth or poison our own kind. We grow deadly disease for study or warfare ON PURPOSE. That's just a few things.

No, Things have changed !!
The same thing that was happening when Matt. 24 was written. Jesus was talking to his own generation. There was no prophesy in that chapter.
The earthquake was obviously foretold in A View to a Kill - it's an evil genius trying to manipulate the market. All it does it prove James Bond is real.
You could also die in a wreck tomorrow. Always be prepared!
What is happening is normal sesimic activity around a fault line under stress, and, possibly, some bacteria that expedites precipitation in much the way that co2 cloud seeding does, and typical war-like activity that has gone on since the beginning of life. Nothing at all special or unique to our times. Are you pssibly that ignorant of history to think that any of this is unusual?
To all of you that dont quite understand Bible prophesy...Before I say this as a Christian again this is my opinion ok? I believe we are in the final years on this earth as we know it. I dont see this earth lasting beyond 10 years at the most, as we know it ok? Its going to go on longer but I think the rapture will happen between now and 10 years. Next...God uses all things to fulfill His prophesy. He uses current events, nature, everything to fulfill what He needs done. You can blame science or whatever but the bottom line is that He will use science as well. So you can think its science and NOT prophesy but the bottom line is that whatever God choses to do HE will.
Of course everything prophesied in the Bible will happen. We dont know if that's what those events are, though.
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