Sunday, February 7, 2010

In Reference to Jehovah's Witnesses, how do they claim that their false prophecies are just ';New Light';

Ok, here is my experience of old vs. new light. I remember even as a child, on occasion this concept of false prophecy would come up. But the WTS has an interesting way of dealing with it. They only mention the most recent fiasco, find a scapegoat, claiming that an individual, NOT the governing body was guilty of the ';crime,'; that this individual had been dealt with, and since then, the society has ensured that this would never happen again.

So, when someone addresses the issue of false prophecy, I assumed that I was being questioned about 1975, ONLY. This is FAR from the truth, since the WTS has a LONG history of false prophecy, beginning with it's first president… but the WTS sure wasn’t going to tell me that. And I had been forbidden from listening to any opposing views, trained to think that they were only vicious lies. Now, I know otherwise since the opposing views use quotes from the WTS, itself!

Now keep in mind that when Charles T. Russell was running his group of “Bible Students”, there was no governing body. So he must be given full credit for his false predictions. Not only did he pick dates, but he also believed in phrenology (that God draws men close to Him, not through the Holy Spirit, but it is dependent on the shape of their brain!) He also believed that the Pleiades constellation was the center of the universe and the throne of God! WHY would God chose to start his organization with such extreme falsehoods and failed prophecies?


I know from personal experience that this is the point where they’ve been trained to ignore the questions and, instead, begin to bash ';Christendom.'; (It is a handy defense mechanism installed by the WTS’s indoctrination process.)

So, while it seems unrelated, I will anticipate that, and respond.

I am NOT responsible for the sins of anyone else, since I only answer to God. I’m NOT a follower of any individual or group of individuals. So attempting to blame-shift is ineffective and judgmental. For one, not all that claim to be Christian truly are Christian. Secondly, even some true Christians have their sins exposed for the world to see, making it easy for others to point their fingers. But it is only for GOD to judge them. I can NOT be held accountable for the sins of these individuals. And you can be CERTAIN that if you found an individual in the Christian community with a track record like Charles T. Russell (And I’m sure there are), I would be quick to agree that this individual is ALSO a false prophet! (Deuteronomy 18:20-22)

Here comes the paganism issue, again. First what do you think phrenology is? What about the astrology of the Pleiades? Ok, now that we've dealt with the pagan origins in the JW religion, I will defend my position on holidays. Yes, I celebrate Christmas and Easter. Personally, I don’t celebrate Halloween. Holidays would be what JW’s consider a “matter of the conscience.” Since the holidays have lost their original meaning in our current society, many feel that there is nothing sinful in celebrating them. We are not celebrating holidays as an act of defiance, but because of a difference of opinion. What if we're wrong? Let God, alone, judge each heart! We are all guilty of some type of sin but we live in the grace of our Lord. This is NOT an issue of salvation!In Reference to Jehovah's Witnesses, how do they claim that their false prophecies are just ';New Light';
New light, or old lie.In Reference to Jehovah's Witnesses, how do they claim that their false prophecies are just ';New Light';
New Light is to try to cover up there mistakes and make all happy as they got a reason
The ';New Light'; idea is a misapplication taken out of Proverbs to cover up their goofups and get away with it. You must obey what they tell you and accept the screwups as ';old light';.

';God has revealed to us that he changed his mind, so what was ';the truth'; is no longer ';the truth';

What's so hard to understand about that?

For example, this is evidently no longer the truth:

From ';The Truth Shall Make You Free'; (1943) pp.284-285, ch.XXii ';THE TIME OF THE END';

';Man on earth can no more get rid of these demonic ';heavens'; than man can by airplane or rockets or other means get up above the air envelope which is about our earthly globe and in which man breathes. God alone can and will deliver humankind from such demon powers of control.';

I guess God changed his mind on that one too.

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