Sunday, February 7, 2010

Do Jehovah Witnesses still make false prophecies today?;mode=related%26amp;search=Do Jehovah Witnesses still make false prophecies today?
The Witnesses make many claims in their attempt to convert you to their faith. They profess to have the only true Christian church, to be the only true representatives of God, to have the only correct biblical teaching, and to be the only true announcers of Jehovah's coming kingdom.

If they are the only true church and are the only true voice of God's word, then what they say should prove to be true, especially in prophecy. When it comes to predicting the future, the Watchtower organization fails miserably. Following are some of the false predictions made over the years by the Watchtower organization. If you present these to a JW, he will probably say something like, ';Those are taken out of context,'; or ';They didn't claim to be the prophet of God,'; or ';The light is getting brighter and we are understanding Bible prophecy better now,'; etc. Make a copy of these false prophecies, found in the appendix, and give it to them to check. They are right out of the Witnesses' literature.

Remember Deut. 18:22, ';If what a prophet proclaims in the name of the LORD does not take place or come true, that is a message the LORD has not spoken. That prophet has spoken presumptuously. Do not be afraid of him.'; If someone makes a false prophecy, and they have claimed to be a prophet of God, then they are false prophets and are not to be listened to.

Do the Witnesses claim to be the prophet of God? Yes, they do.

In 1972 the Jehovah's Witness Watchtower claimed to be the prophet of God.

IDENTIFYING THE ';PROPHET'; -- ';So does Jehovah have a prophet to help them, to warn them of dangers and to declare things to come? These questions can be answered in the affirmative. Who is this prophet?...This ';prophet'; was not one man, but was a body of men and women. It was the small group of footstep followers of Jesus Christ, known at that time as International Bible Students. Today they are known as Jehovah's Christian Witnesses...Of course, it is easy to say that this group acts as a ‘prophet' of God. It is another thing to prove it.'; The Watchtower, 4/1/72, p. 197. (See Deut. 18:21)

1897 ';Our Lord, the appointed King, is now present, since October 1874,'; Studies in the Scriptures, Vol. 4, page 621.

1899 ';...the ‘battle of the great day of God Almighty' (Revelation 16:14), which will end in A.D. 1914 with the complete overthrow of earth's present rulership, is already commenced.'; The Time Is at Hand, page 101 (1908 edition).

1916 ';The Bible chronology herein presented shows that the six great 1000 year days beginning with Adam are ended, and that the great 7th Day, the 1000 years of Christ's Reign, began in 1873.'; The Time Is at Hand, page ii, (forward).

1918 ';Therefore we may confidently expect that 1925 will mark the return of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and the faithful prophets of old, particularly those named by the Apostle in Hebrews 11, to the condition of human perfection.'; Millions Now Living Will Never Die, page 89.

1922 ';The date 1925 is even more distinctly indicated by the Scriptures than 1914.'; The Watchtower 9/1/22, page 262.

1923 ';Our thought is, that 1925 is definitely settled by the Scriptures. As to Noah, the Christian now has much more upon which to base his faith than Noah had upon which to base his faith in a coming deluge.'; The Watchtower, page 106 4/1/23.

1925 ';The year 1925 is here. With great expectation Christians have looked forward to this year. Many have confidently expected that all members of the body of Christ will be changed to heavenly glory during this year. This may be accomplished. It may not be. In his own due time God will accomplish his purposes concerning his people. Christians should not be so deeply concerned about what may transpire this year.'; The Watchtower, 1/1/25, page. 3.

1925 ';It is to be expected that Satan will try to inject into the minds of the consecrated, the thought that 1925 should see an end to the work.'; The Watchtower, Sept, 1925 page 262.

1926 ';Some anticipated that the work would end in 1925, but the Lord did not state so. The difficulty was that the friends inflated their imaginations beyond reason; and that when their imaginations burst asunder, they were inclined to throw away everything.'; The Watchtower, page 232.

1931 ';There was a measure of disappointment on the part of Jehovah's faithful ones on earth concerning the years 1917, 1918, and 1925, which disappointment lasted for a time...and they also learned to quit fixing dates.'; Vindication, page 338.

1941 ';Receiving the gift, the marching children clasped it to them, not a toy or plaything for idle pleasure, but the Lord's provided instrument for most effective work in the remaining months before Armageddon.'; The Watchtower, 9/15/41, page 288.

1968 ';True, there have been those in times past who predicted an ‘end to the world', even announcing a specific date. Yet nothing happened. The ‘end' did not come. They were guilty of false prophesying. Why? What was missing?.. Missing from such people were God's truths and evidence that he was using and guiding them.'; Awake, 10/8/68.

1968 ';Why are you looking forward to 1975?'; The Watchtower, 8/15/68, page 494.

A JW might say that the organization is still learning. If that is so, then how can they trust what they are taught now by the Watchtower? Will what they are being taught now change also?

A true prophet of God won't err in prophesying. Only a false prophet does. The Jehovah's Witness organization, that claims to be a prophet of God, is really a false prophet. Jesus warned us by saying, ';For false Christs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and miracles to deceive even the elect -- if that were possible'; (Matt. 24:24).

Bread gained by deceit is sweet to a man,

But afterward his mouth will be filled with gravel. Prov. 20:17

Jesus answered and said to them, “You are mistaken, not knowing the Scriptures nor the power of God. Matt. 22:29

But there were also false prophets among the people, even as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Lord who bought them, and bring on themselves swift destruction. 2 Pet. 2:1

But the prophet who presumes to speak a word in My name, which I have not commanded him to speak, or who speaks in the name of other gods, that prophet shall die.’ And if you say in your heart, ‘How shall we know the word which the LORD has not spoken?’— when a prophet speaks in the name of the LORD, if the thing does not happen or come to pass, that is the thing which the LORD has not spoken; the prophet has spoken it presumptuously; you shall not be afraid of him. Deut. 18:20-22Do Jehovah Witnesses still make false prophecies today?
Kinda reminds me of a former precedent ';I Did Not Have Sexual relations with that Woman!';

Both are caught with their pants down, and something nasty orally!~The evidence is out in the open for all to see...If the Witnesses do not falsely prophesy, Then who, by their standards does?
Well put, Suzette. But it is hard/impossible for the people in the clutches of Christendom's false religious quagmire, having been taught all the pagan/false doctrines all their lives to accept that viewpoint. The God of this System, who they are really worshiping, has really blinded their minds. They are to be pitied
I remember on of the last few ';prophetic timetable'; understanding.

Their written comment was '; we cannot expect the system to last MUCH PAST THE YEAR 2000';, ';much past'; that's a new twist on their prophecy fiascos.

They have learned from their mistakes and not placed a specific date any more. They can twist the much past in SO many ways while still keeping their blinded followers in tow.
wouldn't surprise me
To all the Witnesses who just claimed your group made no false prophecies: You are LIARS.

Edit: okay, I'll say it another way. How do you know when the Governing Board is lying? Their lips are moving.

Any Witness who in their answer to this question made the assertion that your group have not made false prophecies just LIED.
Is this in regards to when Jehovah Witnesses first became with Ruther who ever and stewart Russell. When they said the world was going to come to an end and Jesus was coming to earth so they built a mansion and the founders Rutherford and Russell lived in it in wealth without Jesus coming back. I always thought the christian bible said ';no one will not the time of day that he comes back';. I watched a movie on the Watch Tower and how that originated and it scared me to death. I use to study with Jehovah Witnesses, they made me clean out my house. If I owned a music cd or a movie video that even contained cuss words I had to rid those items to make myself clean. I was having terrible nightmares during this time. I decided to remain a Christian.
You must be mad at Jehovah's Witnesses because it didn't go your way. So all we do is tell false propehcy which you know is true but you are working with the god of this world to turn these wonderful good hearted peoples away from Jehovah who loves and cares for them and wants to save all of their live. Before the end of this world. Give people a chance to decide for themself and do research on any subject we present and it will prove that we do not deal in lies. If you remember backin Noah day there were Eight Souls who survive the flood out of the whole world of that time and they die unnecessary because they let someone talk them out of listen to Noah and all of those people did not have to die.

You know we only speak from the Bible and we can prove everything we have said can you. I really feel sorry for you.
they'd probably call them ';False Suggestions'; instead of false prophecies, or maybe ';Idle Musings of a few brothers'; but ones ';of course a faithful Witness of Jehovah would want to pay close attention to.';

Yes. They are false religion and have false pastors and ministers..

I think they are a lot more careful abut it.

When we moved into a house we bought from a JW family back in 1970 there were a lot of Watchtower and other literature and I believe the world was going to end in 1974 according to some of it.

I just wish I would have kept some of it to show those that come to my door these days.
They have made some bold predictions, the last was over 30 years ago. They have renounced pyramidology--but many others are measuring the tunnels to determine when the earth will end.

The times and seasons actually predict when the world will end. Sir Isaac Newton set Armageddon at 2060--a good calculation, but not valid.

A Bible code tells the overall timing of the cosmic conflict as well as identifies the Messiah and Antichrist. See

Shalom, peace in Jesus, Ben Yeshua
--WE HAVE MADE NO prophecies, all of what print or speak are illumanated are from the Bible!

--WHY WOULD we think we could improve on any prophecy that the Bible already contains?

--NOTHING new or different --SIMPLY BECAUSE, we cannot improve on what is already in the Scriptures!

--WHETHER you wish to believe that or not does not matter to us.

--YOU SHOULD be MORE concerned whether or not the prophecies we repeated are really are from Jehovah God %26amp; Christ Jesus!

--WOULD THAT NOT be something if that's all we have been doing all these AND nobody realized how simple in fact that was, rather than conjuring up our own?
First off, we don't make prophecies. That is a false statement.

The Bible shows that Jehovah enables his servants to understand his purpose in a progressive manner. (Prov. 4:18; John 16:12) Thus, the prophets who were divinely inspired to write portions of the Bible did not understand the meaning of everything that they wrote. (Dan. 12:8, 9; 1 Pet. 1:10-12) The apostles of Jesus Christ realized that there was much they did not understand in their time. (Acts 1:6, 7; 1 Cor. 13:9-12) The Bible shows that there would be a great increase in knowledge of the truth during “the time of the end.” (Dan. 12:4) Increased knowledge often requires adjustments in one’s thinking. Jehovah’s Witnesses are willing humbly to make such adjustments. If you have a problem with this, it's you're problem, not ours..
One delusion criticizing another.
Um nope, Did we Ever??

Have we made mistakes in our understanding of scripture?? Yes. Have we admitted this?? Yes.

The link didn't activate, but honestly, I doubt Youtube can really do much to support your question.
For you know this first, that in the last days there will come ridiculers with their ridicule, proceeding according to their own desires and saying: ‘Where is this promised presence of his? Why, from the day our forefathers fell asleep in death, all things are continuing exactly as from creation’s beginning.’”—2 Peter 3:1-4; 2:1, 2.
Click here for the so called false prophecies.…

You don't make false prophecies when trying to understand the scriptures...
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