Sunday, February 7, 2010

Comments on the false prophecies of the Jehovas´ Witness during the 1920´s and 1975. How is this explained ?

Jehovah's Witnesses have no ';false prophecies';.

Jehovah's Witnesses have never pretended that they are infallible or inspired. Jehovah's Witnesses have never pretended that they experience miraculous messages from God or Christ. For more than a century, Jehovah's Witnesses have always presented their suppositions as the result of sincere bible research, rather than as ';predictions'; or ';prophesying';.

Interestingly, however, even those Christians who did enjoy direct communication from heaven at times came to wrong conclusions; these wrong conclusions were even communicated ';out among the brothers';!

For example, the apostle Peter enjoyed remarkable privileges in the early congregation, but it seems that he was the source of an incorrect teaching about the apostle John that was not formally corrected until several DECADES had passed, and John himself finally wrote his gospel about 98 C.E.

.. ..(John 21:21-23) Peter said to Jesus: “Lord, what will this man do [that is, the apostle John]?” Jesus said to him: “If it is my will for him to remain until I come, of what concern is that to you? You continue following me.” In consequence, this saying went out among the brothers, that [the apostle John] would not die. However, Jesus did not say to him that he would not die, but: “If it is my will for him to remain until I come, of what concern is that to you?”

Jehovah's Witnesses apply the term ';prophet'; only in a very limited sense to themselves as a religion, not to individuals. The Scriptures indicate that whenever Jehovah purposes to execute judgment upon a people, he always makes arrangement for a 'prophet's work' as a warning. Their self-description as a ';prophet'; (in this limited sense) does not indicate special inspired knowledge or foreknowledge, but their willingness to perform Christ's assigned warning work in our day leading up to Armageddon.

What group is working harder than Jehovah's Witnesses to preach God's message globally (as Noah did before the Deluge)?

.. ..(Amos 3:7) For the Sovereign Lord Jehovah will not do a thing unless he has revealed his confidential matter to his servants the prophets.

.. ..(2 Peter 2:5) Noah, a preacher of righteousness...

.. ..(Matthew 24:14) And this good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations; and then the end will come.Comments on the false prophecies of the Jehovas´ Witness during the 1920´s and 1975. How is this explained ?
Not only does the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society play switch up games such as ';you misunderstood';, they also have judiciously edited their past works and completely denied the false prophecies and lies.

They have Charles Russell on a throne and are told that Rutherford did not build or own a place called Beth Sarim.

of course this is among them.

The WT claims to be the spokes men for God Almighty

They claim to be ';Christs';. by saying they are anointed.

';Anointed'; is ';Christ'; in Greek.

Of course the run-of-the-mill followers are not ';anointed';.

and only anointed ones make it to heaven and the typical follower is promised a perfect body in a perfect world. This is a deep carnal temptation. carnal means of the flesh so the flesh is tempted. Jesus' Kingdom is not of this world.Comments on the false prophecies of the Jehovas´ Witness during the 1920´s and 1975. How is this explained ?
All religions that lack the fulness of the truth are subject to grave errors from time to time. So I am not getting into specifics about this particular case. All religions require a earthly and spiritual leader protected by some infallible authority from the scripture regardless of some limitation as to its application.
They would prefer you not bring that up. Kinda embarrassing. Dirty laundry in public and all. Makes people doubt whether the organization should be followed at all.

So they bury all that literature. JW's can't look that old stuff up.

People are REALLY lucky if they happen to have some original copies because it's 'proof positive' that the Watchtower is one 'bent' tower.
The Watchtower Society twists it all around and blames the Jehovah's Witnesses for ';Misunderstanding';.

It is manipulation to keep them in the Organization.
They Were ';Simply Wrong';; As (IMPERFECT) Humans Sometimes Are !
while you are loosing time and nobody cares about your Qs, 7 million JWs are preaching to millions daily that Jesus Christ will transform this planet in a great place to live after the Armageddon during his millenial kingdom.......

700 people daily accept that message and become JWs.
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