1917 Some interesting developments in connection with the setting up of the Kingdom may occur in 1920, six years after the great Time of Trouble began. It would not be strange if this were so, when we recall that after forty years wandering in the wilderness the Israelites came into possession of the land of Canaan after a further six years. As these matters are still future we can but wait to see. We anticipate that the ';earthquake'; will occur early in 1918, and that the ';fire'; will come in the fall of 1920. [The Finished Mystery, 1917, p. 178, Comments on Revelation 11:13.
1917 ';And the mountains were not found. Even the republics will disappear in the fall of 1920. And the mountains were not found. Every kingdom of earth will pass away, be swallowed up in anarchy.'; (The Finished Mystery, 1917 edition, p. 258) Lion Beyond, you wanted to see more false prophecies?
He was a little ahead of his time.
Just like Moses thought he would be, but had to wait on Jehovah's timetable. That didn't make Moses the wrong person, or what he wanted to do the wrong thing, or what he said the wrong thing. Moses was just ahead of Jehovah's timetable.
And how long did Moses have to wait?
I'm not lion beyond but I can give you a true ';prophecy';.
In 1942, not long after World War II started, there was a Public Talk entitled ';Peace Can it Last?'; which was a strange topic since WWII was raging.
In that talk it was explained that the War would end, a period of peace would begin and the League of Nations would be revived again under a different name. It would come out of the abyss to be active again as Revelation explained.
It happened just so.
When I first pulled this question up, there were NOT so many details added. The question keeps growing and growing and growing and...
So by the time you get ready to answer, it looks like we are not giving an answer, when in fact we have answered what may have been the beginning of the question.
It would be helpful, rather than do additions ad infinitum, that other questions be started on different parts. Then we might be ABLE to answer.
I don't believe you got the point of my comment. It wasn't that the war was going to end or that there would be other wars or no wars. The point was that the League of Nations was going to come back (after utter failure) to be re-established as a new peace-making organization with a new name, the United Nations, as Revelation explains, going down into the abyss and coming out. Revelation 17:8Lion Beyond, you wanted to see more false prophecies?
Are the JW's not allowed to answer these and other questions about false prophecies made in the name of God? I have yet to see ONE answer. Just a whole lot of well..um..or dancing around the subject, or a link to an automatic website that still does not answer the question.
It is what it is I guess. False prophecies.
The Jehovah Witnesses say Jesus isn't God, but there reasoning is FLAWED!
In the KJV of the Bible it reads: ';In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word WAS GOD.';
In their their version of the Bible John 1:1 reads'; In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Wod WAS A GOD.';
How can Jesus be A GOD when the JW's same Bible GOD SAYS, ';I AM GOD AND THERE IS NONE ELSE!';
They agree Jesus was the Son of God... What does that really mean?
If you're the son of a sheep you're a sheep. If you're the son of man YOU'RE A MAN! IF YOU'RE THE SON OF GOD, you're GOD!
God is self-sufficient. He is life--His own life. He is even His own company--Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. He lacks NOTHING! He ia ALL, even His own guard against loneliness!
The way I understand this is, look at a man--body, soul, and spirit.
The soul is what makes us US. It animates the body and has access to the spirit. It is our self-consciousness, our being alive. Our body is earth-bound, while our spirit-body, transcends this world with God-consciousness. Jesus, the Man, is body, soul, and HOLY SPIRIT. Therefore, whatever God desires and thinks, Jesus Himself desires and thinks FROM HIS PERSPECTIVE!
How many false predictions does it take for someone to be a false prophet?
In looking at these answers, I find ONE statement of a prophecy that did come true but if we look at it, would it have been very hard for anyone, even someone that denies GOD exist to have stated it';
';In 1942, not long after World War II started, there was a Public Talk entitled ';Peace Can it Last?'; which was a strange topic since WWII was raging.';
Did Jesus not say there would be wars and rumors of war until He returned?
The person asking this question posted several false prophecies.
Only one would have been needed to prove we should not even listen to the WatchTower any more.
Deuteronomy 18:22 When a prophet speaketh in the name of the LORD, if the thing follow not, nor come to pass, that is the thing which the LORD hath not spoken, but the prophet hath spoken it presumptuously: thou shalt not be afraid of him.
The punishment for a false prophet in the Old Testament was to be stoned to death. If that were still happening today, there would be enough stones in Brooklyn to build another bridge.
20 But the prophet, which shall presume to speak a word in my name, which I have not commanded him to speak, or that shall speak in the name of other gods, even that prophet shall die.
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