Sunday, February 7, 2010

False Prophecies and Revelations?

Hy. Im new to revelations and has been very interested in it lately. My question is about false prophets in specific. It mentions how there will a declaring by the pope that he is GOD and other forms of false prophecy.

How can a believer truly save him/herself from the huge amount of deceit that will occur?

Im not an expert in this but am THOROUGLY INTERESTED.

Thanks:)False Prophecies and Revelations?
there are several ways to discern. Firstly the message of the prophet should be 100% in concordance with the Bible. In all private revelation God is merely reminding us of what He has already said and, at most, develops a theme but it should NEVER be something completely new.

Secondly, does the ';prophet'; have a spiritual director? Does this person receive the Sacraments and is she in obedience to the church. The evil one can wear many masks, even humility, but he cannot obey! That was Satan's battle cry: I shall not submit. Mind you, the Church, herself has often persecuted true prophets so the single fact that CHurch authorities do not approve of the prophet doesn't necessarily mean they're false.

Another thing. We know Jesus is the True Teacher. He taught us to love, He wants to lead us to Eternal Joy but through the Cross. He told us we must take up our Cross and follow Him.

Any prophet that comes and speaks only in the name of prosperity, health, happiness and wealth is not a true prophet from the get-go. Likewise, a prophet who only preaches doom and gloom is also not from God.

Hope this helps! Pray to the Holy Spirit for discernment, always!False Prophecies and Revelations?
A true prophet declaring about the Pope --OR-- A false prophet declaring the about Pope--OR -- A true prophet not correctly communicating ....

The first error in all these matters, according to the masters (St John of the Cross, St Teresa of Avila) is that if you are interested in these things you WILL BE deceived.
I would suggest getting very familiar with the Book of Revelation. I personally am a Pre-Tribber (my church as well) so we believe the rapture will happen before the Great Tribulation period. However, if the rapture does not happen pre-trib and we are here, we will recognize what is happening because it is written in the Bible, and end time prophecies will be being fulfilled. The antichrist eventually is going to mandate everyone to receive a mark, his mark. Anyone who receives his mark will go to hell.
All you need is a relationship with Jesus Christ, always address God in the name of Jesus. Never let anyone mark you on the hand or forehead there is a very specific mark of the beast many say it is 666 but the book of Revelation says it's the name or number of the name so it can be letters as well. On top of that one must assume it can also be a symbolic reference of the number maybe the number ';18'; which is three 6's added together or three Pentagon shapes because a pentagon mathematically equals 6.

Just believe in God through Christ, don't let yourself be marked and you will be fine.

Model... A believer can avoid being deceived by praying that God so establish the truth of his word in their mind that a counterfeit will stand out like a sore thumb... Also you need to read and absorb Gods word .... Prior to reading it pray for Revelation and interpretation.. That's what I always do.... If you are big into prophecy I also would recommend the book of Daniel.... Your going to find that as we come closer to the end of this age the book of Daniel will be one of if not the most significant book in the bible.. Aside from of course the gospels themselves.... Hope that helped...God bless you !
Yes, the pope will declare himself (and has been for centuries by his followers) God. A one world government has already started (the UN and the idea of ';global warming';) has started to get nations to ';work together';. Prices are rising everywhere esp. in the USA which is backed up by the Bible which, it says, will happen in the end times. Life means nothing now which can be see on CNN or any network by all the crime and killings (schools shootings and Virginia Tech to name just a few).However, when you ask Jesus for salvation you are sealed by God ';unto the day of redemption';. Meaning you are God's forever no matter what. When Jesus returns for his second time he will take you with him before all of this happens. God has taken all the worries out for you (if you are truly a Christian).
See if the prophet passes the test that the Bible gives:

Deuteronomy 18:21-22 You may say to yourselves, ';How can we know when a message has not been spoken by the LORD?'; (22) If what a prophet proclaims in the name of the LORD does not take place or come true, that is a message the LORD has not spoken. That prophet has spoken presumptuously. Do not be afraid of him.
1. False prophets will be numerous, and very successful! your right. Many of them are told in the book of Matthew. And don't get confused with ';Revelations'; it's actually the book of ';Revelation,'; meaning to reveal.

2. How can a believer truly be saved? if you know or are familiar with the bible, you know all you need to do is accept Jesus Christ as your lord and savior- that's it mainly. If you don't want to be blinded by these false prophets I suggest you keep on doing what your doing now; study more into the bible. After all Jesus says, Revelation 3:3, ';Remember, therefore, what you have received and heard; obey it, and repent. But if you do not wake up, I will come like a thief, and you will not know at what time I will come to you.'; Revelation 16:15: ';Behold, I come like a thief! Blessed is he who stays awake and keeps his clothes with him, so that he may not go naked and be shamefully exposed.'; Bottom line, keep up to date with God's word. He tells you what's going to happen in the future. If you know they'll be false prophets, hey you are already prepared! you should not be afraid. Those who will follow the deceit will most likely be the earth dwellers; unbelievers.

3. I'm no pro either. You can join a bible school or rent/buy some really good bible tools from your library/online sources to further your knowledge.

Good luck.
you have to understand that a lot of it is speculation.... we can't really know who the Anti-Christ will be untill he stops the sacrifices in the middle of the 7 year tribulation and calls himself God. so all i can say is keep an open mind and verify with the scripture to make sure it does not go against it.
Strange, but I've never seen any reference to the pope or his office in the Bible. Book, chapter and verse, please?

By the way, the office of Pope post dates the Bible, so I doubt that you will find it. This sounds like an anti-catholic rhetoric that you picked up somewhere.

Since I don't know if you are anti-catholic or not, you might want to check to see if the claim has validity by looking and reading the bible first.
no one out there can stop what will be even when we see it coming .not many will resist because the answers will seem good and solve many problems ,who wants to give up everything to live in a dumpster,thats what it will be.
All prophecies are false. Even a prophecy that the sun will rise in the east tomorrow is based on a logical conclusion rather than actual foresight of the event.
The believer will not be here, and those that have knowledge without faith will be deceived by strong delusion, even today people would believe a lie rather than the truth.
A believer cannot save themselves, they will have to take a stand against that deceit.
a believer saves himself only by trusting and knowing God...depending on God to reveal and give us a discerning spirit to know who is not of,have faith and know God's voice
Only Christ truly living on the inside of you will help to discern what is true and what is false.
Revelation. Not plural. Full title : ';The Book of Revelation: as given to Saint John the Divine';.
You compare everything you see and hear to the Bible.

If God didn't say it in there, He won't be saying it out here.
The hard part is sorting truth from opinion. The scriptures are the way. One of the other answerers had it right: if He didn't say it in the scriptures, He's not going to say it out here. This is a big reason why people need to have a personal relationship with God.

One sure way to tell is if someone says something, but it only seems to give them gain, especially financial or sexual gain. Like the guy in Texas who claims he is Christ reincarnated. He gets tons of money from his followers. Instead of using it to do good, he lives off of it in a huge house and with nice cars.
How serious are you?

There are no prophesies whatsoever in the Old Testament about any 2nd coming! Jesus was telling some of the Jews that he was setting up a kingdom of some sort in their own lifetime, but they all died and he NEVER accomplish that.

Mat 16:28 I tell you the truth* (*duck!), some who are standing here will not taste death before they see the Son of Man coming in his kingdom.';

But to some other Jews he told them that nobody, but nobody including himself knows when God will send him back to be their King! Caesar God was a God King. God the Son Jesus Christ was the alleged God, too King of the Jews. The day of the 2nd coming to be their King will come as a total surprise even to Jesus!

Mark 13:32 (Jesus said) No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, NOR THE SON, but only the Father.

The Eastern soothsayers came to visit the ';Newborn King of the Jews';鈥?The last question that the Jews asked Jesus was about his promised kingdom (Acts 1:6-7). Jesus told them to never mind!

The Jews were never delivered from the Romans, but they were almost exterminated. The Jews wised up and dropped Jesus very quickly. For Christians it may take a little longer. Each person has his/her own degree of gullibility.

No fault of the Jews. They really wanted to make Jesus their king by force, but Jesus chickened out! Very few Christians want the world to know this fact! They want the world to keep believing that the Jews ALWAYS rejected Jesus!

John 6:15 (NIV) Jesus, knowing that they intended to come and make him king by force, withdrew again to a mountain by himself.

The last time that he came to Jerusalem (Palm Sunday) he made all the Jews to believe that he was going to become their King right then and there, but he was teasing them! (Remember that we are dealing here with the fantasies written by the Bible writers)

John 12:13They* (*big crowds of Jews) took palm branches and went out to meet him, shouting, ';Hosanna!'; ';Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!'; ';Blessed is the King of Israel!';

But Jesus had no intension to become anybody鈥檚 king! He also told Pontius Pilate that his kingdom was not of this world! So much for the ';Newborn King of the Jews!'; Pilate had to put a sign on top of the cross to remind everybody about the recanted ';Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews';.

Christians ALWAYS accuse the Jews for rejecting Jesus! Hardly any preacher ever mentions the fact that the Jews really wanted to make Jesus king by force. Throughout history a lot of Jews lost their life because of this accusation!

The idea of a 2nd coming is what guarantees Christianity a long lasting life raking billions of dollars and laughing all the way to the bank!!! Christianity has no redeeming qualities whatsoever!!!

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