Thursday, February 4, 2010

What do Jehovah's Witnesses think of all the false prophecies said throughout their short history?

Also those who left how did it affect you when you found out ?

Also those who never were part of this group how do you feel about these false prophecies?What do Jehovah's Witnesses think of all the false prophecies said throughout their short history?
Most of them aren't really aware of all the false prophecies, and they deny it without reading the old publications. The information is there, and it's easy to verify - but unfortunately many jw's are only interested in blindly defending their leaders at all cost. See Moses Beyond's comment above for an example.

Check this website for a great compilation of quotes by the watchtower society: do Jehovah's Witnesses think of all the false prophecies said throughout their short history?
They were honest hearted people who ';jumped the gun.'; Plus some of those dates were not wrong. History has yet to tell us what they were.

People in 1914 knew something big was happening, they just did not know how big it was. The start of WWI also marked the beginning of the last days when Satan was flushed down from heaven. No one can deny things have gotten progressively worse on a world wide scale since that time.

As for the other dates, they may have meant something we don't know of yet, just not the end of this wicked system. In a few 100 years, we may know, look back and laugh at us now for not seeing what to them is obvious.

We JWs are glad it has not come yet. Jehovah shows His love for humans as many who would have died now can live forever by their coming out of Babylon the Great, the world empire of false religion. They come out at roughly 50,000 per month from false religion into the true worship of Jehovah God. We are grateful for the new brothers and sisters. We urge all to do likewise. We know most will not accept that invitation, but we ask anyway.

It is hard to see people go off on the wrong path. We know where it leads--to death. It is each individuals journey and we can not interfere.
Jehovah's Witnesses, like most fundies, have surrendered their minds in favor of belief. They are not able to see that the wrong prophecies they have predicted are fundamentally in conflict with Scripture - they just attribute it to human error.
They do not think anything because they are under curse too by following their very own false prophet.
Jehovah Witnesses is a false religion.
They admit they were wrong, and that makes them right. (not really)
false religion, if it walks like a duck quacks like a duck and so-on.

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