tell me this, the bible speaks of crazy weather condition, the world getting worse, with mens hearts growing cold, and ppl falling away from the truth. this is going on now. how could the ';men'; that wrote the bible tell us that our generation was gonna be so bad? this world in the 70's wasnt even has bad as it is now. how could they possibly know?If the prophecies in the bible is false?
because that's been happening alllll through mankind.
crazy weather conditions - the up%26amp;downs of natural climate. try the little ice age on for size, killed thousands upon thousands of people in the middle ages. much more than these hurricanes. plus modern warm climates are alot manmade.
hearts growing cold... yea, rules and conquerors have always came to give the conquered flowers? the largest origional christian empire (rome) was about as cold hearted as it gets
on another roman topic, rome lied too! and rulers will and always have lied to keep people in check
spanish inquisition
destruction of all native american cultures
genghis khan
the list goes on and on and on
so basically what i'm saying... pick just about any period inhuman history... and you get every one of those propheciesIf the prophecies in the bible is false?
lol, problem is you idiots have been saying ';this is going on now'; for centuries. It's ALWAYS End Times with you guys.
The end of the world has been falsely predicted dozens and dozens of times--that boy's cried wolf far too many times, sorry.
You show me the dragon with seven heads (or was it 13?) from Revelation, and then I'll start paying attention, okay? :)
The key is the prophecies in the Bible are not false. Throughtout the Old Testament there are many prophecies that predicted Jesus was the Messiah and gave signs that would show the people that He was the One. If all of the other prophecies in the Bible have come true throughtout the earth's existance that would mean that there is no reason for the other prophecies not to come true. God knows all. God knew you before you were born. God can show you the life you live 20 yrs from now if He wanted to. God is so big and powerful to know things that far ahead and be able to give that information to John and have it written as a warning to man of the future that lay ahead. It is a Revelation, it is to reveal. The Bible says that He is the Alpha and the Omega, so if He is the end, He most know how it is going to end.
It is a well documented fact that hostile weather phenomenon have increased at alarming rates since the 1960's.
Hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes, tsunamis,-etc have dramatically increased in numbers as well as intensity. The Bible also mentions that ';Knowledge'; will increase and this seems to parallel the weather phenomenon, the use of computers has allowed mankind to calculate trillions of pieces of data in one second time. Microchips are widely accepted forms of identity for animals, soldiers, elderly and children. No other time in history, has technology been so readily available to keep track of every human being on the planet. Also coinciding with our increase of knowledge and our peculiar weather conditions, is the moral decay that also started in the 1960's. All these things started happening at approximately the same time and all of them continue to increase at alarming rates. God knows all things and He warned us ahead of time,';When you see these things happening, I am right at the door'; He tells us not to worry, but keep our heads up because ';Our redemption draweth near';
Gods children will be spared from the wrath that will be unleashed upon this world, in the blink of an eye we will be taken to be with Him. Praise The Holy Lamb Of God!!!!
All those prophesies are false. Everything in the Bible is 2,000 years old and since then, every generation thought it spoke just to them. Those things are very generic and could fit any time in history.
The world isn't any worse now than it was in the past. In fact, in many ways it is better.
Better health, political freedom, labor-saving technology, financial security, new forms of entertainment, worldwide communication including the Internet, and increased scientific knowledge have all made the world better than it has been in the past.
According to the gospels, Jesus predicted that the end of the world would happen within the lifetimes of those living at that time. If he got it wrong, how can anyone else pretend to know when the end times will come?
Hey look, I can make prophecies too: I predict that one day humans will find a cure for cancer and other diseases.
How could I possibly know such things?, I must be devine!
My point is that anyone can make gueses at the inevitable, it doesn't make them devine or all knowing.
20 Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation.
21 For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.
- 2Pet 1:20-21
Given that the first advent Messianic prophecies came true literally, no matter how absurd they sounded, it is safe to assume the end times prophecies will also come true with frightening alacrity.
See, this is the part of the Bible that is eerily true. It makes me second-guess myself about my thoughts of the Bible being just a work of literature. Then again, they could've just made it up. I mean, isn't that what fiction is? Taking things that are true and manipulating them to create brand new scenery. It's defiitely possible, highly probable, actually. So nevermind. Yes, the Bible is a work of literature and they just made it up with their worst nightmares in mind.
The Bible is the Word of God and God knows everything. We have got our warning on how things would happen. Just like in the Old Testament it tells of Jesus Christ and how He would die. We are given the chance to change, God gave us that.
Punter, I see you're still trying to fit muhammad into the Bible.
Song of Songs is about love, not your false prophet.
And the Holy Spirit is NOT muhammad! Never, not once in the Bible does it mention muhammad. What is said and Jesus Christ said it, is ';beware of false prophets';
The irony of biblical prophecy.... the one's obssessed with biblical prophecy, namely christians are the last ones to get the message.... The devil will deceive the whole earth and the veil will be lifted.... so while the truth is sinking into the rest of us, the christians who are the one's deceived are still fighting for their ';god'; shutting out all attempts to reason with them...... keeping themselves blind to the end.... if you ever wondered why even atheists argue with christians it's because they are like the proverbial unicorn in the song, You know the one by the Irish rovers... there were green aligators and long neck geese... some humpy back camels and some chimpanzees, etc.....
the writers of the bible were talking about the roman empire in revelations and much of the N.T. it was written in a future setting so that NERO could not use it as a reason to execute anyone caught reading it. the Beast is clearly Nero, as his name converted to Hebrew and then assigned numbers within Hebrew Numerology equals 666.
the Hopi Native Americans predicted all of the same things.
how do we know that they were not right. and their religion then just as viable as the religions of Aberham?
Believe, that is all
it always seems like the world is going to hell in a handbasket
its a frame of mind
Zealots have been predicting the end of the world ever since the Wholly Babble was written. They've also screamed that the world is going downhill rapidly, even though life expectancy is higher than ever, life for most people in industrialized countries is about a zillion times more comfortable than in the Bronze Age, and we've eradicated many diseases like smallpox. Matter of perspective, I guess...
I wasn't gonna answer this cos the grammar is woeful but ...
We've had all sortsa weather in the past few decades and I'll bet the records show it's no worse now than in the 1800s or 1900s.
You mentioned the Tsunami in an update as though it's weather - you're wrong.
Waves can be caused in only two ways - the most common is wind and the other is tectonic plate movements.
Prophesies are easy to make, especially if they're a little vague - people that come after the prophesy will attempt to make every one of them fit.
You really need to get out more and read more stuff - you'll find the prophesy makers are no more than modern day 'psychics' who say all sortsa things and occasionally get something right - the trick is to have them spelled out clearly and concisely and then seeing if they were true.
The ones in Revelations have been predicting the end of the world for 2000 years or more and every generation through the ages has thought they were gonna be the last.
I've been round since the 40s watching this world change - it's no worse now than it was then - it's just that information moves faster now than ever before.
Jesus said he'd come back whilst his disciples lived - he lied; he didn't come back.
it also says in the last day's men will be lovers of themselves. and iniquity will abound, and men's knowledge will increase...hum
Because tehere is a God. God has a good plan for us. This good plan is our salvation. God is tellig us trough His prophets what will happen at the and of the times. It is wise to listen to them...
Obviously, they (the authors of the Bible) knew because it was revealed to them by G-d.
Its all false
A prophets gift is measured by his faith
and prophecy would not be if God's word was not true.
Prophecy is ussually made in symbolic statements
that allow different circumstances to play out while holding true to the statement.
Gods inspired word thats how. Its a testament for us to stay strong in those troubled times and not falter from the truth. The accuracy of the Bible is staggering and still it seems that there are those who have eyes yet do not see. Another prophesy foretold...? I am putting my trust in God.
I have a good book for you to read if you would like. It will go right along with your Bible and show you why things are happenning the way they are and whats going to happen in the very near future for all of mankind. Your right things are worse than they were 20,30,40,50 years ago and they are going to get even worse. But there is a happy ending, I won't tell you, you have to read the book. There are no obligations or hitches and the book is new.
Sincerely yours,
Fred and Katie Hunter
Although things are so bad, the weather, murder, rape,etc.
these are the last of the last days and God is pouring out an awesome anointing to bring in the lost and the weary in before Jesus returns. Look at the churches...there are those being exposed, WHY?, God is cleaning house so He will have a clean Body to work through.%26lt;%26gt;%26lt;
Matthew 24 (chapter)
Weather conditions arent bad now, people just choose to live in places that are harsh.
try understanding BASIC science before making ridiculous claims.
Vague prophesy that has been true since the beginning of humankind. Any moron could have predicted that at any point in history and fools like you would buy it. Snap out of it.
Tell it like it is! Just look at the numbers of earthquakes and other geological evidences. All are spoken of in the Bible! Everything mentioned by this asker is fact!
You see, the writers did not understand the dreams and visions. But, they were asked to write them down. All that they saw and all that they heard. That is why the scriptures are ';divinely inspired';.
As in John's case, in the Book of Revelation, Jesus spoke to him and he wrote as instructed to do.
Remember that the New Testament was finished about the 1st Century so that is some 1900 years ago. But, lets look back.
Christ fortold the Roman invasion that destroyed Jerusalem (Ok so he was quoting a prophesy by Daniel from several hundred years earlier) When you see the disgusting thing in the Holy Place run for the Hills (paraphrased) which happened 70 C.E. (which was 37 years after his execution).
Daniel fortold of the Destruction of Babylon as Did Isaiah both one before the other Isaiah then Daniel anyway they spoke of the manner, and extent of its destruction
Jeremiah spoke of the destruction of Jerusalem in 607 B.C.E.
Archeologically they have found the cities that they believe were Sodom, and Gamorrah, and gee fire seems to have demolished both cities, and an inexplicable earthquake that pushed the walls in on the cities.
Archeologically they even believe they found the City Moses was helping Ramses to Build before he came back to lead the Israelites out of captivity.
Much of the ';History'; of the Bible has been proven by other records of the time. Like the records of Christ's (sorry Jesus of Nazareth) execution on a cruz simplicus (a torture stake, a post, or tree not a cross as is popularized by many Christian Chruches). Anyway getting to the point of your question if God, an all knowing, and all loving God was behind the prophisies of past events that have proven out as history hundreds if not thousands of years later. THen how is it not possible to prove God's foresight in knowing this day and knowing how Satan would corrupt the hearts of men in this day. Funny part is I am looking forward to one particular scriptures fulfilment Matt 7: 22,23 when many who profess to be Christian will find out how they turned away God's true workers doing his work in its day Going Door to Door spreading the Good News of God's Coming Kingdom.
God constantly refined his people, so they were different from the people of their day, and so it is still true, since God has a name and that name was obscured in many Bibles by Satan since God's name had power, but Satan the Devil is actually just a Title. If you look in the front of the version of the Bible you read (version means translation of a translation, and sometimes there are some inherent inaccuracies) there will be a note in the front or preface about the Tetragrammaton which because of varied pronunciations can be translated YHWH/JHVH Yahweh or Jehovah I perfer the second pronunciation, but the point is the name means ';He Causes To Become'; it is not just a title like Lord, or Most High.
Contact and ask for the free book ';What Does the Bible Really Teach?';
Because God told them.
This is the only way it can truly be explained. The power of the Holy Ghost lead these men to write these things.
Lately Earthquakes world wide have increased every year. That is what the Bible said.
On January 21 in my home state a few years ago we received 200 tornado warnings in one night. They said at the time this was a new all time record totally smashing the old one.
How could they know about ';every eye shall see them';? That could not even be comprehended at that time. Now we can see world wide in an instant.
Or eyes being consumed in their sockets tongues in the mouth while they stood on their feet. Sounds like Nuclear.
The list could go on and on of the things God has revealed to his servants the prophets.
They were psychic.
Is Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) prophesized in the Bible not ghost?
Deuteronomy 18:18
I will raise them up a Prophet from among their brethren, like unto thee, and will put my words in his mouth; and he shall speak unto them all that I shall command him.
Isaiah 29:12 And the book is delivered to him that is not learned, saying, Read this, I pray thee: and he saith, I am not learned.
Song of Solomon 5:16 His mouth is most sweet: yea, he is Muhammad (Read Hebrew KJV). This is my beloved, and this is my friend, O daughters of Jerusalem.
For reference read Hebrew and Arabic KJV
John 16:7 Nevertheless I tell you the truth; It is expedient for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send him unto you.
John 16:12-14
16:12 I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now.
16:13 Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will show you things to come.
16:14 He shall glorify me: for he shall receive of mine, and shall show it unto you.
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