If your FDS is not considered by you to be a false prophet...How then can you condem the Mormons for following Joseph Smith, or the Adventist's for following Ellen G. White?
Your Faithful and discrete slave claim that they are the only earthly voice for Jehovah on earth, and have been wrong in prophecy, time and time again...
Your FDS condem Smith and White for false prophesying...Is this not just another example of WBTS needing to take the rafter out of their own eye?
Note: FDS does not refer to feminine deoderant spray, but to the Faithful and Discrete Slave class....LOL Love the pun though.Jehovah's witnesses...FDS...and false prophecy?
Lamb, is this really what you do all day?
Here's the difference - Joseph Smith claimed to have translated the Book of Mormon from a set of golden plates after meeting the angel Moroni. Moroni was the son of Mormon, and after death he guarded the plates that he and his father wrote.
Now, for all serious Bible students, a claim of a direct face 2 face encounter with an angel is at best far-fetched, especially considering the contradiction of Biblical doctrine (after death we don't automatically become angels).
Charles Taze Russel began a Bible study group in the 1870s with the aim of better understanding the Bible (and even you can agree that pastors in churches don't do the best job in expounding the scriptures). As the Bible Students developed into an organization, their approval apparently was demonstrated by the rapid growth they experienced DESPITE persecution, which was usually brought about due to their seemingly outlandish beliefs.
They never claimed to have spoken with an angel. Considering that they have been blessed to understand simple Bible truths that so many others have missed (and continue to miss), they consider it a sign of divine assistance and approval.Jehovah's witnesses...FDS...and false prophecy?
Hay I use that spray!
Perhaps some therapy or a hobby would be useful for all who have an obsession with other's beliefs, whether they are JWs, Mormons, Christians, Muslims, etc.
Let others believe as they will and get on with life!
If the JW thinks that what they believe is right - why would they care that you think they are going to be condemned by God?
George Dubya is a christian and also a false prophet - and a good proportion the US population fall into the FDS category. Whaddya say to that ?
Feminine deodorant spray? HAHAHAHAHA! I loved that - good one.
They are false prophets if I have ever seen one. And they have a really great set-up. No matter what they say, their flock follows. I can see them trying to get them to drink magic kool-aid any day now.
You maybe right they may have made mistakes but they have always changed when they realize their error as bible prophecy became clearer.
At lest they try to do gods will as they bible commands not like the others , some of which make up their own bibles.
You may have something against them but since I left I have not found anything in any other religion anywhere near as them to real christian following bible teachings.
By the way I have looked hard.
right on!
The Faithful %26amp; Discreet Slave class used to be very harsh in condmning 'Christendom' in general, and Roman Catholicism in particular, as the main part of Babylon the Great - the harlot of Revelation. Nowadays they speak much more cautiously. Yet they have hardly ever mentioned Joseph Smith and the Mormon religion. Despite this being a much bigger religion than their own, and growing much faster, they seem to avoid giving details about it. I wonder why? They do have some fascinating points in common. Even doctrinally (although they have said certain Mormon beliefs are unbiblical - which they are) they do share some similarites regarding their take on the Christian Trinity doctrine. They also have a system of works. Perhaps the similarity of Mormonism's 'birth' with that of the 'Bible Students' of the late 1800s is too close for comfort. The FDS has never claimed to have received extra-biblical scriptures, but the importance they have put on their own writings puts them into the extra-biblical revelation bracket just as much as the book of Mormon. Perhaps that's why they say so little - they don't want to draw attention to the similarities?
P.S. for the answerer above: The 'evil slave' class was apparently exposed and thrown of the JW organization from 1919 to the early 1930s! And one had to be a spirit-anointed JW who renounced the organization in order to qualify as one of the 'evil slave'. Sounds like you're proclaiming a new take on the old idea. Ah well, anything to keep the persecution complex thriving, I suppose.
I'm sure I have no idea what you are talking about here.
If Paul felt the need to expose the ';false apostles'; and ';deceitful workers'; who were masquerading as ';ministers of righteousness'; right within the Corinthian congregation, why do ones naively assume that Jehovah's modern organization is immune to infiltration by false apostles?
In Revelation, Jesus commended the brothers in Ephesus, and by extension the anointed in our day, saying to them: ';I know your deeds, and your labor and endurance, and that you cannot bear bad men, and that you put those to the test who say they are apostles, but they are not, and you found them liars.';
Elsewhere in scripture; namely in Jude and 2nd Peter, we are warned that false teachers will infiltrate Christ's congregation and will lurk among us like submerged rocks below the waterline.
It is not so clear-cut that the Christian congregation is either perfect or evil. According to Christ, both the evil slave and the faithful slave work side-by-side in God's house up until the time that the master arrives for judgment.
The influence of both slaves is evident in the Watchtower Society today. So, accordingly, no matter how respected the source, each of us have the personal responsibility before God to be diligent students of his Word in order to 'test the inspired expression' as to its authenticity.
I'm with you. I really hate it when they use the one about correcting their beliefs as time goes on, what a cop out. If the FDS is really spirit anointed they would not make mistakes. Do people really believe that Gods one voice on earth would say things such as 'vaccinations are against the natural order of God' potentially causing the ill health and even death od children for 30 years. Ot would Gods voice sit by and allow thousand of people to be raped, tortured and driven out of their homes because they were not allowed (by the FDS) to buy party cards in Malawi, whilst at the same time encouraging brothers in Mexico to bribe officals to stamp a card saying they had done their military service? Wake up people look for God within yourselves, not within the Watchtower society.
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